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Quick background: As a kid and teen I wet the bed every night until an older teen ~17. The night wettings slowed down at that point, and became virtually non existent by the time I was 20. As a kid my parents refused any type of absorbent product thinking it would encourage the bedwetting. A year and half ago (age 35) night wettings picked up, and had become pretty regular at least a couple times a week. I did go and pick up some pull-ups which didn't help and eventually found myself back in full diapers at night.
I didn't bring it up to my doctor at that point. Last spring I started having OAB symptoms and a few times peed my pants trying to hold it. At this point I brought my doctor into what was happening since never had day time issues before. He prescribed oxybutnin which I have been taking as prescribed for the last 6 months. Still wetting the bed near nightly. The oxybutnin gives me extremely dry mouth and causes me to drink a lot of water, which is good as that has been a lifelong struggle of mine, except I am now urinating a full bladder amount very frequently but not having the urge with no urine. Since I have begun wearing a full tape on diaper at night I have had a couple of issues with BMs. Three times at night I have awoken to being in the middle of a BM. Usually feels like it has just started to come out and if I was in normal underwear I probably could get onto the toilet in time, but with a diaper on it is smooshed around from the start. I brought his up to my doctor and had a colonoscopy done recently that came back pretty normal with a small polyp and scar tissue from intestinal surgeries I had as a child. From talks before with the gastro I believe that when I see him again he will say it is IBS related to the intestinal disease I was treated for as a kid.
At this point I barely trust myself to be out of a diaper, but then I feel like a fraud wearing them because although it would take alot of restroom visits throughout the day I feel like I could use the toilet 90% of the time. But if I were to go unprotected I would be running the risk of an accident, or have a panic attack if out in public unprotected from fear of an accident.
I am seeing my primary care doctor tomorrow about an unrelated issue, and he knows that I have been having some issues but I am terrified of going into the doctor's office wearing a diaper that could be argues is unnecessary.
At what point did you determine diapers were necessary for your situation? Am I moving to fast with this?

At this point I barely trust myself to be out of a diaper, but then I feel like a fraud wearing them because although it would take alot of restroom visits throughout the day I feel like I could use the toilet 90% of the time. But if I were to go unprotected I would be running the risk of an accident, or have a panic attack if out in public unprotected from fear of an accident.
I am seeing my primary care doctor tomorrow about an unrelated issue, and he knows that I have been having some issues but I am terrified of going into the doctor's office wearing a diaper that could be argues is unnecessary.
At what point did you determine diapers were necessary for your situation? Am I moving to fast with this?