Talking to Doctor


Staff member
Hi all,

I am a 35 year old man. As an infant I had a gastrointestinal disease called Hirschsprungs disease, had several surgeries and part of my lower intestine removed and a pull through surgery to connect the new end of the intestines to the rectum.

I am also diagnosed with level 1 autism (Asperger's). I wet the bed until I was 16/17 on a nightly basis.

As an adult I have had a few nighttime accidents every year, but nothing regular or predictable.

In 2019 I'm had a full on daytime accident when driving, about 30 minutes after using the restroom. I told my PCP about that and he tested for diabetes (negative). Since then night issues have been more regular, around 4-6 times a month. Day issues have been minimal but lots feeling urgency but with just a few drops. Working from home in a call center environment I have been okay, but seem to go to bathroom for barely anything 15-20 times during my work day.

I had two nights (several months ago nothing since) where I had a BM while sleeping. Due to the disease I had as an infant my stools are almost always liquid.

Besides the one time after the daytime accident I have not discussed this with my doctor. At what point do I bring this back up to him? Getting annoyed with the amount of laundry, but don't want an appointment to be told there isn't much to do like when the diabetes test came back negative.

Also for this that where something absorbent, what caused you to make that decision? I have been putting that off since not nightly, but not getting better either so not sure.

I'm sorry you are going through all of this. Nobody is going to judge you here for who you are or what your diagnosis is.

Anywho, on here - you will find alot of great people that suffer from bladder and bowel issues. We have a good bunch of folks - and I encourage you to not beat yourself up over this. It is a process, and you will get through it.

With that being said - I encourage you to open up to your doctor about this. I'm the type of person in real life that can be very reserved, timid, and suffer from social isolation due to trust issues, etc - but In regards to your doctor concern I found that writing my symptoms, concerns, and questions down and reading from a notepad to my doctor - I can push through the difficult things I wanted to bring forward. That might help you if you also suffer from social difficulties.

Remember, Doctors are there to treat your medical concerns and not to judge you for them. In terms of bringing it up - from the information you shared; I personally would. Any sort of abnormal bladder or bowel issues are a concern regardless of prior medical issues. Make sure to be prepared to self inventory some answers to be ready for as they might ask about frequency, urgency, pain, etc.

In regards to deciding to use protection? That's a tough question for myself personally. For a long time I beat myself up due to the continence issues, and deciding to wear something about it was something that hit home for myself. Still is, but quality of life is what caused me to make that decision.

Anyway, There are alot of causes of incontinence as incontinence is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. For myself, I'm diagnosed with OAB with Urge Incontinence. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist. If that occurs, make sure you go to that appointment!

Last but certainly not least -

Welcome to the NAFC,
Honeeecombs said:

I'm sorry you are going through all of this. Nobody is going to judge you here for who you are or what your diagnosis is.

Anywho, on here - you will find alot of great people that suffer from bladder and bowel issues. We have a good bunch of folks - and I encourage you to not beat yourself up over this. It is a process, and you will get through it.

With that being said - I encourage you to open up to your doctor about this. I'm the type of person in real life that can be very reserved, timid, and suffer from social isolation due to trust issues, etc - but In regards to your doctor concern I found that writing my symptoms, concerns, and questions down and reading from a notepad to my doctor - I can push through the difficult things I wanted to bring forward. That might help you if you also suffer from social difficulties.

Remember, Doctors are there to treat your medical concerns and not to judge you for them. In terms of bringing it up - from the information you shared; I personally would. Any sort of abnormal bladder or bowel issues are a concern regardless of prior medical issues. Make sure to be prepared to self inventory some answers to be ready for as they might ask about frequency, urgency, pain, etc.

In regards to deciding to use protection? That's a tough question for myself personally. For a long time I beat myself up due to the continence issues, and deciding to wear something about it was something that hit home for myself. Still is, but quality of life is what caused me to make that decision.

Anyway, There are alot of causes of incontinence as incontinence is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. For myself, I'm diagnosed with OAB with Urge Incontinence. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist. If that occurs, make sure you go to that appointment!

Last but certainly not least -

Welcome to the NAFC,

Thank you for your response. I will have to try bringing everything in written down. I usually go in and forget to bring up 90% of what I wanted to talk about. I also have major issues with trust and rejection causing me to worry I will get worst case scenario reaction and do whatever to mitigate that, usually by withholding information. I do have my annual physical in March and will try to bring this up with him then.

I'm right there with you my dude. But If there is anything I can challenge you since you said your physical is in March - is since you are in the United States and you mentioned PCP - is to give your PCP a call tomorrow or early next week and see if they can push it up. You shouldn't have to endure suffering regardless of the symptoms for something that could be done in an all in one appointment especially if a specialist has to get involved.

Let us know how everything goes. If you see anything on the forum that speaks to you, dont be afraid to chime in or share your experiences with others. There are alot of friendly people here who suffer from various conditions and people generally respond depending on the topic/condition.

I will think about moving the appointment up. Tbh I have been just dealing so long so weeks isn't that much longer, and I need to figured out what I want to write down for him first.
For sure write down your concerns. I have found that to be much more helpful when you are stressed, rushed, and worried about what others will think. Detail the what, when, etc and keep a journal. let them know what you want to come from the discussion as well. I found details about what happened were not useful, but after years of visits that failed, the "what do I want from this" came much more helpful. Do you want to try drugs, shots (botox or such), implanted simulators, catheters, diapers, or something else? Be ready to tell them what is acceptable and do not let them force you down the "this is what we normally do path" if that is not right for you and your situation! It is so easy to accept their "intelligence" as superior, but do not forget you are the customer. This was a many years learned lesson for me, and I wish I had stood up to them from the start and not dealt with the marry-go-round medicine path.
Hey Vettesfan, a lot of the things you described in your post happened to me post radical prostectomy (October 2020) So 2021 was a constant adventure in what embarrassing thing was going to happen to me next and when. I had to depend on Depend products, (and still rely on them for attending long drawn out events or trips that may require them) My PC is an Angel, but we didn't always agree on things she was giving me to treat things along the way, but our mutual respect for one another steered us to achieve the goal of getting me where I am today. (Cancer Free) Honeycombs and others advice of writing things down for your discussions are first rate. A goal not written down, is just a wish, and are easily forgotten.
I have found ProstiGenix to be a lifesaver and a sleepsaver, even without a Prostate. My gastrointestinal tract was all messed up afterward too, and nobody could explain that, but slowly it came back to normal. THAT was worse than urinary incontinence, I get it! Get every PC and specialist working for you that you can! No one knows it all, but everyone knows something!
@Vettesfan86 Welcome! I agree with everything the others have said. This is a mostly great group of accepting people. You may speak openly here and your questions will be answered with love. You can talk about both fecal and urine incontinence; both are welcome here. I am glad and you are lucky you found us quickly; unfortunately it took me three years to find this great forum. Nobody pays us to say that it’s great, either, lol! ;)

Bring it up with your M.D. ***ASAP*** and preferably a urologist, proper. If you can’t get in fast to your PCP or a urologist, go to an urgent care clinic, like within days, not even weeks, and definitely don’t wait !months!

You must be somewhat used to talking about your bowel problems, no? Urine is no different. M.D.s are very used to incontinence, though that doesn’t mean they always have answers. If the first urologist isn’t helpful, keep going, find another one. Do all the tests they recommend. Try the medications. Try the most simple procedures they offer you before complex surgery. But definitely do get it looked at quickly - *definitely* do not wait until March; it can be a sign of cancer and you might not have that much time to address it.

For example, in late August my ex-husband, the healthiest, fittest person I know, started experiencing inexplicable rectal bleeding and pain. He went to the ER. Within 10 days they knew he had terminal rectal cancer; it had already spread through his lymphatic system and liver. With a diagnosis like that, every hour, even, can be a crucial chance to get ahead if an outcome like that. He has less than a year to survive, and it’s only with endless chemo that he is alive right now. Turns out that kind of cancer ran in his DNA. There you go. You never know what’s creeping up on you. Getting checked out is far more important than any ego you may have about the issue.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy to talk about, either! That is why you must write down your questions now, and quickly. Brainstorm. It is also important to take somebody with you if you can, if there’s anyone you can open up to about what’s happening, like a parent or grandparent or a sibling or a romantic partner. Take them with you so that there are two sets of ears listening (that is good advice for anyone at any age with any medical condition). You will have a hard time listening and remembering everything the M.D. says because you will be anxious. You could also have a severe UTI, which can kill you pretty quickly - like, a week(s) if left untreated. People don’t always have the painful-type symptoms of a UTI before it gets very serious. You could have MS, which would also need to be diagnosed and assisted with immediately. Start keeping a symptom journal immediately. Start writing down how frequently you pee. Look for blood. Note any pain. Also keep track of what you’re eating and drinking. This is definitely what they will tell you to do, anyway, so you might as well start now. If there is any way you can start peeing into some kind of measuring vessel, your doctor will also be very keen to know about how many ounces you are peeing, and when. If you have a measuring cup, just start using it, you can get another one for food/drink tomorrow at the grocery. This will give the doctor a big headstart when you are first seen. I wouldn’t even bother seeing a PCP about this at all; I would go straight to Urologist. If you don’t no one, then I would ask the PCP for a referral, then cross-reference that referral with online reviews.

Don’t worry too much, though, there are many of us here who have never been given a reason for their incontinence, because none has been found. Most of the time, it isn’t something that serious. Sometimes, unfortunately, it just happens. But it is important to at least rule out the big bad things pretty fast. Think about it common urine and feces are the primary way your body is constantly getting rid of waste, and if that waste isn’t being removed properly, it can really backfire.

I will forewarn you that a doctor or an insurance company is not going to be the one who talks to you about what diapers, bedpads, or diaper cream to use. That is us!

Have you had any recent falls or injuries that may have bent your spine, even slightly? Fallen off a bike? That kind of damage can lead to the condition I have, called Neurogenic Bladder. I basically have every obnoxious bladder symptom that exists, but by far the worst for me is that in my particular case, my brain no longer receives the messages to quit releasing urine when I’m sleeping. So I wake up all the time to pee have a really hard time getting back to sleep, then wake up again, repeat. Most nights I have a wet diaper. Similar symptoms can even have been just if you are accustomed to slouching in your chair while at a computer. You could be damaging your spine and nerves.

Some people here have become incontinent recently because of long-haul COVID. Not much is being done to research it, but it’s real, because multiple people here from multiple countries have had that experience. It doesn’t happen right away from COVID, either. Even if you only have a light case of COVID, you can end up with permanent bowel or bladder incontinence. And it might not show up for months and then worsen over years. We have one member here for whom that has proven to be true.

Also, though they certainly take a while to get used to emotionally, diapers are your best friends, just like a pair of eyeglasses. They will liberate you. Depends are “enough” for some of us who aren’t fully incontinent, but for many others, they need something more expensive and heftier, that can only be ordered online. Sometimes an insurance company will pay for your incontinence products. If you are using Depends like I do, use the supreme “Night Defense“ line. They are by far the most absorbent in that brand and have the best external backing. There are tons of posts here that recommend the various different products. Also, waterproof bedpads (available in disposable or reusable) can be crucial for sitting on furniture, a car, or being in bed, if you have any nocturnal leaks.

You may also need some sleeping medication to help you get through the night if you wake up every 20 minutes like I and some others here do.

Incontinence realllllllly sucks, but the concept does get better with time (like, years, not weeks or months), I promise. I’m 45 and became incontinent at age 37 after falling down a 20-foot-cliff on my a** while snowboarding, bam bam bam bam bam, and permanently severed my lumbar discs and thus, most of my nerves to my bladder. In my case, it wouldn’t have helped me at all to have gone into the doctor earlier than I did. It took about two weeks for my first bedwetting incident, then it gradually got worse and worse over the next year until the nerves were totally dead, which takes time, even though they can’t do anything to slow, halt, nor expedite that process. The bladder problems were so hard for me to admit to myself that I didn’t talk about it with a doctor until eight months, and then I dillydallyed and didn’t getting into a urologist for almost 1.5 years. My case was diagnosed with an MRI. The first thing they will do is a bunch of lab work for you, and an ultrasound, probably even the very first time you are seen. They have microscope‘s in their office so that they can diagnose a UTI right away, but only a few urgent care clinics have that, no PCPs have that, but every urologist does. See, much better to go straight to Urologist.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and anything else stimulating like the plague. For some people drinking cranberry or cherry juice also helps. Try to drink the unsweetened versions.

That is all I can think of for now in the middle of the night.

Oh yeah, reach out to @ThatFLGuy. He is active here. He is about your age as i recall and has both fecal and bladder incontinence. He has had major bowel surgery and is likely facing an ostomy soon. I think you’ll have some things in common.

Keep us posted, please!
@Snow Thank you for the recommendation. I did get some of the Depends Night Defense, but they leaked for me(Side Sleeper). So just going to go w/o and do laundry as s needed.

I did email my PCP describing what I put her and he is fine with me waiting until my scheduled appointment.
@Vettesfan86 Fortunately for women, being a side sleeper or not doesn’t affect our protection :). Funny, the biological differences for something like diapers. Because of the damage in my spine, I can only sleep on my side now. Glad you checked in with your doctor!
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