Pull ups or tabbed for long drives.


Staff member
I had RP Feb 26th,I'm going to have to start going to customers soon.
Not many options for stopping between cities, suggestions?
I would recommend tabbed personally just for the ease of changing. But in all honesty it would depend on your level and type of leakage. If you only leak a little bit then the pull-ups would be fine. If howevre you leak a moderate amount while sitting I would say the tabbed as they tend to be more absorbent. Also if you don't leak at all while sitting, and then it gushes out when you exit the vehicle (aka stand up) I would also highly recommend the tabs. Most pull ups can't handle large volume single voids.
IMHO, tabbed. though more "tabo" way more confidence inspiring and considerably easier to change. unless as Draconic said, you just don't leak very much. then maybe a pull-up. for me i always worry a bit, so it's tabbed for me!
For me the tabbed/adult nappy (diaper) style products are the only ones that will cope with my IC. But even so I would still recommend 'Tabbed'. Much more absorbent which means less changes and also not having to practically undress to change, which you do with pull ups.
I use tab style diapers on a long car ride since I would have to change going on a long trip. I have urinary stress, frequency and urge incontinence I can change my diaper standing up in a stall without having to take my shoes and pants off.
I wear tranquility ATN diapers during the day which have descent absorption and a at a reasonable price. For some reason wearing “underwear” pull ups is seen as more acceptable than wearing a tab diaper, I have not seen any tab adult diaper commercials. This is the reason I occasionally wear pull ups especially when I am going some where like the doctors where they will be seen.
Great thread and posts. It would seem tabs have more advantages. Anxiety makes a good point on doctor office visits. As I was completing radiation the nurse said don’t worry about the techs seeing the pull-up.

Mem1020 appears to be a new member. Welcome! With respect to which brands of tabbed have been successful, it certainly is individual choice. Some will base on comfort, fit, pricing and some on absorption. You can probably get 3 out of the 4 and be happy. As Anxiety noted the broad market has moved to pull-ups. So you will have to some search. As mentioned above Tranquility ATNs. NorthShore Megamax and in other threads there are a number of similar brands mentioned. I prefer the Megamax at night.
I’ve been having luck with the new cloth backed Abina M4. Better than the ATN and not plastic so a bit more comfortable, just wear boxer breifs or compression shorts over it to hold it in place.

This is the first cloth backed one I’ve liked. I’ve tried the northshore but they all feel too bulky. The Abena is bulky but not so wide as to make me waddle more than walk like the north shore cloth backed briefs do.
Tape on are so mush easier to deal with. I use quality briefs with a booster as I’m not concerned with bulkier diapers. Pull up diapers are only good for light leakage issues and are a hassle to change because you have to remove everything below to pull on a dry one. Overnight being a side sleeper I count on bulky cloth diapers with plastic pants as they are the most reliable keeping the sheets dry.
Yes I’m diapered 24/7
I seem to leak quite a bit while sitting and don't realize it until I get up because I can't feel it.
Usually have an urgent need to pee by the time I get home,about 35-40 minute drive home.
Flaco said:
I bought the Northshore tabbed ones, very bulky.Prefer not to look like a toddler that hasn't been changed.
Unfortunately that sorta comes with the territory. I have had good luck with Tranquility ATN. Needs to be changed a bit more often but way cheaper than NS and also narrower so less bulk and more natural walk/no waddle effect.
Tranquility ATN meets my needs for the day time and do not restrict me while doing excercise. As with all diapers you need to change before they become too wet when doing more energetic excercises as they will start falling apart internally This is when I wear waterproof pants to guard against fluff coming out
Flaco said:
I bought the Northshore tabbed ones, very bulky.Prefer not to look like a toddler that hasn't been changed.


Northshore has a lot of new options including a "light" version of their most absorbent products. They have either plastic or cloth backing, or even cloth backing with plastic landing for the tabs, as this fastening method isn't as prone to loosing and stretching once the product has been worn for a little while. I'd hit up their website and maybe work with one of their associates to find a product that matches your needs.
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