I probably don't drink enough liquids I just don't feel hungry or thirsty thanks to my ADHD meds, I try to avoid caffeine since I know it makes me have to urinate even more so than my normal overactive bladder which makes me not making it to a restroom in time even more likely but sometimes I need that coffee or an energy drink. Also, maybe didn't make this clear enough initially, when I initially have an accident odor isn't usually a problem unless I'm quite dehydrated or I have eaten or drank something that effects the smell. Most of the time when I start having issues with the odor is when I am not able to change for a couple of hours because often I am unable to change until I get off of work or until I get home. I also probably don't drink enough plain water, although often will just add flavor packets or similar stuff to water, in general when I am trying to stay hydrated I drink more gatorade than anything