Sudden bedwetting problem. New Here


Staff member
Hi everyone. I'm 35, male. New member here with a new problem that I'm really struggling with. Some background: I wet the bed a little as a kid but not a major issue. I outgrew it quite young, young enough in fact that I only have a couple memories of it. After it resolved (before grade school) I have for the rest of my life been dry other than maybe one bedwetting accident per year. I was always under the impression that this was totally normal and not even considered to be an issue.

In the last 6-8 months the frequency has drastically accelerated. Most accidents are very small volume and I've been able to hide it from my wife. usually it's just my shorts that get wet and sometimes a very small spot on the bed that is dry by morning.

About a month ago I had an accident that I couldn't hide. I was a LOT and soaked the bed. She didn't wake so I changed and then slept on towels. I had to tell my wife in the morning though because we get out of bed at the same time and she instantly makes the bed and would have seen the towels and asked. So right before getting out of bed I said, "hey I need to change the bedding today". She asked why and I said, "I wet the bed last night and slept on these towels" and moved to show her the towels. She was very surprised and though it was kind of funny. She giggled a little and said ok we'll just wash them and whatever. We have a 1.5 year old named after me and she quipped, "wow bow both my Mike's wet the bed" and giggled. When I left for work she said "have a good day peepee bed". I know it sounds as I write it like she was being mean or mocking me but it really was light hearted teasing. At this time we both thought this was a one time thing, I was super embarrassed and I think she was just trying to bring a little levity to the situation. Later that night when I was making the bed up, she asked if I googled why this happened or if I had any idea or thoughts as to why i did it. I didn't look it up that day and just told her I had no idea. It was just something that happened. I woke up and was just as surprised by it as she was. I had not "pee dream" or anything and have no idea. I didn't tell her about my relatively frequent small volume accidents.

We moved on and never discussed it again. Until about 2 weeks later when it happened again. Same drill in the morning with the "hey I have to change the bedding again" and her asking "are you serious? What happened? Did you have another accident?". I told her I did and that I felt humiliated and couldn't even look at her. She didn't giggle or joke this time and told me to just stop and relax and that it's not that big of a deal. She said we'd clean the bed up and move on. She did ask again if I had any dream or anything, but again I simply woke up drenched.

To make matters worse, it happened again the very next night. This time I woke her and when she woke up and asked what's wrong I told her I wet the bed again. we got up, I got changed and she stripped the bed and we put a new sheet on. She asked if I was ok and I told her I was but that I was like sick to my stomach with embarrassment. She said, "why it's just me. Yeah this is odd but we'll figure it out" and we went back to bed.

I was dry for a good week and a half or so after that and thought maybe this was over with but it's not. Since then, almost 2 weeks ago I've wet the bet with large voids maybe 4 nights per week. After like the 3rd time my wife told me I should call my doctor and make sure nothing is really wrong. She also said we should get something for the mattress and I agreed. As embarrassing as it is for an adult to have to put bedwetting protection on the mattress, it's practical and makes sense.

I called my primary care doctor and left a message for him to call me. He called a couple days later and i told him I was having nocturnal enuresis "issues" and he referred me to a urologist as he wants to rule out anything major. He said he didn't suspect that since my yearly physical was only a few months ago and all my blood work and urine tests came back normal except I have pre-diabetes, possible early actual diabetes and a very small amount of protein in my urine He wants to recheck my blood sugar in a month to confirm if I'm diabetic or not. Since then, I've been eating like a robot, exercising and I'm down 10 lbs. I check my sugar 3 times a day and it's steadily coming down. It was never super high, just a little over the threshold. Back to the current conversation, he also said he thinks I should finally get around to having that sleep study done because he and I both know I have undiagnosed sleep apnea (my dad had it, I snore like mad, and my wife says I stop breathing in my sleep and gasp for air and it sounds like I'm dying). He said both diabetes and sleep apnea have been linked, though no very common, to nocturnal enuresis. He suggested I manage the issue with "absorbants" until I can get it sorted out with the specialists.

I told my wife this and she said I should go ahead and make the urology appointment and that she thinks I should go ahead and get something absorbant to wear to bed. When I said I agree that that makes practical sense, I'm like paralyzed with humiliation over it. She told me it will be our secret but that she really doesn't like this new routine of having to wash sheets every day and that we'll both probably sleep better. She's very good at calming me down and grounding me, but I'm still just intensely embarrassed about it. My heart starts pounding whenever I even think about having to use adult diapers. I'm 35 for god's sake.

This conversation was just last night so I know my wife is probably expecting to see adult diapers at home tonight. Not that I'd leave them on the kitchen table but you know...I know if I don't buy them she's going to be kind of frustrated, which I get, but I'm like mortified by the thought of having to go into a walgreens or something and buy them. I'm trying to psyche myself up to do it on the way home from work, but even then I don't know how I'll bring myself to put one on and get in bed with her. I've read online that the drugstore brands are junk and that I'll probably have to order something better online but I need to buy something to hold me over until I can order them and the get delivered.

Anyway my question to you more experienced folks is what am I in for? How much poking and prodding am I to expect at the urologist? I'm terrified of having to have a cystoscopy done. My dad used to get them because he had (and it was cured) bladder cancer and got them all the time. He used to say it was humiliating putting your legs in stirrups with female nurses in the room while the doctor went up your urethra with a scope. If I have to, I have to but I'm freaking over it. My appointment is 2 weeks away and in the meantime my wife is expecting me to wear adult diapers to bed.

As far as meds go, I've looked up DDAVP and Imipramine and both are contraindicated for people with liver and kidney issues. I've had moderately elevated liver enzymes since I was a teenager and my doctors always want me to avoid any meds that could injure my liver, even tylenol. I might have very early kidney issues. Nothing diagnosed but my glomerular filtration rate and serum creatinine are very close to crossing the threshold into abnormal. I also had micro protein in my urine during my last physical which can be a sign of early kidney disease. Reading about it, I'm terrified of ending up with serious kidney disease and dialysis later in life so even if a doctor thinks these drugs are safe for me, I'm not taking them.

What other alternatives are there? Can something like this just come and go and not have a serious cause? Could it just go away in a few months or am I going to end up in diapers every night for the rest of my life? I'm freaking out and so humiliated about this. I know my wife will be solid support no matter what, but I'm already getting ahead of myself and thinking about all kinds of life limitations I'll face (weekends away at relatives houses, falling asleep on airplanes or trains or someone's couch, always needing to pack "supplies" etc). This can't really be happening to me!
No matter what happens you will be able to handle it. It sounds like you are overwhelmed with anxiety, which is a lot more suffering than the situation itself. Cystoscopies are not fun, but it may explain what is going on. Incontinence issues can very well be temporary! It could be a reaction to stress or something else that could naturally resolve. I'm glad you are seeking treatment. Bladder issues can be caused by all kinds of different things that it's good to rule out "what it's not". As for diapers and bed protection. We all know it's embarrassing and brings up a lot of shame. I don't think anything any of us can say can strike the root of those feeling for you. I will give you my perspective and experience in case it helps. I have a lot of feelings related to not feeling masculine wearing them. But, in reality it's just a helpful mechanism for a medical issue. Try to look at it objectively. Adults have bladder problems all the time, hence why this board exists at all. So it doesn't make you weird or childish. Diapers are honestly just underwear with padding inside, without them someone like me could not live a decent life so I am grateful for them. We've been conditioned to view them shamefully or like they are for babies. In reality that's not true. Clearly there ar probably a billion adults in the world using them. People have used them or something similar since the dawn of mankind. I have multiple sclerosis so I need diapers, I also use an ankle brace and a walking cane. All of these items are the same they help me with a medical condition.But in reality they make my life livable and they are just objects with no objective meaning. If you wore glasses would that be shameful? No! What's the difference between why someone uses glasses and diapers? One is a malfunction with the visual cortex or optic nerve the other is a connection between brain and bladder or bladder itself. It's just a medical condition. Come back to the present moment and try not to let it define you
Thanks for that. You're definitely right, there's a lot of anxiety here. The first morning when I had to tell my wife I thought I was going to have a panic attack. I started shaking and everything. I've had some anxiety issues in the past and it's not fun. In the last couple years though I've been pretty low stress. There's nothing new going on that would make me think this is a stress or phychological cause. I guess on the one hand I'm worried it's something really bad (like bladder cancer) so I know it's the right thing to do to get it thoroughly checked out. People are resilient and I'm sure if this isn't something short term I'll eventually get used to diapers but I'm just having a hard time imagining ever being ok with it.

I think you're right though, I need to come back to the present and take things one step at a time and stop letting my mind race and get so far ahead of things. I appreciate your response.
Talking with a doctor will help put your mind at ease! Just being stressed and anxious about the bedwetting could create a self fulfilling prophecy and a psychological problem with that could keep the cycle going. You said that you were a bed wetter as a kid and your dad had bladder cancer. Both can be traumatic. Do you have traumatic memories about bedwetting that could be causing the anxious reaction?
not really. My childhood bedwetting was pretty mild. I don't remember it ever happening after I was 6 or 7 years old and even at that age it was rare. I just do remember that I wet the bed beyond the age of 5 so I know technically I was a bedwetter even though it resolved at a young age.

I guess I'm kind of realizing that maybe it never fully resolved given that I've wet once or twice a year my whole life. I could live with that and never really cared. It's the sudden increase in frequency that has me worried.

My dad's bladder cancer wasn't even a big deal. None of us even knew he had it. It was "in situ" so they caught it before it could even be stage one. He had it snipped out during a cystoscopy. Years later he told me about it and I was like WHAT you had cancer? He's thought it so minor he didn't even count it as cancer. Definitely nothing traumatic to me about that issue.

I guess I'll just try to chill out a bit and see what happens. I can't control what I can't control and worrying doesn't help. I know that logically and rationally but it's hard to get the mind to slow down sometimes.
Yeah man which is an unpleasant but normal psychological reaction. Anytime humans realize that we can't control our bodies in some big way we panic. You go into fight or flight. When your amydgdala is activated like that it takes a while to calm down. Also not it is it fight or flight because you don't know what's happening physically but as an adult man things like bedwetting and diapers create a threat to the identity. There's a major threat of some kind of ego death which is terrifying when you experience it. But just realize that you are ok physically and again it doesn't define you. If the problem is that you'll have to deal with bedwetting for a while I acknowledge the embarrassment and everything but also think realize if your best friend had this problem you would most likely view it with more compassion. It sucks but for all the things that can go wrong in health I would pick bedwetting over a million things in a heart beat. With my MS it's one of the symptoms that is actually easiest to live with. So I never had time to process the emotional effects but they are real. You can treat your feelings with compassion and at the same time face the situation with courage. I tell my patients and students all the time two mantras to keep repeating "whatever happens I can handle it" and "fully feeling what you are feeling is very healing". Your emotions are ok they are temporary, you are processing right now and that's difficult but doesn't last forever
Just want to suggest that in the meantime, try to curb caffeine intake after noontime and don't drink a lot liquids after supper. I always relied on voiding on a schedule so the bladder doesn't get too full and possibly may lessen the frequency and/or volume of nightly issues. Ben is right on with his experience. It's always scary when you don't know why something happens but fortunately there are professionals like the urologist who can use their knowledge to help those of us in need. Good luck and keep us informed of your progress.
And Benfrank, I always appreciate your willingness to share with others and the encouragement you give.
Hi, My 2 cents. When I have a flair up of bed wetting I sometimes get relief by taking NSAIDS. Such as Advil or stronger. Seems to take away inflammation and urgency.
I also use plastic pants with my protection, makes things much more forgiving. I do believe my issues stem from compressed disks and enlarged prostate. Good Luck
I feel your pain that you are going through. I have been dealing with bedwetting for a long time. Long ago, I ended up wetting the bed until age 8. My parents kept me in diapers until I quit wetting the bed. It was hard to deal with. I made it through. Then around my mid to late 20's, I started wetting the bed again. I ended up going to the doctor to find out what the issue was. He had me go through test to rule out the obvious. Everything came out normal. He then sent me to a urologist. Went through tests also. He didn't find anything either. He did ask me if I was sleeping ok and that I was waking up feeling awake and not tired. I told him that I was alway tired until around lunch time everyday. He told me to set up a sleep study with my primary doctor. I did do so. Goes to find out I have sever sleep apnea. Its hard at first, I then was used to using what is called a Bi-pap machine. It's changed my life around for the most part. I then stopped wetting the bed for a few years. I ended up injuring my lower back. Young, dumd and stupid I say. Lifting heavy stuff the wrong way for years caught up to me. I started early to mid 30's having small accidents during the day and full blown accidents at night. I now have to live with wearing diapers 24/7. It was really hard to get used to wearing all the time. I am now 41. It doesn't bother me that much anymore. I found this forum which helped me emotionally get over the stress thinking I was the only one out there at my age dealing with this issue. It will be ok. As Benfrank says, see a doctor and from me to you I would also set up a sleep study. I don't want to scare you. Sleep apnea is dangerous and can be fatal. My first sleep study I was told I would hold my breath for almost a minute before I would start breathing again. My oxygen level was at a low dangerous level to the point where I was close to unconsciousness which could of put me in comma or just stop breathing all together. That itself scared the hell out of me. So take the time and get checked out. Feel free to ask anyone here about your concerns and issues. We are here to help one another to get through our struggles dealing with incontinence.
Hi again. Thought I'd post a quick update. First of all, I manned up and bought protection last night. I think I was in and out of walgreens in like 45 seconds flat. I bought the depends with tabs to get me through a few days. I went home and found online that Abena products are very highly recommended so I ordered some level 4 in medium and large sized and sample of each figuring I'll figure out what fits and then return the wrong size of the unopened full pack. I suffered through the embarrassment of wearing the depends to bed and my wife was really cool about it. She did giggle a tiny bit but when I shot her the stink eye she just said she thought is was kind of cute and that she was proud of me for making a responsible decision.

I woke up dry, go figure!

Anyway the urologists office called and has a cancellation for tomorrow and offered me the appointment so I took it. I'll take the day off from work and just go get this over with. Getting answers will help I think.

They emailed me over a very long questionnaire to fill out and bring with me. I'm half way though this and finding that I'm answering "yes" to more questions than I thought I would, particularly regarding day time issues. I didn't think I had any problems in the day, but when I count how many times I urinate in a given 24 hour period I was surprised to come up with a number averaging 12 and up to 15. Even before the bedwetting got out of hand, I was getting up 2-3 times per night, rarely even 4 or 5.

As for day time issues it asked if I get strong sudden urges or slow gradual "building urge" to urinate. When I think of it, my urges do tend to come on fairly quickly and quite strong. It asks if when I urinate with strong urges, if the volume released is low/moderate/or heavy and I have to admit most times when I feel like I really really need to go I'm surprised by how little I actually urinate. It also asks if i ever leak urine during the day. I was all set to circle no, but there were a few episodes in the last few months where I had very small leakage. I though it was so little that it wasn't an issue, but the questionaire footnote says that "ANY" leakage should be reported. Well, about 2 months ago I was mowing the lawn and towards the end felt like I really really had to urinate. I pushed through because I wanted to just finish the rest of the side yard and finished up. When done, I was hustling to run inside and up the stairs to the bathroom and did in fact leak a bit on the way. It was maybe a half ounce or urine. I wrote it off figuring I just had to go so badly that it wasn't a big deal. Same thing happened a week or so ago. Coming home from work on the train I rather suddenly had to pee and by the time I got to my car I REALLY had to go. It was so intense that I seriously considered just going behind my truck in the parking garage but there are cameras and it was rush hour. I raced home and the same thing happened as I was running up the stairs, a small leak. This time maybe half an ounce or a little more. It wasn't enough to show through my pants or anything.

Do people without incontinence ever leak even small amounts like this? The more I read up on this, the more I think no, this isn't normal. I've been doing lot's of reading and amd starting to think I have OAB symptoms with slight urge incontinence. I never have leaks at home or work bc I'm always like a 20 second walk from a bathroom and I habitually don't tend to wait to go. I always go right to the restroom when I feel like I need to pee. Now I'm thinking that maybe I've been lucky with my close proximity to a bathroom and have avoided a potentially embarrassing situation. It's pretty rare that I find myself in a place where a bathroom isn't readily available. But now I'm wondering what might have happened, how bad the leak could have been, if I had got stuck in traffic that day and couldn't get home so quick!

I'm really glad my appointment is tomorrow now. After reading all this, I just want to get it figured out and get on a treatment. Most of the OAB meds I've looked up so far seem ok for my health profile (A few bedwetting specific meds like DDAVP and Imimaprine (or however it's spelled) scared me due to my liver and kidney levels). If the doctor diagnoses me with OAB and I can take a pill to fix it I totally will.

I'll post back with an update after the appointment. Hopefully I'm on a path to a solution.
I had my urology appointment today. Talk about humiliating. I had a cystoscopy, PVR test and urodynamics, and digital rectal check. Good news is I don't have bladder cancer, and my prostate is normal size with no signs of disease. But he said I have overactive bladder with urge incontinence and gave me some literature on behavioral modification, kegels, keeping a journal etc. He told me there's good info on the net that covers this all in more detail or he could refer me to a continence nurse if I wanted (no thanks, I'd rather read/youtube this thank you than deal with anymore humiliation). He says the urodynamics test didn't really confirm bladder spasms or leakage but this makes sense to me since this isn't something that happens every single time I have to go.

He gave me some samples of mens guards and told me that I can choose to use them or not but that they can be helpful if I'm knowingly going somewhere where it could be hard to find a restroom. He says he would like to try the behavior mods and exercises first and then see if a drug might help. He suggested to continue "padding up" at night if it's agreeable to me and working for me. I guess I can deal with it for now.

I generally don't tolerate side effects well and reading up on OAB meds it looks like they can be pretty lousy. I read that 70% of people give up on OAB meds in their first year. I'll totally give them an honest shot but I'm not incredibly optimistic about it. I'm going to try and just see what happens.
Glad you saw the urologist. Sounds like they were pretty thorough. This is probably the most invasive exam you will have for a long time. Now it's time to look at the possible remedies. Follow the advice regarding the exercises and give it time. I think you will probably find improvement. I did. Be comforted to know the more serious issues you were worried about are not involved.
Sounds like you are on the right track.
Keep us posted!
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