Praise God... Closest call


Staff member
Went to help my Nanny move some furniture around and cought her having trouble breathing a bit. She was also running a small fiver.. Now she is 78 and stubborn as all get out but I told her I was calling my momma on her so she better get her but to the doctor... Good news is it's not covid-19.. But she has a cold and is going to be on medication for it. She told mom that I am a little shit for ratting her out and that she would have called her doctor tomorrow but I only live a few hundred yards from her and I have a lot of family that would help drag her kicking and yelling to the doctor so she went... Thank God she is negative and just has to kick her cold..
Good News... Sometimes you just have to stand your ground even if it means you are in the doghouse for a bit.
At that age with known and possibly unknown health issues and problems, waiting a few hours could mean life or death. You absolutely made the right call. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. Great job and thanks for sharing it. A good story and life lesson for many.
I can't be in the dog house for long as she calls me every few days to carry her groceries up here stairs for her.. she doesn't act 78 and get confused for someone 20 years younger but she has a recent knee replacement and with PA. Weather she doesn't take the risks when I am right down the road.. heck I have walked in the snow to her house to shovel her walks before so it's not like I can't get there.. She will get over it..
Well that is good news, FlGuy, and I'm happy it isn't covid or anything horrendous! And you were spot-on as far as insisting she go to the doctor and find out what was going on! That was a good call on your part! I think she is extremely lucky to have you for a grandson! :D
Hi folks gd morning from fhe uk. Doez anybody know if there is a operation that can help cure incontinence i have been told there is one that involves a sling being put in that pulls your bladder up iz this true and what does it involve??is this worth doing or not????
Have a gd day all
Hi @Jonno, How are things in the U.K. today? Here in Florida it's kind of chilly believe it or not! Yes, it can get cold here, contrary to popular belief! I have heard of that "sling" procedure but know nothing about it. You have come to the right place though, as it has been discussed periodically here. Maybe you can search and put in "sling surgery" or something like that and see if there are any threads that talk about it. And stay tuned right here because perhaps after a day or so people who have had the procedure or know about it will reply.
hi thanks for replying yes ive been trying some info on this sling effect but nobody seems to know a lot about it but shall continue to delve into it to find any info .lucky you being inthe hot place its at the moment minus 3 here and brass monkey weather also freezing fog you know what that means frozen pipes for the water and wrapping dogs when they go out this site is brilliant a mind of information and lots of good feeling hope you have a good day or nite its 1700 here at the moment just dishing up tea catch you later and thanks
Hi @Jonno, I guess 45 degrees with a bit of a breeze is hot compared to where it's three below. But in Florida it still feels cold! Yes I do know about the brass monkeys! I really don't envy them one bit!!And a freezing fog wouldn't be fun to drive in at all! :O So I hope it warms up a bit for you soon!
Just stay here for awhile and you will probably get the info you want. Besides with it so cold out where you are, the best thing to do is to stay in and visit this forum!! :D
@Jonno It seems there is limited information on this surgery... that I can find. I found a study in NICE by Cancer Research UK whereby men were given 2 options, the artificial sphincter or urethral sling. The trial is in phase 4 now and finished in 2017. I guess they are compiling their findings now to release the results. Here is what I borrowed from their site...

Doctors can help men in this situation by doing more surgery to fit a device that helps men control their flow of urine. This device is called an artificial urinary sphincter. It involves putting an inflatable ring around the tube that carries the urine from the bladder to the outside of the body (urethra). The ring is attached to a small pump in your scrotum that you use to deflate the ring when you want to pass urine.

Artificial sphincter for trial

There is another device called the male sling. The male sling is a flexible net that is put around the urethra. It acts like a hammock providing support for the urethra. The male sling doesn’t need a pump to work.

Sling around urethra diagram

The surgery needed to put the male sling in place is a little simpler than to put the artificial urinary sphincter in. But at the moment there isn’t enough evidence to say if the male sling is as good as the artificial urinary sphincter. The researchers want to compare the 2 devices to find out if the male sling is as good as the artificial urinary sphincter. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has said that because of the uncertainty about the male sling, it should only be used in a trial like MASTER.

Please see the following link to the study...

Hope some of that might help you and best suggestion is to get a referral to see a urologist from your GP and discuss with them.
@Jonno The sling operation for women has been around for quite a while. My mother has been having trouble with incontinence, so I learned a little about it. From what I know, it seems that if the bladder is hanging too low, it does not completely empty. Coughing or lifting will cause urine leakage. Lifting the bladder with a "sling" may improve continence. The operation usually does not require an overnight stay in the hospital.

It's easy to find information about it on the internet. If you are a woman, you should consult with a uro-gynecologist for an evaluation.
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