Diapered before bed


Staff member
Well another night and another time to change into a diaper - does anyone else feel before going to bed - you don’t want to wear a diaper to sleep - I question myself every night - when I’m with my girlfriend I start bedtime in a diaper - when she woke me up at 3:30 (on purpose) I went to the bathroom to pee- she said don’t wear the diaper the rest of the night - I woke up (no accidents) and I remember the mornings again feeling like a man again - no diaper on and very excited - well with out going into detail - I miss those mornings - I felt normal again and she commented as well - it is what it is - but the feeling waking up without a diaper on and the bonus had me feeling normal again - I know there is still a risk of wetting but it was well worth taking the risk - I do what I have to do every night so I avoid wetting the bed but it was a long time to waking up without a diaper on - it felt good
I'm glad you actually made this thread. Because it's something that was constantly on my mind over the past couple years of struggling with urge incontinence and nocturnal enuresis.

When my bladder issues first started happening; I was in denial. I hated myself for it, and it brought back bad memories of bad/confusing humiliation as a kid.

I tried everything, pads, mattress protectors, just doing laundry. I remember one time I fell asleep on the couch and woke up and spent three days trying to figure out how to clean a "Fabric X" sofa.

Anyway, I know it sounds stupid - but probably one of the worst memories was this spring. My myrbetriq medicine had stopped working - and due to increased stress and due to being put on psychiatric medicines that I didn't actually need (luckily I was regulated back to my antidepressant. Thank God)- the stress basically made my bladder spasms so bad to the point that I felt more comfortable leaking than enduring the pain of holding it in.

The problem with that is, is that I was cooping myself up in my apartment not wanting to wear a diaper at all - so when it came time for bed - I was in a catch 22; because I couldn't just get up and keep going to the bathroom.

Well, anyway - probably the worst of the times when my bladder spasms get bad (which still happens on occasions) - is having to wear a diaper to bed knowing that your going to sleep dependant on something that your embarrassed to wear.

I don't think any guy in the 20s I know can relate to what it feels like going to bed knowing that before you fall asleep; you know your going to have an incident.

Take care,
It’s weird for me - I can go a couple weeks at a time - then bang - I will wet my nighttime diaper 3 nights in a row - no change in routine at night - not sure why???
I’ve been wearing diapers to bed for 20+ years for bed wetting and OAB (now looking more like neurogenic bladder) that’s always been with me. It wasn’t easy in my teens and 20’s wearing to bed. Definitely not what I’d call a masculine attribute… my wife didn’t bat an eye though and was very supportive given the circumstances.

I doesn’t bother me a bit having to wear and has become second nature. I’d be unable to sleep if I went to bed without protection and my wife and I wouldn’t appreciate the laundry in the morning.

My advice is don’t worry about it and enjoy life. If you’re comfortable with or without protection, do what works best for you.
Thanks for the support - something new to me to accept that I need to wear a diaper before bed - I guess better than a wet bed
I’m grateful for my diapers. Grateful I don’t have to do as much laundry, that if im out somewhere I don’t embarrass myself, and that no one has to know Id I don’t want them to. I have physical therapy tomorrow and I don’t step out of the house if im not diapered. Has it always been this way? Hell no. My accident was in 2015 though and 7 years later I’ve learned to live with it. Life goes on. Yea I have my bad days but I also have days like today where I only had to change once while out of the house all day and had no leaks. If I had the choice of incontienence or getting my leg back I’d choose incontinence for sure. Because not being able to walk is worse.
I wear diapers every day. If I don't there's a high likelihood of me having a bladder accident while at work. That would be far more embarrassing than some slight bulge being noticeable. I'd argue that it's far more childish to wet your pants when there are tools available to manage this health problem. Sometimes the nature thing to do is to utilize the tools available than to try and run from your health problems. By the way I'm not attempting to call you childish. I'm attempting to draw a distinction between what a nature adult does versus what a child would do.

Yes sometimes the my diaper makes me feel childish but it would be worse if I were constantly wetting my pants
After many, many years of wearing diapers, I honestly don't care anymore. I will occasionally feel embarrassed, but they are fleeting thoughts. I focus on being a good husband, father, whatever I need to be and wearing diapers has no bearing on any of that. I suppose it's a glass half full type thing right now.
Lorumipsum, I agree with that sentiment. The nature thing to do is to do what is fitting within our physical health limitations. It is far more embarrassing to wet the bed next to our partner than it is to don a protective garment. Yes, the protective garment can be very embarrassing if it's exposed but it's less embarrassing than wetting or messing ourselves completely unprotected. I'd rather wear a protective garment than have my room smell of incontinence related odors. To further that, I work in a youth detention facility and I'd rather wear a protective garment than look like I've wet myself. Sometimes doing the mature thing means doing what makes life a little less complicated. Do I "like" wearing diapers, not in the leased but they provide a level of protection that reduces the likelihood of general embarrassment. My incontinence and related embarrassment is something that I can control with the aid of certain products. We all have a variety of challenges, how we handle those challenges can either increase or decrease our individual quality of life.
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