Stocking up on supplies


Staff member
Good Morning Class🤣!
I just wanted to put this out there as I worked late into this morning on a business proposal that relies heavily on import-export. There is so much going on out there right now and it seems like all of the mass media chooses what to report & how to politicize it, and many important things are just getting a snippet if any coverage at all.
I hope you understand my twisted sense of humor by now, and the last thing I want to do is increase anyone’s anxiety levels right now. I was lucky to have a number of relatives that worked in The Financial Markets, so I was recruited by the age of 16 to start my internships on the stock market. So I’ve been doing this for too long!
The reason I am posting this is I think all of us have seen quite a few things missing off the store shelves as of late. Many things we can adjust or buy something else. What makes “our” situation unique is that just because the global supply chain is in a huge tailspin right now, our incontinence or need for diapers and other types of protection doesn’t change.
Most of the disposable products we use here in the US are designed in USA/ Canada/ Europe, but manufactured in China. I’ve been watching the shipping closely, we know what happened to all of those Cruise Ships with Covid stranding them at sea for at times, months. At the same time the container ships had the same thing going on with many Seamen dying of Covid as they weren’t allowed into many ports. Based on this many are refusing to go back to sea causing a huge shortage of workers to run these massive ships. Similar thing with our truck drivers here in the US, only about 62% of drivers from 2019 are back on the road.
The going rate for a container from China to Long Beach, California was steady at about $1000-$1500.00 for many years depending on route, weight etc. In June I watched as the cost per container crossed above $15,000! In July it crossed above the $20,000 cost per container. Despite this the ports are still jammed with full ships going nowhere and shipping brokers are driving up additional fees & cherry picking what freight gets shipped & when.
The whole point of my message is to give you enough info to research and come to your own conclusions, but I expect we will begin to see product back orders and substantial price increases in the very near future, and this is one component that has to be passed on to us. I really can’t tell you what that increased cost will look like in the Incontinence Products yet. In some of my other business it has already resulted in 20% price increases and 4-6 month delays on shipping so far. Cost for an axle bearing & seal for my Jeep was about $40 in 2019, and available overnight, now it’s over $200 and I’ve been waiting 3 months…
On a positive note for those on Medicare will probably be seeing the largest increase in history. This is a lagging indicator (a result of increases that have already happened), so this says very clearly our government knows exactly what is going on and has done little to stop it…
The Sky is NOT falling, but it is getting cloudy… I personally have ordered double what I normally require for about 12 weeks, and I have added additional cloth & plastic pants just as back up. I apologize if I sound like Debby Downer, not at all my intention! This may sound crazy to some of you. I utilize a number of different forums similar to this for hobbies & business, but for whatever reason overall this forum has some of the brightest most well informed members of any of the other dozen or so forums I take part in. I’m simply trying to share the information so you can all take the steps you feel appropriate for yourself.
Again, I hope this isn’t too depressing, I think we all have enough on our plates, but Knowledge is Power! I do this every day, but I miss a lot of other stuff in the process. I’m lucky to have a wonderful wife who keeps me up to speed on the rest of what I miss!
Take care,
I have probably a months worth of diapers in my closet. I’m not in a position to buy more and I may have to skip buying next month to save money. I’m on disability and funds are super tight. I’ve been getting extra money on my food stamps because of the pandemic and that will probably go away in October and I’m freaking out.
Hi @Sprung87, Thank you for taking the time to brief us on what is going on. That was a really good albeit discomforting explanation on what is happening and it's not a pretty picture! This shows that the pandemic has been a complete disaster for all of us in more ways than one. One thing I learned here is how dependent we are on the Pacific rim and how much those imported products influence our buying habits.
The slowdown in the shipping industry and the lack of available and healthy crews to man those ships has pretty much hamstrung everybody. I wish there were an end in sight to all of this.
My next thought is to buy American-made supplies but then again, I would bet that most American made supplies have components made or mined in the far east (and other locations) and once again, here we sit with the ports that still have full but unloaded ships.
And taking the situation right down the street to our local supermarket, there are, as you say, plenty of empty spaces on the shelves these days. That's proof positive right at home that something just is not right!!
IN my personal opinion we need to become more independent as a nation. We used to be, what happen? the business left for cheap labor so China could steal all our tech for their own country. They are still doing it. They couldn't wait until we left Afghanistan so the could move in.
I'm a retired Merchant Mariner,and I keep up with the industry - sort of. I was in theMaritime Division of the ILWU, who have a unit (The warehousemen) that does dispatching and load-planning for ships. There is a longshore division - tie up the ships, work certain industry jobs related to the cargo. I did construction, too. Lumber went to 3 times the price, and we've had to import from Europe, more costly. Canada trade war was pretty stupid, as they are just across the border, cheaper transportation by far.
Our (U.S. Merchant ships & seamen): seamen were down to 50,000, ten years ago, and it is lower, now. Ships? Huge loss there. Why? Congress thinks the old laws that let us keep both were "socialism" (They cost the employers more for living wages & benefits.). Foreign flags have less fees, less safety training, third world crew on dismal wages, etc. We (the U.S. Mariners) have gone to places like Panama and - wait for it - bought "high-ranked licenses", no testing, no requirements for so many hours at lower ranks, and no training. (Actually, they had U.S. training, but it was an experiment to see just how bad it would be.) The foreign-flagged vessels can be oil tankers. Want them coming to the U.S. with incompentent, poorly trained crews?
"Socialism", he said sarcasticly. Congress wouldn't know a Socialist if one of them bit them on the a**. Or communists. Or what it's like to be poor and be unable to buy necessities.
Grrr.We have to change this,but I'm skeptical we can do it.
Oil tankers coming to our shores with with incompetent and poorly-trained crews???? In a word, NO!!! Just remember the Exxon Valdez!!!
Bad enough in Alaska but in a really busy crowded port like LA (San Pedro), Houston, New Orleans or Philadelphia, truly no thanks there!!! And no testing requirements and especially abysmally low wages and poor training is not a combo I'm comfortable with regarding ships, especially oil tankers.
We do have to change, that's for sure but I think the thing we need right now is ......ready for this???????..............COMMON SENSE!!!
A runaway oil tanker in Port of LA Would probably send Gov Gavin drinking, at $3000 a bottle at that little “French Laundry” again poor Fella…
I put my monthly order in about a week ago so don’t have the space (or the funds!) to do another one so soon. I seem to think that BetterDry are manufactured in the EU (could be wrong on that) so whilst they were a pain to get in the UK due to Brexit earlier in the year, that all seems sorted now.

The only ones I know I use that are manufactured in China are the Tykables Camelots but the quality of the tapes in my last batch was woeful so I’ve switched to the Rearz hook and loop ones for my main ultra high absorbency product.
Probably a silly question but is there a way to determine which brands or types would avoid going up in price potentially? I don't think they post "Made in X" on the label, but I could be wrong.
actually not a silly question at all!! I would think that something that's made domestically may stand the best chance of not going up in price. But that is impossible to determine because even if something declares it's 100 percent American made there just might be a major component that is made elsewhere and is shipped here from, let's say the Pacific rim. One way to find out may be best done with a magnifying glass so you can study the packaging and see if it gives a hint as to where the product was made. And some may had the "Made in X" label but I'm not aware of any right now. I hate to say this but I don't think anything is immune from going up in price in this day and age.
@billliveshere You are so right about needing a magnifying glass!

There seems to be always two types of writing on packaging: the big stuff that is marketing; and the tiny stuff that is information.
Just a small add-on to my earlier post…
Koigal brought up an interesting point as to finding “Made in America”
The supply chain for many of the raw materials that make up masks, PPG, air filters, absorbent materials etc. almost all go through China right now. There is a large company out in the cheapest real estate in Kansas that was called Invista owned by the Koch Brothers. They are the largest manufacturer of synthetic fibers in the world and even if it doesn’t cost them more, they will charge more because they can….
In order for the USA to get competitive again we have to start with the raw materials. These contracts tend to be long duration as the start up costs are quite prohibitive. This is how the Koch Bros. have created a lock on the industry to an extent by purchasing all the small competitors.
The short answer is much of the raw materials might be made in America, but shipped to the Pacific Rim to be made into usable products. This is just another reason we’ve been forced to play nice with China during this “Covid Nightmare”! They hold all the cards on this one. If we went at them too hard, they simply shut off our supply of masks, protective gear etc.
We have our “enrich ourselves first” politicians on all sides, for the last 25 years to blame for this insane trade imbalance…..
Good thing Hunter Biden’s Chinese art agent got him $600,000.00 for one painting this week, maybe we could get a loan if he doesn’t blow it all on Cocaine first!
Anyone else remember Billy Beer?🤣
@justej hey have you tried getting on Medicaid? It’s for poor people like me. I have it and they pay for my diapers every month. You just get a prescription sent over to a medical supply place where you can order diapers and you just order them every month and they sent To you. I’m on disability as well.
@Chrisindiapers I’m on both Medicaid and Medicare. Unfortunately the diapers dc Medicaid supplies are crap and don’t work for me. They aren’t nearly absorbent enough. I tried the most absorbent ones they have and I basically had to sit around on a bed pad with no pants on because they leaked right through. I have a guy in Maryland that orders my supplies through Northshore then bills Medicaid but Medicaid only pays for .88 cents per diaper ans I still end up paying close to $100 a month.
Another stunt the pull is to say something like "a product of "the James & Allen Company, 123 Industrial road, Scranton, Pennsylvaia. zip 12345" Such is things work.
@Chrisindiapers @justej

It ticks me off a lot that Medicaid will not cover good products. I looked into in as I am on Medicaid as well and my insurances has products you can get but they are crap. Like I already have enough issues without that. One thing that I find is that there is a lot of red tape in dealing with Medicaid. Some of the people that I follow on Instagram wait two-eight months or more to get approved for electric wheelchairs (I get there pricy) but I have seen one family that by the time they got a chair for their son he had almost outgrown it.

Our government can spend $356,000 studying if Japanese quail are more sexually promiscuous on cocaine. Heck Where's The Pork? showed that in FY2017-FY2019 (FY= Fiscal year) Our government(US)spent 2.3 Trillion...

You can go to

And let your head explode at all the carp that our government waist money on.

It is stupid that Medicaid, Medicare does not cover basic needs and we have to fight to get care.

Side note. Until my cousin was re-evaluated she was given just four breifs a day. She is in her twenties. Has the mentality of a one year old and has profound Cerebal palsy. She has never walked or talked. It took her almost dying and getting sent by life flight to a specialty hospital to get her paper work set up. Now she has a care giver @justej When the agency gets her someone that sticks around and with covid... Yea not good. But she never had a chair, lift to get her in and out of bed and was changed like a baby on the floor because she is 26 and the size of an adult so no one can move her without help.

It if so freaking stupid to me to see our government build, spend money on stupid crap when people are suffering to just have some dignity.

Okay, Done ranting.. But you all get it.

Peace, Love, and happiness.
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