Personal Pictures


Staff member
Hello Friends,
We've seen a few personal pictures that have been posted lately of people wearing absorbent products. While we applaud your confidence in sharing these pics, not everyone is comfortable seeing them, nor are they necessary to share or appropriate in this forum. Please refrain from posting pictures of yourself in an absorbent product. They will be taken down quickly, and repeat offenders will be removed from the forum.

Thank you,
Thank you! This has always bothered me. Especially when I’m out somewhere and I’m looking at the forum and someone shows up with a picture of them in a diaper.
Omg. I scan hardly look at myself in the mirror with one on. I can't imagine putting it out there for people to see. Yikes!
Thank you! I know there is at least one poster that has him in a cloth diaper as a profile picture. It always bothered me but I didn’t bring it up because no one else seemed to mind. Guess I wasn’t alone in my thoughts. I don’t think he had any bad intent but given how it’s constantly a fight to keep the fetish crowd away, I think this is a good policy.
Over the past year, I have received an occasional message from other members who have requested more information on the products I use. I asked if pictures would help. They said it would and I posted those pictures - both cloth and disposable diapers. They said it helped. In my entire life, I’ve spent only a handful of days without wearing a diaper at some point in the day. It’s just underwear to me. It’s only a diaper. I wear several every day.

I get that not everyone has had that experience. I understand your offense.

Every minute of the day, I’m offended. Climate change. Environmental degradation. Homelessness. Poverty. Hunger. Blatant racism. Abhorrent abuse of human rights. Agism. Misogyny. Corruption. People today are just plain mean.

I channel my offenses at the ballot box. That’s only once a year. But that’s all we get. It works for me. I’m sure it works for you.

From time to time, I do come across something on the internet that offends me. If it’s a picture, I have a solution. I look away and move on. Works like a charm.

Ax John Lennon wrote: “Let it be.”
I think that the personal pictures of diapers, that I have witnessed, were given as visual evidence of the reality that some of our members face daily.

I found the pictures to be informative and enlightening. I had no idea of the effort that some people have to perform on a daily basis to protect themselves. To me the personal pictures delivered a powerful message of the daily commitment that incontinence can require.

This forum is an open and very supportive discussion group. The visual reality of incontinence can be tough to witness but incontinence is a tough disorder.

You can sanitize the pictures but I find it strange that an adult support group on incontinence find pictures of diapers disturbing. I think the picture ruling reinforces the belief that the realities of incontinence should be hidden.
I'm going to respectfully disagree. What exactly does posting a picture do to enhance any sort of conversation?
Is it to make us believe that people aren't making up their incontinence issues? Sorry but if you feel like telling me me you wear protection, I don't see the value in you showing that to me. It's just strange in my opinion.

I understand you have your opinion and I have mine but what other topic of discussion would pictures be excluded?

On the subject of diapers I had no idea to the extent or complexity of design of diapers that some members use on a daily basis.

I found the pictures informative I guess some people found the same pictures offensive. I don’t see the point of restricting how information is delivered if it’s use to inform.

I myself have found the pictures of diapers offensive, and it has almost led to me abandoning the forum, which i have been a member of for a long term. I also have noticed that as diaper pictures increase, membership has seemed to decrease. I have to wonder if there is a secondary motivation when people post a lot of pictures of themselves in diapers or have the picture of them in diapers as a profile picture. We are unwilling being exposed to someone's underwear. If you want to share pictures, share them with those whom want them over private message, versus placing them where everyone can see. At the end of the day, a lot of us don't want to see that, and it feels violating to have it forced on us.
I have no desire to put a picture of me in a diaper on a public forum. Too embarrassing for me. On the other hand, Depends is running an ad campaign showing regular people wearing one of their disposable briefs. I appreciate that they are trying to remove the stigma of incontinence. I'm not about to complain about that, or are you offended by it?
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