Thoughts on the New Year and what is ahead for me.


Staff member
Today, Three years ago I got to go home from the hospital after finding out just how close to death I was. I spent 12 days being poked, tested, had too many CTs to talk about, and all that lead to bowel surgery on February 20th, 2019. After surgery and recovery, I was told I would be okay and things would return to normal. Now three years later I am still not okay and after making the move from Florida to Pennsylvania I am now facing another surgery even though they are going to make me wait to tell I try sacral neuromodulation with the Axonics system. The fact is that not even my doctor feels this will be the end-all cure for me.

In fact, my doctor stated that this implant will not help me with the abdominal pain I have which has destroyed my quality of life along with both bladder and bowel incontinence. The only hope from the Axonics sacral neuromodulation is to fix the incontinence issues with the hope of getting me off some of the medications.

So yea, 2022 will be another big year for me, and Monday I meet with a PCP "Different one this time to deal with the paperwork and sore on my back of my left knee that will not go away"

So I hope Monday to get things set up for the Axonics sacral neuromodulation as I am going to ask PCP about how long I should wait with all the pain that I have been in. Hope 2022 gets me a better quality of life.
we are all right behind you.

I know it won't be an easy year, but with our support you will get threw it
HI @ThatFLGuy,
Although it's a new year for all of us (and I hope you enjoy the day today) one thing that won't change is the support that all of us here are offering you. We are all pulling for you and you know we all have your back!
Maybe this will be the year that the pain will be taken care of for once and for all and that you will finally get relief from it.
Happy New Year everyone!

Good to see you Bill; saw you dropped in this thread and was trying to find a good new year post to comment on.

New Year Resolution for me is to continue to pursue one! I'm thankful for the people I have in my life; I'm thankful for how far I've come and managed my situation and life. But some things from 2021 unfortunately have to carry over to 2022. It almost killed me in the beginning of last year. I should have noticed when somebody in a life group was saying things that were way off!

I rung in the new year without any thoughts on my mind. Ended up playing a Mafia game I picked up at Walmart for only twenty bucks. My Harry Potter Blu ray wasn't working quite right unfortunately. But had some Pizza, Breadsticks, and Wings and had ourselves a time.

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year and are planning to have better days ahead! Anybody that has unfinished business from the previous year, look above, in yourself, spend the time in the Truth and ask the question.

What would Jesus do?

@thatFlguy, May I suggest you look into seeing a pain physician? I know many have a bad reputation but mine is wonderful and helps me manage my back pain. It never goes away completely but I know he cares and listens to my pain scale. I see him once a month and it does help.
Hi @Honeeecombs! I think the plan you had for ending the old year and starting the new one sounds perfect!!!! Put aside being introspective for an evening and just have a good time, which you did!!!
I know that for you, 2022 is definitely a work in progress but also knowing you, it will be progress!!! You're going to make it and your determination will see to that!!!
For all of us, the new year is a chance to start anew, take care of unfinished business and make the determination that 2022 is going to be a good year! I think that goes for all of us, especially when you look back at the last two years!!
So, HC and everybody else, Happy New Year and we will make it a meaningful one!!!
@Dmorris @ThatFLGuy I agree that you should see a pain doctor, ASAP. I just started two months ago, and REALLY wish I’d done it years ago when my doctors first referred me to a pain specialist, from 10 years ago to present. Now if the pain med wears off, I actually can’t believe I was able to function at all sustainably with that amount of pain. I’m still in tons of distracting pain, but the pain doctor is definitely helping. I probably have 40% less pain overall now. They really have special privileges and tons of things to offer you that would likely surprise you.
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