The opioid epidemic


Staff member
As a person who has been on opioids for nearly 25 years and need them for my pain. I have had 5 major back surgeries and life without them is no life. I totally understand why we have such a high suicide rate in this country. Legislation is being passed to make pain medicine illegal or almost impossible to get. My regular pain Doctor will no longer prescribe opioids because he has had to defend himself because of overzealous pharmacologists who have turned him in for prescribing them. It is just to costly for him to defend himself. So, I’ve had to find a new pain doctor. That was h*ll to say the least. I have tried to get a pain pump, but my insurance company refused to pay for what the doctors required to get one. I been prescribed many medications that do nothing or medications like Buprenorphine sublingual Film or tablets that are so gross I had to gag them down because the taste was so bad. I am now back on a decreased dose of my opioid medication. It is terrible when people who need pain medicine can’t get it because Congress has made it an unpopular thing and illegal. Yes, people are dying because they use opioids to get high, but you can’t take them away from people who need them just because others want to abuse them. I’ll bet our elected officials can get opioid’s if the want them. By taking opioids away from people who dont need them isn’t going to work. These people will just find another way to get high from something just as dangerous or worse. Find a cure for those who take drugs for recreation. Thanks for listening to my rant. I know this is an unpopular topic but it is a serious issue. You can’t illuminate something people need without providing an alternative that works. Take care all and thanks for listening.
@Chris318 Have they done something new and more restrictive I don’t know about? You’re scaring me!

Yep, the vast majority of people who take Rx opioids are not the ones who abuse them. Something like less than 1% of Rx users abuse them. So screw the fake opioid “crisis.” Wayyyyyyyyy more people die per year from suicide or bullets, AND COVID!!!!!, than die from opioid overdose. And most of the ones who overdose are taking heroin, not prescription opioids.

Politicians clearly want to prevent doctors from using the few tools they have at hand to actually bring a patient some pain relief. And it’s never even total relief! And politicians want patients to suffer. They would much rather have it so that anyone on Medicare or Medicaid dies or kills themselves so they don’t have to pay for them.

The politicians want to take away the few options we currently have for pain relief, yet they don’t want to fund the development of new pain relief options!!! I wish they would; I don’t want to be taking opioids! Most people would much rather take something safer! I’m still taking tons of Aleve and Tylenol so I don’t have to take as many opioids as I would if I didn’t also take Aleve and Tylenol. My intestines are suffering accordingly. Pick your poison, unfortunately.

Farrrrrrrr more people took and abused opioids for the past 400 years, if not longer, when Laudanum was legal and over the counter until 1910!!!!!!!! You want to talk about a crisis?!!!!!! The “crisis“ now is nothing compared to what it was 100, 400, and thousands of years ago in China!!!

A year ago, I reluctantly began my prescription pain medication journey after treating my chronic osteoarthritic pain with just Aleve and Tylenol for the past 20 years. I take Buprenorphine film in my cheek. You’re right, it’s disgusting. But it’s what they gave me and I didn’t want to look needy, so I’ve stuck with it. At first, I tried the transdermal patch, but I got severe blisters and rashes from each of the manufacturers that make it. I do get good pain relief coverage from Belbuca, but not as good as I did from the (ugly!) 24-hour transdermal patches. Those patches also caused problems because they don’t stay affixed for seven days. I could never get one to stay on for more than three days! Maybe that’s because the rashes I got were raising the film up off my skin.

Ever notice how when politicians talk about the opioid crisis, they don’t talk about treating the real problem, which is why people would use opioids in the first place? They don’t talk about addiction treatment or psychological care, they just think that by removing opioids, they’re going to prevent their abuse. WRONG! Despite their best efforts to curb opioid prescriptions, down by 2/3 since the height of their time of “over prescribing“, the rate of overdose has actually more than tripled since then! Explain that!

God forbid the stupid politicians ever look at the real socioeconomic reasons that people are anusing opioids and treat that first, like by increasing education, funding, putting money into poor communities, providing jobs people actually want, reducing poverty, etc. Funny how their solution to stopping opioid overdose is to remove the opioids, but their solution to removing gun deaths is never to remove guns or bullets! They’re such stupid hypocrites; they drive me crazy!

Do you know America is the only country where you can’t get an injection of something that gives pain relief in an ambulance? In every other country, an Advanced EMT can give a shot of an opioid or an anti-inflammatory . That’s how stingy America is with pain treatment. And of course, ERs never give *real* pain relief, either!!!!!!! An ambulance ride itself is excruciating, even if you don’t have anything wrong! It’s the bumpiest, most-jarring thing ever, way worse than a roller coaster or a hay wagon.

Anyway, yeah, Chris, I’m right there with you.

I’m sick of politicians who have no medical training whatsoever deciding what medication I can and can’t take, on top of some rep without any medical knowledge at my insurance company screwing me over. It really would be so much easier just to take way more Tylenol and Aleve, but those things will kill you quick, way quicker than opioids! Nobody ever talks about that, either – nobody talks about how bad for the body anti-inflammatories are! They will kill you FOR SURE by the holes they eat in your entire GI system. They’ll make you bleed to death if you take them long enough. Modern day opioids have a very low chance of killing you. So which should be over the counter?!!!! I’m so sick of hearing doctors tell me to take anti-inflammatories!

Anyway, yeah, as if anybody in chronic pain needs to deal with all this bulls*it and all these road blocks. AND THEY WONDER WHY PEOPLE TURN TO HEROIN, readily available and cheap? No doctors co-pay every month. No missed time off work every month. No $5,400 in lab work every month.

I wouldn’t turn to heroin, I’d just kill myself if my pain was bad enough that I felt I needed it. But most people can’t stomach that.

None of the above is any politician’s business.
Also, what opioid “epidemic”?!!!!!! ***COVID*** is an actual epidemic. They need to quit abusing that word just for hype.
@snow, PREACH! It is just like the ADHD med stuff going on right now. Rather than punishing companies and providers for abuses, they are punishing people that actually need the meds to live their lives.

I rely on stimulants for executive functioning, and my insurance and the pharma companies have made it such a struggle lately.
snow said:
God forbid the stupid politicians ever look at the real socioeconomic reasons that people are anusing opioids and treat that first, like by increasing education, funding, putting money into poor communities, providing jobs people actually want, reducing poverty, etc. Funny how their solution to stopping opioid overdose is to remove the opioids, but their solution to removing gun deaths is never to remove guns or bullets! They’re such stupid hypocrites; they drive me crazy!

Please let me know if you ever run for congress 😉
i was cut off completely of the Norco I have been on all because the non-elected CDC says there is an epidemic and puts out directives that HMOs are only too happy to follow. The US is famous for under prescribing pain meds. i am sorry for you all that are left suffering.
Agree with everything I've read here. The pain I go through is excruciating and I stare at my prescription of Norco not being able to take a pill because they only allow the bare minimum for me. So I wind up tearing up my stomach by quadrupling ,aspirin, ibuprofen, acetiminophine, whatever I can to try to rid myself of the pain, all the while looking at my Norco meds that I cannot use because I may need it much more tomorrow. Damned to all the addicts, phamacies, congressmen and women out there that are making my life a living hell at times. I curse you.
Chris318 said:
As a person who has been on opioids for nearly 25 years and need them for my pain. I have had 5 major back surgeries and life without them is no life. I totally understand why we have such a high suicide rate in this country. Legislation is being passed to make pain medicine illegal or almost impossible to get. My regular pain Doctor will no longer prescribe opioids because he has had to defend himself because of overzealous pharmacologists who have turned him in for prescribing them. It is just to costly for him to defend himself. So, I’ve had to find a new pain doctor. That was h*ll to say the least. I have tried to get a pain pump, but my insurance company refused to pay for what the doctors required to get one. I been prescribed many medications that do nothing or medications like Buprenorphine sublingual Film or tablets that are so gross I had to gag them down because the taste was so bad. I am now back on a decreased dose of my opioid medication. It is terrible when people who need pain medicine can’t get it because Congress has made it an unpopular thing and illegal. Yes, people are dying because they use opioids to get high, but you can’t take them away from people who need them just because others want to abuse them. I’ll bet our elected officials can get opioid’s if the want them. By taking opioids away from people who dont need them isn’t going to work. These people will just find another way to get high from something just as dangerous or worse. Find a cure for those who take drugs for recreation. Thanks for listening to my rant. I know this is an unpopular topic but it is a serious issue. You can’t illuminate something people need without providing an alternative that works. Take care all and thanks for listening.

Sorry to hear but I assume you're seeing a pain specialist? Have you requested a SCS (spinal cord stimulator)? During my recovery I had "off the chart" pain and was offered a morphine pump or SCS. I was 27 and didn't want to deal with dependency issues so I requested the SCS.
They're both implanted just under the skin and remotely controlled. Please keep in mind this was 1997 so I'm sure they're even more effective now.

Again, try and see a pain specialist, typically they're a neurologist and will do a bunch of nerve conduction studies (not fun but critical in locating damaged nerves). I went through 7 surgeries in 5 years after my accident so feel free to pick my brain (what's left up there).
@JustAGuy I will definitely let you know if I run for Congress; thank you, that’s a phenomenal compliment!!!!!!!

@CES97 I also recommend seeing a pain specialist. I couldn’t get any Rx pain treatment until I did. It helps that my M.D. and P.A. are also spine surgeons and specialists. When they look at my MRIs, they see my pain.
I use oxycodone for both pain and restless legs syndrome. Over the past several years my doctor has been lowering my dose to the point that I am at half the dose I was on.

Oddly, I have never felt any "high" or other pleasure from taking it.

I fear the loss of access to it, more for the relief of the RLS than pain. All the approved medications for RLS will eventually lead to "augmentation". That is where the symptoms come on sooner, last longer, and become stronger. That means the victim (me) would have to stop taking that med and try something else until it too starts to augment. I'm a contributing member of the foundation, and they actively lobby in Congress for the use of low dose opioids with some success. RLS symptoms have led many people to take their own lives!

I have had many surgeries. Several surgeons have commented on how I would start to violently kick during surgery. Sounds funny, but it could cause them to make a mistake during surgery. So, I warn them in advance about the potential.
@MezaJarJarBinks I have also never felt any high from opioids or opiates. I totally don’t understand why people get addicted to it for pleasure. We are lucky that way, you and I. Alcohol was my worst enemy for a while, now defeated.
I can relate. I used to drink professionally (drunken sailor??) But i always believed anything worth doing was worth abusing. Took me a long time to grow out of that, and cost me everything. Glad i hit bottom when i did. i didn't touch anything for a lot of years. Now i can have drinks and am able to keep it to a couple a week but not always. Life got way better in the aftermath of my stupors.
I have never gotten a high from any opioids I taken either. I think they work on my pain so my body metabolizes them differently. And snow if you do run for office you have my vote. I was offered the SCS, but my Cardiologist won’t sign off on the procedure because I am in heart failure stage 2. So they do not want me to have it. They claim it is too dangerous because of the electrical impulses. It could interfere with my pace maker. It seems there is always something. Great day here in South Texas. It was 85 degrees out today. I love it. A perfect temperature. Enjoy your life everyone. Keep looking for another pearl in your life.
@Chris318 Oh dear, sorry to hear about your poor heart! You’re right; yes, there is always something, and yes, it’s crucial that we keep finding pearls. Today was my mom’s 74th birthday. She just survived another round of COVID; whew! Her sister/my aunt died the week before. My pearl today is that my mom is alive and well. Also, my car, which I’m grateful for, is named Pearl :) There are always things to be grateful for; thank you for the reminder.
@MezaJarJarBinks I had a boyfriend who had RLS but had no idea until he and I started dating and I couldn’t sleep with him (he hadn’t dated in a long while). He didn’t believe me when I told him about it. Working in film production, I have all kinds of cameras and lenses, including one with night vision. So I filmed his legs under the sheets. He did full on splits maneuvers every few seconds - totally incompatible with me, a chronic insomniac. He went to see his doctor, and it turned out that because he had been vegan for 30+ years, he was missing the chemical Ferritin in his body. Ferritin is a derivative of iron that can only be absorbed by the body when red meat is consumed. He chose to remain vegan rather than to treat his RLS and take care of his form of anemia, which was the end of our relationship. I don’t want a partner who I can’t share a bed with, especially when he had a simple solution to treat his condition.

Anyway, having slept next to someone with RLS for six months, I have a lot of compassion for those who have it and are unable to treat it (unlike that guy, who did have a treatment option). RLS is profoundly physically disruptive. I don’t think the kind he had was anywhere near as bad as the kind you probably have. I don’t think I could deal with it if I had it myself. You are a true triumph of survival! I admire your life force! Shame on those practitioners who deny you adequate treatment with low-dose opioids.
Thank you for your sympathy. You are quite the trooper yourself! I can't imagine the pain that you suffer. I have pain, but not like you describe about yourself.

I am sorry that happened to you and your boyfriend. My wife and I haven't shared the same bed since around 2000. (No need for her to suffer.)

You probably know this: the involuntary movements such as you described, and that I have on the operating table, is called "Periodic Limb Movement Disorder" (PLMD). RLS happens while awake; PLMD, while asleep. In my case, I also had RLS in my chest muscles while at work, sitting at my desk. It can attack any muscle group.

The ferritin can be infused under medical supervision, usually at a hospital. The last I heard, people with RLS/PLMD need to have a ferritin blood level of 100 or more, while regular people can do well with 35. Unfortunately, most doctors don't care to be knowledgeable about ferritin or RLS.
I have experanced my 1st no percocet and flexerl in stock today. They used to give me 90 percocet a month. I never needed that many. And i would dispose of my extras when i got refill. Then they went to 60 a month. Now i get 30 a month. Those i do use up every month. The phamacy called. Said no perocet in stock. And no idea when more will come available. The flexerl is ordered at least. So when i get more percocet. Im going to have to make do with a 1/2 tablet a day. Im on 10/325 dose.
@RugerAl Sorry to hear that; how disappointing. Did your pharmacy say if a national shortage of Percocet is coming?
They didn't say if it's national or not. Just none of their suppliers had any. Last month was shakey.They gave me 14 and the remaining 16 2 weeks later. I should have read between the lines then. And kept some back.
@RugerAl I sure hope this isn’t going to be a national trend! I don’t need to be making more trips to the pharmacy or having any more anxiety than I already do!
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