Thankful for Medicare but...


While I am truly thankful for Medicare but, WTH is going on when a simple ER visit is almost $20,000?

I only know about the cost because my financial support paperwork was out of date, and I got a bill for my 20% of the cost.

I got a CT, labs, and IV and pee test. That was it. I did not even get a room with a bed, just a chair. Less than three hours total, and not even water was offered. Just in, Labs, CT, IV due to what labs showed and out.

Like WTH.

And yet my state and county say I make too much to get Medicaid.

My 20% of just the ER bill is over $300 already. Luckily, they are backdating my financial support, so I don't have to pay it, but sill.
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