Questions for my fellow bed wetters


Staff member
So I had a night last night that fell outside of my usual bed wetting pattern, resulting in a leak. Bummer but it happens from time to time.
This brought a question to my mind. Perhaps some of you may have had the same question. Am I a "normal" or "odd" bed wetter? (I get the whole bed wetting as and adult in not normal so how could I be a normal bed wetter? but that's the the hand I was dealt to play.)
#1 On average how many night a month do you wet the bed?
#2 Do you know you have wet the bed or do you just wake up wet in the morning?
If not always how many nights a month?
#3 If you know you wet the bed (either during or after)how many voids per night do you have?
#4 If you know you wet the bed are you voids similar in size (volume or time)?
I understand if you dont want to answer #5 but in light of how good modern diapers are at keeping the wearer dry I think anyone who wears diapers gets the idea of the question and will not be grossed out.
#5 If you know you wet the bed do you get up and change right after or do you change in the morning
when you start your day?
#6 If you are really trying to have a dry night have you discovered the time you must stop drinking
I figured I would answer my own questions to start and then you also know my pattern to possibly help you
#1 All-- over the last few years a dry night is rare
#2 This is not common for me. Maybe 4-5 times a month max. Those are the mornings you start surprised with I'm dry today.....nope diapers wet.
#3 I average 2 per diaper. My normal is one in bed overnight and then as soon as I stand up out of bed in the morning I cant stop it and wet again (I have urge and OAB when I gotta go I gotta go now!)maybe a 1/4 of the nights I wet 2 times in bed then I can make it to the bathroom in the morning
#4 I never fully wake up I have a sense that I just wet the bed, but mine seem similar in volume
#5 I dont get up right away I change in the morning. I kinda feel like the diaper is serving 2 purposes for me (1) keeping my bedding dry and (2) allowing me to get a good nights rest. If I get up to change then how is my rest doing.
#6 Its crazy to me at least I usually go to bed between 10-11P I've found my time is 6:30-7P which seems to me to be a long time to get enough fluid out of my system to not have to go in the night? Probably why the answer to Question #1 is what it is.
When I was wetting the bed, I didn’t know I wet the bed until I woke up. I always got cleaned up immediately after waking up. The volume was different based on factors like stress. I’ve been drinking a tea that seems to be helping me have dry nights for the last month.
@Tim Interesting questions Tim. Never thought about normal/odd bedwetting behaviours before.

Here are my replies.

#1 On average how many night a month do you wet the bed?

For the past several years it has been 1 - 2 nights a month on average. Sometimes more when under stress or doing a lot of active strenuous stuff and sometimes less. But on average 1 - 2 wet nights a month.

#2 Do you know you have wet the bed or do you just wake up wet in the morning?
If not always how many nights a month?

Typically I sleep right through until the morning not realizing I've peed the bed until I wake and get that 'surprise' your underwear is wet feeling as I am waking up. Should be use to it by now but I still often slowly wake up and not realize I am wet until at some point and then it is just like a surprise. Then it is like a Oh my gosh and I gotta check to see if I am really wet or not. Is that just me?

#3 If you know you wet the bed (either during or after)how many voids per night do you have?

Since I tend to sleep through until morning I really do not know. Judging by the amount of wetness on my boxers/shorts and bed pad it is usually not a flood so I'd say only one wet during the night.

#4 If you know you wet the bed are you voids similar in size (volume or time)?

As I mentioned above I don't tend to pee a lot when I do bedwet. It is pretty consistent in the amount I pee when I do. The wet area is relatively about the same size when it happens. My underwear and shorts I wear to bed tend to just be wet on the front and one side if I wet when sleeping on my side. or the front and back with sides dry if I pee when sleeping on my back.

#5 If you know you wet the bed do you get up and change right after or do you change in the morning
when you start your day?

I very rarely wake up during the night during or after having peed the bed. On the few time that I have I was so tired that I just fell right back asleep. I never really was full awake. And on the even rarer time where I do wake up and fully realized that I have wet the bed I get up and change into some dry underwear/shorts, get a towel to put on the wet area of the bed pad and go back to sleep.

#6 If you are really trying to have a dry night have you discovered the time you must stop drinking

I have not. I can drink water, ice tea right up to bedtime and stay totally dry and yet other times not drink a whole lot in the evening and end up waking up wet. Really is no connection to how much I drink or what I drink to increase or decrease chance of my bedwetting.

So yeah, those are my answers. Not sure if I am an odd or normal bedwetter or just a bedwetter.

I wet the bed most nights. Usually I sleep though it until morning. I never get up and \change if I am aware I have wet.Sometimes I wet a lot more than others. As for a dry night. I gave up trying yeas ago and just accept I am a bedwetter.
I'm gonna use your format @Jaytee 😅

#1 On average how many night a month do you wet the bed?

From since I can remember, I've wet the bed usually every night. Until recently, I've taken desmopressin and that's decreased the accidents to a couple nights a month. Of course, there's no telling what my pattern will be after the pills finish but we'll see.

#2 Do you know you have wet the bed or do you just wake up wet in the morning?
If not always how many nights a month?

Unless I wake up, I won't know that I've wet the bed so I wake up soaking wet almost every night before the pills.

#3 If you know you wet the bed (either during or after)how many voids per night do you have?

I usually slept through the night so I'm
not sure but I would say about a medium amount?

#4 If you know you wet the bed are you voids similar in size (volume or time)?

When I wet the bed a lot, I did pee in the same amount regularly. It was always in the same spot, the same spread on my mattress.

#5 If you know you wet the bed do you get up and change right after or do you change in the morning
when you start your day?

I used to sleep right through but whatever time I woke up and if I wet the bed before, I immediately start cleaning.

#6 If you are really trying to have a dry night have you discovered the time you must stop drinking

My situation is similar to @Jaytee. I tried to write down how much water affects me but it was very and is still very sporadic. Sometimes I drink lots of water and I'm fine, other times I drink a few sips and it's a heavy wet night for me.

I hope this helps!
@23andpee Sounds like our situation is very similar now that you are on the med. I hope the reduced bedwetting continues for you even after the meds are stopped and maybe even stop all together.
Question 1. answer - Now days, I'm wetting the bed at least once a week. I had been an everynight bedwetter as a kid, until my mid teens. Then I was dry thru my 20's and most of my 30's. Late 30's, I started bedwetting maybe once or twice a year. It increased to several times a year in my 50's. Now in my 60's, it's increased from several times a month, to weekly. I will not be surprised if I'm wetting every night in the next few years. In fact, when I was 14, the doctor told me that based my history and family history, I would probably always have bedwetting issues, so I guess I just got lucky in my 20's and 30's.

Question 2. answer - I sometimes wake up during the night after I've wet, but most of the time I just wake up wet in the morning. After my wetting frequency increased from 1 or 2 times a year to monthly, I had to start wearing protection to keep the bed (and wife) dry. Because I tend to void a lot of urine when I wet, I've found that only cloth diapers and plastic pants keep me relatively safe from leaking. So why do I add all this to answer 2? Because when I DO leak, the cold, wet sheets or blankets WILL wake me up everytime. However, if it's contained to the diaper, it doesn't get cold, so I rarely wake up until morning.

Question 3. and 4. combo answer - Since I seldom wake up right after I've wet, it's hard to say how many times I've wet. I can only judge by how wet my diaper is in the morning. Some mornings it's only slightly damp, but MOST mornings the diaper is completely wet in front and down in the crotch area too.

Question 5. answer - When I first started wearing diapers after my bedwetting increased, I was using disposable diapers. If I woke up wet during the night, (Again, rare..) I would get up and put a new diaper on. Often, I would be wet again in the morning. But I was finding that neither diaper had been used to capacity, so I was just wasting money. Now that I'm using cloth diapers, I can add several cloth inserts to make it as thick as I need. So I usually sleep right thru. Now if I've leaked, usually from sleeping on my side, I will get up and change my diaper. I also put a bed pad over the wet spot and deal with that in the morning. (For those who question why I do not change the sheets at 3 a.m., well, you've never had to wake up my wife to tell her we have to change the bed RIGHT NOW.)

Question 6. answer - That's really an odd one for me. I've tried restricting fluids from nothing after supper, and I've still woken up soaked. On the other hand, there's been times where we're out with friends, having drinks well into the evening, and I've woken up bone dry!! Last New Years eve, our neighbor had a big party, lots of drinking, no worries about drunk driving since we live right next door... I was SURE I would flood the bed that night, so I made sure I was diapered extra thick, and the wife insisted too. Next morning, not a drop of wetness in the diaper. Go figure...
@MikeD9876 your #6 same for me. It is so weird. You think due to a lot of fluid intake you'd wet the bed that night and you don't. Yet other times with very little fluid intake you bedwet. Its is so random.
#1 On average how many night a month do you wet the bed?

I wet the diaper about 66% of the time. I wet two diapers about two nights per week. My diapers leak and soak my bedsheets/bedpads 1-2 times per month.

#2 Do you know you have wet the bed or do you just wake up wet in the morning? If not always how many nights a month?

I *always* wake up right after I’ve wet a diaper.

#3 If you know you wet the bed (either during or after) how many voids per night do you have?

I pee at least six times per night, sometimes as many as 24 times per night.

#4 If you know you wet the bed are you voids similar in size (volume or time)?

I don’t know how much I void in diapers. At a urologist’s request, during several different weeks over the past five years, I’ve measured my output in the toilet before. My nighttime voids in the toilet are anywhere from 2-6 oz. I can rarely hold more ounces than that.

#5 If you know you wet the bed do you get up and change right after or do you change in the morning when you start your day?

I change my diaper and the bedding immediately. I don’t lay around the stench and dampness of my own urine; disgusting. I’ve already described my elaborate bedpad arrangement. You’ll have to find that topic I posted if you’re interested about my bedpad system.

#6 If you are really trying to have a dry night have you discovered the time you must stop drinking fluids?

My situation is similar to Jaytee, 23andpee, and MikeD, there is not much correlation between how much, or when, I consume fluids and my bedwetting, just that if I have any fluid at any point in a 24-hour period, I’ll be peeing 25-64 times per 24-hour cycle.
#1 I wet the bed most every night.

#2. Sometimes I wake up, but most of the time I don't.

#3 & 4. I don't always wake up, so I don't know how many times I go a night, or how much each time.

#5. I always change my diaper in the morning. I don't mind sleeping in a wet diaper. That is the purpose of a diaper. But if it leaks a lot and wets the bedding, that is uncomfortable. I will change into a clean diaper and get some clean bedding.

#6. I will stop drinking two hours before bed. I find that stopping any sooner will not have much affect on my bed wetting.
I tend to wet most nights at this point. Amounts valet, from light wetting to heavy void and saturation. I tend to wake up slightly, probavly level one sleep, in the middle of voiding, and then turn over and going back to sleep. My goal being to sleep through the night. Most nights it’s a single void. Patterns do change based on water consumption, if I exercise, exhaustion and stress. Also if I eat spicy or greasy foods.
I have discovered over the years what I drink has little bearing on how much I wet unless I drink a lot of beer or whiskey
#1 On average how many night a month do you wet the bed?
Not sure to be honest. Most nights. I am occasionally dry buy I stopped tracking or thinking about the dry/wet count.

#2 Do you know you have wet the bed or do you just wake up wet in the morning?

More often than not I will just wake up wet. Occasionally I wake up and have a suspicion that I just urinated, but there's no real way to know. I don't wakr up in the act anymore.

#3 If you know you wet the bed (either during or after)how many voids per night do you have?
Unsure. It's hard to tell.see #4.

#4 If you know you wet the bed are you voids similar in size (volume or time)?
They are different. I took a week and weighed to determine outpit. Anywhere from 300 to 900.

#5 If you know you wet the bed do you get up and change right after or do you change in the morning
when you start your day?

I take it off in the morning. It wastes money to change a high capacity diaper early.

#6 If you are really trying to have a dry night have you discovered the time you must stop drinking

I just don't try anymore. I have tried giving up coffee, sweets, hot foods, lost weight, no soda, drinking early, timed waking and voiding. I figure my body just isn't ready to stop... so I decided to just go with the (drumroll) flow.
I got primary nocturnal enuresis as a child and teen (every night till 13, it was over between 15 & 16). I am 66, 7 years ago I got prostate surgery and I could recover day dryness with physical therapy (kegel exercises) and of course going to toilets every 2~3 hours. But for night it failed. Actually it's no longer enuresis rather a diminished detrusor muscle strength (urge incontinence)
#1 On average how many night a month do you wet the bed?
10 to 15 times : whenever I wake up feeling that I need peeing, I go to the bathroom. But when I sleep well I wet (actually the diapper and very seldom pj's and sheets)
#2 Do you know you have wet the bed or do you just wake up wet in the morning?
If not always how many nights a month?

when it's a nightend wetting I mostly wake up then sleep again, more or less 5 nights per month my alarm clock wakes me up (wet) at 7
#3 If you know you wet the bed (either during or after)how many voids per night do you have?
I realised it happens generaly twice : I go to bed around 23:30 to midnight, then I wet 2 hours later, the second time at night end (5 to 6:30),
#4 If you know you wet the bed are you voids similar in size (volume or time)?
I don't know about that
#5 If you know you wet the bed do you get up and change right after or do you change in the morning
when you start your day?

I get up aroud 7 ~ then take my shower, I only change myself and the sheets right after if my diapper leaked ( very seldom like once every few month)
#6 If you are really trying to have a dry night have you discovered the time you must stop drinking

I stop drinking 2 hours before going to bed and have a double voiding just before going to bed. It helps but it's not enough to stay dry
thanks for all the replies. I find it interesting what other people experience. I guess based off of most of the responses I am a normal bed wetter. I was "glad" to see quite a few of you don't know you've wet the bed until morning. reason? I have a couple people in my life that can't believe the nights I don't know I've wet the bed that I don't know, or that I am not wide awake after wetting the bed. I don't worry about it because it is what it is but trying to get someone who has never experienced something to understand can be difficult. I am also amazed at some of the number of wetting episode you experience through the night. I guess its the volume of output that is the variable.
Someone had mentioned about stopping coffee, iced tea, spicy foods etc. Interesting I tried the same thing based off suggestions by my urologist and saw little to no improvement. I also made the decision that if there was little to no improvement then I am going to eat and drink the things I like and the outcome is what it is.
Thanks for all the replies
I decided on balance myself. I like my spicy foods, but know it will trigger day wetting, same with soda, or too much sugar or grease. I restrain for the most part, and let myself enjoy every once in awhile. Just because I have this condition does not mean, I have to stop enjoying life. I just have to plan a little more for those moments.
Taking the time to read carefully evrey answers It's amazing to find out how my own experience is similar to MIKED9876's
Question 1. After outgrowing from my kid and teen enuresis, I was allmost dry thru my late teens, 20's, 30's, 40's & early 50's(though there was not a single year with no sleepwetting at all, let say 1~2 wet beds per year) thus I used to put a large bath towell between the matress protector and the bottom sheet. Starting from my mid 50's,I had to get up for peeing twice a night and the count of wetting accidents increased to around once a month just before my prostate surgery. My family doctor also predicted that I'll return to sleepwetting

Question 2. I do not wake upon 2-hours-after-sleep bedwetting, I often wake up right after peeing the bed as night-end wetting occurs (often associated with dreaming that I get up and pee the bathroom)

Question 3. and 4. during one full month I kept a detailed diary using an enuresis alarm, thus for wet nights "early-night" wetting occurs 90% and night-end 66%. Since I still enjoy 15~20 dry nites per month dry nights a month, it's when I wake up and get up at 5~6:30. I use a high capacity diaper (disposable shapped diapper + plastic pants).If only one wetting occurred it's wet only in the front if it's two the diapper is full both front and crotch.
Question 5. - When I started wearing diapers right after my prostate surgery, during 2~3 month I wetted every nigh, then As I recovered full day dryness with physical therapy, the situation also improved at night. I took me some time to find the right incontinence product to keep a dry bed (trial and errors) at that time I didnt share the bed with my wife, thus upon waking up in wet PJ and sheets I immediately got up and change myself and bedding. Since I found a reliable solution we sleep again together, whenever leaks occur (~twice a year) we do get up and change the bedding

Question 6. - exactly like MIKED9876, it's weird : some times enjoying dinner and evening with friends I drink a lot and dont't pee the bed, and sometime drinking little and not at all 2 hours before sleeping I wet. however I think that the fluid restriction 2 hours before sleeping plus the double voiding before sleeping helps me to stay dry 15~20 nights per month.
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