Obeying the "Fun Police" or Live your life?


Staff member
Just wondering if others here rigidly observe "guidelines" or just can't give up everything in life that they enjoy.

What I'm saying is that I like spicy foods, chocolate, beer and about anything else that is on the "no-no" list from the fun police. The only thing I don’t do is smoke. If I give up everything I enjoy, who am I any more. As long as my issues are manageable, I've ruled out any critical medical issues and accept my life as such, why should anyone judge me?

As long as I've ruled out anything that'll kill me, accept my life as it is and continue to be productive, how can it be wrong?

I am not questioning my choices, but wondering if anyone else refuses to just give up all the things they enjoy.
For bladder or bowel? Bladder personally I dont care, and do whatever. But I dont have bowel problems which may b a little different.
Life is short. I eat and drink stuff which I shouldn’t due to my OAB but I have learned that the consequences aren’t so bad. Carpe diem!
Well, that’s kind of my point. If I had bowel incontinence it'd be different, but being urinary only, I choose to manage it and live my life. I've been checked out for all the bad stuff and it's all negative.

I'm ok with it staying at UI and I manage it so I can keep working the way I have been. For work, I put myself in physically compromising situations where I can not guarantee that I can get to a toilet when necessary, or every half hour on schedule.

So, I'm just happy to be able to stay working at doing the sort of things I like doing and eating the things I really enjoy, even if it means wearing what I need to. And getting a full, uninterrupted night of sleep. There was a time when I was up 4 or 5 times a night for the bathroom, waking up exhausted.
In the past I ate and drank pretty much whatever i wanted. And smoked some too which seemed to just go along with night outs with drinking.. now days thats not the case. For example I just got home from a cook out get together and had 4 beers. I have a headache from it before I could enjoy it much. So I dont go to these events often at all anymore. Not related to my bladder issues just everything makes me not feel well. Once I learned what I needed and how to deal with my bladder issue it didnt stop me from doing things. It Did stop me from swimming or getting into hot tubs tho. Never really liked hot tubs that much anyways.
We need to take care of this planet- it's our only source of chocolate.

Yeah, the fun police. They never want to restrict theirown fun, just someone/everyone elses. Don't even cut firewood? Hell with it. Worked about an hour with the chainsaw, today. If it bothers them so much, they can buy me the heating oil. My glucose reading dropped nicely, and my blood pressure was right on target. It does help to get totally away from the news, though.

Nurse: what do you have for breakfast?
Me: piece of non-white, non-chemical bread, and peanut butter, the kind without sugar and not hydroginated, and milk. Then coffee with half & half.
N: works for me.
I guess you can do what you like and live with the consequences, as long as that doesn't impinge on someone else's life☺
Your right to swing your arm ends at my nose. That's the classic, but i like your wording too.
For many of us on here, the medical industry is key. So does that say that those who in congress and the medical industry who fight against health care are violating this idea? Search back in this forum and see how many have to make decisions, or can't afford doctors, because of money. It seems obvious to me that our problem/issue is underfunded, considered unimportant, and can't pay back the student loans incurred by the Doctors and Nurse - so they don't come to this specialty. We pay big bucks, but where do those bucks go and why don't we usually see results?
I was in the ER, recently, and it turned to to be life-threatening. The nurse was deeply offended because i (1) tried to take control of my own destiny and (2) I'm now one of the DNRs (Do Not Resusitate). I'm aware of how many hospitals (and the organizations behind them) do not honor the patients' wishes. It's not her body and not her pain. So when does my decision impinge on her life? Or of my family? If they put me on the machines, and i have no brain activity, do i have the advance right, or does my family have the right, to turn off the machines? I believe so. I can understand the medical personnel's not wanting to give up or admit failure, but you can't save us all. I can't understand how some of the religious extremists think they have the right to over ride my rights. I suspect it's because i don't belong to their church which has the only correct answers.
Sorry to inject politics and religion, but the "extreme" conditions some us experience makes life difficult, and if you can't afford treatment because you lose decent medical insurance, or never had it, well, what does that say about our society?
We have some extreme cases, here,and some inspiring stories. The opposite side of that is: that's them. I'm me.
What will my decisions be if i get in their situations? Don't know. How much does quality of life mean? We'll see, but I believe that is my decision. I'm not going to make your decisions, but i am going to argue for your right to make those decisions and have them accepted.
Yeah, this is a rant - and I'm not sorry.
Yea I'm pretty much with you here. They told me to change my diet (like really not even overweight, and dont really understand how what I eat changes how I pee) and to stop doing this or that. Nope sorry not going to happen. I dont have any major health issues except that due to nerve damage I have no feeling or control whatsoever over my bladder. So I wear diapers big deal. It took me 6 months to be able to walk, talk, eat on my own, regain my sense of balance, and whole bunch of other shit after my head trauma. So yea I kinda count myself lucky that I only have to wear diapers, rather than all the other stuff that could have been permanent. I dont smoke, I dont drink, and I dont do any drugs that aren't prescribed to me (and I made them cut those down to only the absolutely necessary two that I take beside a multivitamin). Breathing will eventually kill us regardless, I'm gonna enjoy what I can while I can. If that means I eat things not necessarily good for me, or do activities that aren't recommended for me to do, oh well I'm having fun and it's my life not theirs. They give advice, I choose whether to do it or not. If I choose not to then it's my fault not theirs, so they can back off lol
I ignore all that....I tried it at first to see if I could isolate a cause but now I don't care. I wear diapers. I wet my pants. That's my daily reality. I'm not giving up coffee, orange juice, spicy food, or alcohol (not that I'm a heavy drinker but I do enjoy nice scotch and bourbon from time to time). That's it...I'm incontinent, I need to wear diapers to manage it, and I've made peace with that reality. My incontinence is severe enough that I know I'm never getting out of diapers. I don't like wearing them but I've come to terms with it, find them comforting (in that they allow me to live my life) and generally find them to be pretty comfortable except when really hot out. I haven't worn normal underwear in almost 3 years and while I wish I could, I'm ok with my situation. It is what it is and life goes on.
I'm with you @MikeJames. I have been wearing since march of 2012. Caused by nerve damage that cant be fixed. I'll likely bea wearing them the rest of my life. Do I wish I could be wearing regular underwear again, yes. Do dwell on it, nope.

They are comforting emotionally and with anxiety since I know when I wet my clothes stay dry and no1 else knows. And they are ok as far as comfort goes until they get really wet, or as you said it's hot out.

Plus I look on the bright side, I can go to movies and play games for extended time without having to worry about the bathroom lol.

Try not to dwell on any negative, as that onlyeads to depression.
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