Sphincter slamming shut mid stream


Staff member
I have recently found when fighting off repeated attempts by my bladder to empty itself, that when I do get to the toilet, my sphincter closes mid stream. It is very uncomfortable, like a severe cramp. It only happens after fighting off urges. Sound familiar anyone? I try to go before urges hit since I have no sensation of a full bladder, only a growing sensation that I am going to go.
I have experienced the same numerous times, especially when the urges were strong and I tried desperately to hold back the flow. Like you experience, my flow will stop mid stream, and take a while to get started again.
Also I have experienced when fighting off a strong urge not being able to even start the flow once I reached the restroom. When that occurs I will have to wait and try to urinate a little later.
Both of these flow problems are upsetting to me especially when using a public restroom and I can't empty my bladder to stop the discomfort of the sudden urge.
I have had many years of this - my bladder would spasm AND my sphincter would spasm, creates dangerous pressure on your kidneys as nothing would pass - go to a Doctor ASAP. It is called Detrusor External Sphincter Synergia (DESD). This can be caused by nerve issues, OAB, prostate issues etc etc. You can also retain urine and be more prone to infection. I have done many years of cathing, botox surgeries. Happy to share more if needed.
So you are basically saying you have had an artificial sphincter placed and when you go to use the head it just shuts close half way...and if so how long have you had this and has this occurred before ....And why would you be fighting to empty your bladder?
Not sure about the artificial sphincter reference. I’m not fighting to empty my bladder, I am fighting off bladder spasms in an attempt to get to the toilet. Sometimes it will clamp shut midstream after getting to the toilet after spasms.
This almost sounds like what I go through every morning. The moment my feet hit the floor my bladder starts to spasm and I will clench and tighten every muscle in my body trying to hold on. Usually it only results in the next hour of being in extreme agony in my lower area. Mind you I never get to the bathroom on time and then it seems like when my brain sees the toilet there's no stopping the flow no matter how hard I try. I never know quite what to do when I reach the bathroom. I'm usually bent way over and when I stand up straight to get my bottoms down all heck breaks loose. I had asked if anyone else has this going on and how do they handle it? I'm so tired of getting the back side of my bottoms soaked first thing in the morning!! Not a good way to start a new day that's for sure. Can anyone relate? This isn't just me, is it? Any input would be so appreciated. I must admit I do feel alone with this. Thank you for listening at least. I know it probably sounds freaky.
I handle it by wearing diapers and not trying to fight the urge so hard. And no, you are definitely not alone. I also recommend trying pads; maybe you won’t need the diapers.

A doctor is crucial.
Oh thank you so much for responding to me. I'm having a really bad day and I was being to wonder....well thank you for taking the time to address me. It really means alot to me. My best friend told me almost the same thing , she refuses to put herself in that pain. It's that very pain that is making me hurt so much at this moment. I know I get overly sensitive (emotionally) when I'm hurting. I went outside for a "smoke" and it's not quite 20 degrees F here today. The cold really seems to effect my bottom parts in a very painful way for one thing. Then I'll remind myself that I only have me to blame- my bad habit. About the Doctor- I have had her for years so she knows the situation. I just last week had a uroscan and a cysto. Scattered stones in both kidneys, each kidney have a small cyst, some kind of mass on my adrenalbut no mass in my bladder. That was my main concern because I remember hearing that in women who smoke bladder cancer is second to lung cancer.If that makes any sense- not because of the facts but the way in which I am trying to convey it. Anyway, nothing really bad. Oh- a good(?) amount of blood in my urine but that is always my jam.I was watching YouTube last night and it was about a urologist test called a ..oh dear... brain fart. I swear I may have peed out my brains!!! Probably in my driveway!!! Or the front porch along with all my dress shoes I destroyed. I think you were mentioning this test the other day. You had to have a cath(?) Do you have any idea about what test it is that I am trying...urodynamics? I wonder if that would be indicated for me? Now fear not - I am just kinda talking out loud per say. I will talk to my Doctor on Monday. I'm afraid that maybe the cystoscope possibility introduced a germ? It feels like the beginning of a UTI. Alot of pressure in them thar'parts. Sort of what I would imagine a prolapse would feel like. Feels like i need to pee all the time. Very miserable. When I go to sit down at first it hurts but then that pressure being applied from the couch cushions is somewhat of a relief. Not initially though. I dose of an antibiotic isn't prescribed after a cystoscope? Anyway, about the urodynamics test...is that what you had? It seemed like a long process. If that is what you had, would you mind sharing a bit of your experience with me? I know everyone is different and I promise you I realize the importance of seeking a medical professional's advice. And no one but a professional should offer advice of a medical nature. But could you please perhaps share from say....the human aspect of the procedure? I will ask her about it on Monday as well. When she finished the cystoscope it almost seemed like she couldn't get out of the room quick enough. Told me nothing was growing and to make a follow up in three months. Of course I didn't try to stop her because I knew I was already starting to lose what was left in my bladder. I wanted to be alone in the room when I stood up. Just rereading what I've written I feel like telling myself: "Buck up and get your big girl panties...never mind that. I'll come up with a different expression. That wasn't going to end well.But thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to talk to me. I can't tell you how much it means to me. Losing my bodily control is bad enough- I don't want to lose my sense of humor as well. I suppose ultimately that ball falls in my court and my court only. But again it is with much gratitude that I thank you for talking to me.
Rothpirate16, sounds like a prostate issue in that it's the problem not your bladder. Talk to your doctor and see what he says. He may Prescribe Flowmax to help with relaxing your prostaie for better floss control. Try to get int a Urologist and see there is something he can do for you.
Good luck! :-)
@treutleinelizabet I would go to an urgent care clinic tonight if you have any indication of a UTI, and it sure sounds like you do. They really hurt and can cause your symptoms. Passing a kidney stone can cause some similar pain. If you’re doing that, you are going to need - and deserve 🤣 an opioid painkiller.

If you think you can handle it until Monday when you see her, maybe you can wait until then.
Thank you snow for your response. I'm not in extreme agony nor do I have visual amounts of blood in my urine. No fever, chills, ect. Just alot of tenderness. And pressure. And frequency. Oh, let me not forget my newest friend - urgency. If the tenerness/ pressure starts to become too much I do have Azo. But again, thank you much for responding. You seem a very kind hearted person.
Sure thing. Today seemed better as far as those pesty symptoms go. But I have had more than the average number of UTIs during my life to know how each one can present differently. Some basic features can always be counted on. I'm not the type of person to not seek out professional help when it concerns my urinary system. Now taking their advise- well....gonna go outside for a smoke now. Best regards and hoping you may have a restful enjoyable evening. And thanks again.
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