Strange looking diapers

Spaz said:
Squander said:
Just solid colors other than white would be nice. Not so obvious you're wearing a diaper.

I’d love a blue or green diaper that is decent.


These will be available in mid January, initially in the Supreme Lite absorbency from NorthShore :cool:
You know Northshore madam it’s really quite nice you are on this board and willing to give input and chat with us all!! It’s nice to have a supplier of these actually be human and talk with all of us!! Thank You
NorthShoreAdam said:
Spaz said:
Squander said:
Just solid colors other than white would be nice. Not so obvious you're wearing a diaper.

I’d love a blue or green diaper that is decent.


These will be available in mid January, initially in the Supreme Lite absorbency from NorthShore :cool:

Omg!!! I want those now! They look fantastic!
I’ve never ventured out to colored or printed diapers but maybe it’s time. Might be a little less noticeable!!
So I don't mind the ABDL community, they have caused great strides to be made in the quality of diapers for the incontinence community. And truthfully they do help keep the companies like northshore, xpmedical, and a couple others in business so they can supply those of us who actually have a medical need for them with product that have great quality. I don't care for the babyish or childish prints, but I have used the rebel diapers from rearz company that have skull and crossbones on them in black. Heck other adult my age (28) wear these SpongeBob and cartoonish boxers and such, why shouldn't I be able to wear something that has pictures on it. If it's not your thing it's a live and let live type of thing then.
Draconic said:
So I don't mind the ABDL community, they have caused great strides to be made in the quality of diapers for the incontinence community. And truthfully they do help keep the companies like northshore, xpmedical, and a couple others in business so they can supply those of us who actually have a medical need for them with product that have great quality. I don't care for the babyish or childish prints, but I have used the rebel diapers from rearz company that have skull and crossbones on them in black. Heck other adult my age (28) wear these SpongeBob and cartoonish boxers and such, why shouldn't I be able to wear something that has pictures on it. If it's not your thing it's a live and let live type of thing then.

Yes, ABDL community is mostly misunderstood and confused with sexual fetish/predators for no reason. ABDL has no more of those types than the general population. Most ABDLs are quite heavily incontinent and often from an early age so it is a lifelong mission for them. The ABs like the childish prints as a coping mechanism which makes them feel better about their incontinence and the DLs become kind of obsessed with testing out and pushing the limits of diapers as their way of coping with their lifelong heavy incontinence.

The amount of people who use diapers as strictly costume or sexual fetish is much smaller. NorthShore has attended ABDL conventions and met personally with hundreds of ABDL people who were very open about sharing their stories with us. They are very normal people, doctors, professors, teachers, etc... many of whom have found this as a valued way to deal with their incontinence and emotional struggles and the unnecessary stigma that society puts on people who need to wear diapers.

We have this hurtful cultural norm that "diapers are only for babies" in our society that we need to break. Almost 75% of all men and women will need to wear absorbent products at some point in their life between age 3 and death. Many will feel great shame that it's somehow their fault since only babies should need diapers which often causes them to hide in embarrassment and not seek the help they need.

Even doctors, nurses and pharmacists often perpetuate this stigma by avoiding recommending diapers as a management option for fear they will upset their patients since they believe only babies should wear diapers...they won't even use the word "diaper" as they've been taught that it makes someone feel like a baby. By making the word "diaper" completely taboo, they are perpetuating the stigma and shame for millions of people who have to wear one every day..something that is so taboo nobody can even say it's name.

Since when has completely avoiding the subject worked to improve education and awareness about a medical issue? Has it ever worked to help de-stigmatize people with a medical issue? Did it work with cancer in the 60s or AIDS in the 80s? Nope. It was only by starting to use the terms "cancer" and "HIV/AIDS" that we opened the conversation about how to interact with people with these conditions, and to treat them as normal people not outcasts. This needs to happen with diapers and incontinence too, but it will take a group effort to break the habit of believing that diapers are just for babies. Diapers are just absorbent underwear and nobody should care about what type of underwear anyone else wears.

Just my own personal opinion after talking with tens of thousands of diaper wearers over last 20 years and listening to their stories and unnecessary stigma they live with on daily basis.
It's my view that the "Adult Baby" community is primarily created as a response to the "diapers are for babies" stigma.

So many adults and teens that wear baby-looking diapers are people that struggled with delayed toilet training as a child or experienced bedwetting as a teen. Their parents and doctors misdiagnosed this as being lazy or anxiety and constantly yelled at them to stop wetting their clothes or bedsheets and learn to use the toilet. The parents get frustrated and yell "diapers are for babies" at them over and over again and often throw diapers at them or say, "Go buy your own diapers, I only buy diapers for babies."

Turns out that most of these kids have either muscle and/or nerve issues that are hard to diagnose and many teens experience bedwetting due to sleep disorder where they stay in deep sleep at night instead of normal REM cycle and never wake up when bladder signals it's time to go. Pressures of high school and social media keep kids up 24/7 so when they do fall asleep it's not healthy sleep which leads to bedwetting. It's very difficult to retrain brain to sleep in normal cycles...takes months of training...and most either never start or give up too early which can lead to adult bedwetting and other health issues from lack of good sleep.

So how are teens and adults supposed to cope with being called a baby by their parents and doctors for this bedwetting" They say to themselves, "Fine...then I'll dress/act like a baby and go back to a time when it was OK to have bedwetting." It brings them to an emotional safe space where they are comforted and not yelled at for their bedwetting behavior, which they don't have the tools to learn how to control. For some, it's really necessary to find some time every now and then to turn into an adult baby to maintain their sanity and be able to deal with their family and work and, in general, live life as happy and "normal" as possible.
Well said Adam!! I believe anyone who wears a diaper wears it for his/her own reason and it’s none of our business why unless they want to tell us!! I think ab/dl people are a huge help to the stigma of wearing diapers, I’ve seen many articles posted about incontinence and the chorolation between wearing and enjoying to wear and how that can tie into the ab/dl side of things and I believe they are much more tolerant towards our issues than most. None of them have ever hurt me or anyone I know so who am I to say if there wrong or I’m wrong, I’ve met a few dl’s while buying diapers off CL and they were very decent people and were as nervous as I was meeting up!! Just be a good person in life and the rest is just stuff!! The only thing that bothers me in life is people who don’t educate themselves on subjects before they talk or rant about them and intolerance for different people or life styles without getting to know them(education).
Amazing I casually heard about the ABDL community, assumed it was a fetish and moved on. I had no idea of their affect on incontinence products nor it being a reaction of being shamed for incontinence. Shame is so powerful and often so unnecessary, (there are some things appropriate to be ashamed of though). You learn something every day.
@Squander despite what Adam said ... AB/DL is mostly a fetish. I have an academic interest in himself sexuality, and I've looked into a lot of the unusual proclivities people have. AB/DL does seem to have a small percentage for whom it's not sexual, but 90% seem have a erotic connections with the activities. There is an entire cottage pornographic industry specific to them, and sub culture with heavy crossover in the BDSM "scene". There does seem to be a percentage that came to as a result of actual incontinence, but that seems the exception much more than the rule. It is probably the case that it's a bit from column A and a bit from column B, and the urges for many people have mixed origins.

The truth is, nobody knows where fetishes come from, but many people seem to have them rooted in early childhood psychological events. It's no surprise then that diapers, and/or age play, would have a presence in that group of psychological anomalies.
@msuspartan I guess in the end (pun intended) it doesn't matter if one wears protection out of choice or out of necessity.
@msuspartan I think its a little wreckless to say 90% of ABDL are sexually motivated. I don't think anyone has any real statistics on our conditions or on ABDL prevelence or motivation. I would take Adam's word since Northshore has built a business entirely on absorbant products. I would think he would know better than most anybody who his products appeal to and why they buy them.

Just a humble opinion.
@paace It seems like there's a whole range of reasons for wearing products. As long as you're not hurting anyone I don't see that your motivation matters.
There are new diapers at NorthShore that come in green, blue, and purple. They actually look really nice. I’m a fan of the green ones to be honest. I can’t wait for the MegaMax to come in green. They appear more underwear like if the waistband shows.
msuspartan said:
@Squander despite what Adam said ... AB/DL is mostly a fetish. I have an academic interest in himself sexuality, and I've looked into a lot of the unusual proclivities people have. AB/DL does seem to have a small percentage for whom it's not sexual, but 90% seem have a erotic connections with the activities. There is an entire cottage pornographic industry specific to them, and sub culture with heavy crossover in the BDSM "scene". There does seem to be a percentage that came to as a result of actual incontinence, but that seems the exception much more than the rule. It is probably the case that it's a bit from column A and a bit from column B, and the urges for many people have mixed origins.

The truth is, nobody knows where fetishes come from, but many people seem to have them rooted in early childhood psychological events. It's no surprise then that diapers, and/or age play, would have a presence in that group of psychological anomalies.

90% sexually motivated for all people that identify as AB or DL seems much too high. It could be right in some smaller circles that tend to attract those more sexually motivated, but there are many that don't play in those circles and also identify as AB or DL or ABDL. For those that identify as DL, the number that is pure sexually motivated is less than the AB side.

We also hear from many that the motivation to explore ABDL was non-sexual, i.e. incontinence or emotional security, etc... but that some sexual aspects developed secondarily. This seems to be a pretty large group. So, even in smaller circles where 90% report sexual aspect of ABDL, the motivation for many was something else. I think this distinction is important to make as many non-ABDL people only hear about the sexual fetish part and are unaware of the other benefits, which for many, are even more important.
NorthShoreAdam said:
At NorthShore we don't pass judgment on anyone as to why they purchase diapers. We know most have a real physical and/or psychological need for them and it's "not their fault" they require diapers to live life to the fullest. We have been inundated with requests from so many customers the last two years to add products that don't look so clinical looking and make people feel like a "medical patient". These requests come from men, women, young, old, ABDL, non-ABDL...almost everyone, except some that just prefer white products all the time. Adding fun and fashionable designs to diapers seems to help many people feel more "normal" about living with incontinence. While the existing products on the market tend to be childish prints, we are also launching more adult-looking fashionable products in the near future to further add to the options available to everyone.

I have absolutely no problem with any diaper regardless of the print or who buys them. In fact looking at future generations with safe spaces, bringing teddy bears to college and adult coloring books (Im not kidding look it up) The adult diaper market is exploding and not just Adult Babies. Not sure If its good or bad, but I sure as hell am thinking of dropping some money in companies that innovate adult diapers.

I think its a smart business move on Northshores part and hey I might even try some of thoese colored ones you have to change it up.
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