Rectal and urinary dysfunction


Staff member
I am 70 years old and within the last year and half I have been experiencing complete loss of bladder and rectal functions. I have been to a Gastrointestinal doctor as at one point I was diagnosed with C-diff (very unpleasant to have). That ladted 81 days and was finally cleared. Since then I have experienced more diarrhea that I couldnt control, but no returning C-diff. Then I started having urinary incontinence along with the diarrhea. I have had numerous tests done and keep being told they dont find anything. REALLY!?? Mow I'm going to see a Urogynecologist who studies the pelvic floor. I have been on many medications to help with the incontinence but nothing has worked. I just recently read an article on "Spinal cord infection" whic can cause these symptoms. I have many issues with my back, bulging disc pressing on spinal cord, sciatica and have had numerous epidurals done for the pain. However I just had my left hip replaced and my back issues have resolved. But, now I keep thinking that I may have this spinal cord infection after receiving so many epidurals. I am so distraught over having this condition and knowing I have to plan my trips out anywhere according to if its a good day or bad. But cant really depend on that. It happens too often and im so tired of wearing briefs...its embarrassing and degrading to myself, but gave no choice. I just want answers and a doctor to tell me...this is what you have and we have a cure. Im truly getting depressed and I just dont think my husband understands the full extent of everything.
So sorry you have this.Can you take imodium or lomotil to slow down the diarrhea?Don't know bout the urinary incontinance?Hubby has that but he has Parkinson.Prayers.
Any type of numbness or tingling in pelvic area? I would suggest an mri on your ľower lumbar area to see if you have any type of spinal constriction or cauda equina.
I've been through spinal infection. If your writing this from home and not in hospital, then it's likely not that. I had c-diff once. Went into blood and I went a bit mental. But c-diff can screw up guts for years or permanently. A s far as urinary goes, infection may have contributed. But most likely it's nerve related. It's costly but go get a MRI. Plus get your sphincters checked for tone. I give you my best wishes and so sorry you have to suddenly deal with this. After a long life of service to your family and friends, it's not fair to have these unexplained problems pop up.
You’re not alone with doctors not being able to figure out what causes incontinence. I’m only 39 and have no bladder control. I get violent bladder spasms and some times at night lose bowel control while I sleep (seldom durin the day). I’ve been through the ringer with test after test. Don’t give up and don’t let it get you down. I hope you’ve found good protection to wear. If not try NorthShore Care. They are amazing people there and can help you find the right product. There is nothing wrong with wearing a diaper. It’s only underwear. It’s like people with a broken leg saying that using a crutch to walk is embarrassing.
Dear Kathyjon47, I am 81 yoa and I have Urge Incontinence OAB which is madness. To me this is Demoralizing, Demeaning, and Stressful. No one should have to live like this. Lately I
have begun to feel sorry for myself. Now I realize that someone
out there is in a worse situation than I. I do sympathize with
your condition. I sincerely hope that you will soon find a successful solution to your health problems. Hang it there.

May God Bless and Keep You! :)
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