Predicament - unable to use my left leg


Staff member
I’m a right below the knee amputee with severe bursitis in my left knee. I wore my prosthesis for 10 days in a row (taking it off at night of course) while visiting family. I got home last night and my left knee was popping and extremely sore. I had the prosthetic off today and changing was really hard. I’m unable to stand or even be on my knees to change a diaper. I’ve been try to lay down but I don’t do a very good job. I’m going out for coffee tomorrow with a friend and if I have to change while out I can prop my amputated leg and stand enough to change. I really don’t want to lay down on the floor of a Starbucks. Does anyone have any tips?? Thanks
I am so sorry to hear about the leg. I think propping your leg will be your best option. Can you practice at home tonight? I wish I had a better idea but sounds like between a rock and a hard place. Maybe you will luck out and not have to change. I feel like you will conquer this problem like you have done always before. Wish I could be more help. Try to enjoy getting out with your friend and have a good start to the new year.
EJ -What a revoltin' development! It sounds like your leg is rebelling from overuse. How would you have known? You are such a trooper, not letting any of these things stand in your way of living life to the fullest. I admire your spirit so much. I idon'thave any tips and I certainly understand your hesitation to change on ANY public floor. Maybe take along one of those thin metallic blankets that people put in the trunks of their cars in case of emergencies. I have one in my car that folds up into a very small envelope. But for tomorrow? maybe not. Standing to do this might be a hazard unless you have a buddy to help you.
Oh, that is not good. Would using a booster pad inside your brief help? I do have a thought for changing- I don't blame you for not wanting to change in a stall, but when push comes to shove- if you have no choice- could you carry a large green garbage bag in your backpack to put between you and the floor? I think I'd cut it open in advance so as to have it as large as you can get it, and then, just toss it in the garbage as you exit. I hope private bathrooms are as prevalent where you live as they are here. Best of luck.
Hi @justej, I hope the new year finds your leg is getting better and that you were able to go out for coffee with your friend and have good conversation.
I don't have any tips to offer on changing and using the floor to lie on in a public restroom.
But I definitely sympathize with you and I would also be reluctant to have to do that!
But if it were me, I, too, would put in a booster and that could buy you some time when you're out and you won't be home for another hour or so.
I do agree with the suggestions from @ritanofsinger and @jeffswet about metallic blankets and large garbage bags. They should work when you find yourself in a "push comes to shove" type situation.
Here's hoping your leg is being rested and is beginning to heal!
I'm sorry you're having trouble with your leg! You deal with so much, and do it with so much grace, and sometimes it seems like life keeps throwing you curve balls.

Have you tried putting on a diaper while seated? I've done it a few times out of necessity (changing in the car when there's no restroom available). It's not especially easy, but to me it sounds better than trying to lie on a public restroom floor.

I'm guessing you're using a wheelchair to give your leg time to heal. If you can transfer from the chair to the toilet, you could untape the old diaper while still in the chair, then transfer to the toilet, clean yourself and wrap up the old diaper, then lay a new one on the chair and transfer back on toP of it. Then tape it up and get dressed. That of course depends on the details of how you're able to transfer, but there may be a workable solution in there somewhere.
Those 'thin metallic blankets' were called "Space Blankets", back in the day. Easier to handle, but more expensive than a garbage bag. If plastic garbage bag is hard to handle due to static, wet your fingertips - sometimes that helps
Maybe decaf, instead of regular?
Itapilot: that sounds promising.
Just joined the "only one useful leg" club. It does suck. 2 visits to ER in 3 days. But changing diapers isn't an issue, so lucked out there.
Wx gotten mean, 15 degrees with wind moaning at 30. wind chill -3. Hope better for you, justej.
And only a few days ago I saw something online that said the temperature on Kodiak Island was 67 degrees, which seems like it's kind of warm for up there!!!
But now it looks like Ol' Man Winter has taken up residence in Alaska once again!!!!
Thanks everyone. I ended up not going with my friend for coffee due to unpredictable weather. I didn’t want to get stuck in the rain in my wheelchair. Tomorrow we will give it another go. I’m going to put one of my Northshore pads on the chair just in case (can never be too careful) and if I need to change or use the restroom for a bowel movement I’ll do the ol stand on one foot, amputated leg on the chair and balance like hell.
A little update. Met my friend for coffee. The bathrooms were closed so I ordered a dragon drink (tea) to reduce the possibility of a bowel accident. I had a one accident (urine) that my MegaMax handled like a champ. Got home and that’s when I had to have a BM and I was able to get my wheelchair in and everything out in its place. So yea off without a hitch!

It’s supposed to snow tonight. I’m in a tshirt and shorts now. This weather is crazy!
Hi @justej, it looks like everything worked out just fine when you met your friend! Sometimes things do happen in a seamless fashion, and wouldn't it be nice if it could always be that way???
I wish we could get some of that snow!! Down here it's actually hot and a bit humid, which is not at all seasonable!!! Tonight we're supposed to get a cold front coming through at some point!! The weather sure is crazy, as you put it!!!
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