Planning for the thanksgiving holiday with friends.


Staff member
So my friend has an annual vegan thanksgiving at his house and I’ll be going once again. Only difference this year is I’ll be staying the night on Wednesday. I hate staying away from home but he really wants me there so I’m doing it. He knows of my incontienence and is super supportive and non judgemental. I think all of my friends that know are. His bathroom is not handicapped accessible so even if I didn’t have incontienence issues it would be near impossible for me to use the bathroom. I will be using the bathroom for bowel movements as I try my damndest to make it for those. Even at home my ass will crawl to the bathroom to avoid a bowel accident. Lol. I’m gonna take a pack of black MegaMax and plenty of wipes. And I’ll take my bed pad to sleep on just in case. His bathroom downstairs is small but I can change on my knees. Wish me luck guys I’m nervous!
As long as your friend knows about the incontinence that is more than half the battle!!! Since there is nothing to hide in that regard then do go and have a great time and a wonderful holiday.
And one other thing: Enjoy it to the fullest!!!!
Of course you are nervous. That's really understandable. It sounds as though you have given this trip a great deal of thought and you are super prepared. Hold your head up hi, try not let The Problem color your good visit. Have a great time
We know you have prepared. You know you've prepared. Your host knows your situation and wants you there. You shared that your friends are supportive and nonjudgmental. Sounds like you're gonna have a great Thanksgiving. I sure hope pumpkin pie is considered vegan though:-)

Good luck! I'm thinking you have many people in your life to be Thankful for especially this Thursday.
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