Personal announcement


Staff member
Hi people! Please excuse typos or half thoughts. Im not doing very well and cant think well right now. I have been very proud to be a member here for i think 3 or a bit more years now. I have been helped mentally by many and even financially once by a couple of absolute angels. I was homeless and recovering from surgeries and injuries and they provided the ability for deposit and electric. They pretty much literally saved my life.
On November 11, 2020, i went to my hospital for chest pain. I do have heart issues. I simply needed an emergency nitro refill. The doc wasnt convinced it was only my heart. I have a huge history of digestive issues and surgeries from my mouth to my butt. Lol
He did a ct and admitted me and did a upper scope. The found a massive ulcer covering the lower stomach that traveled through to the duodenum and small intestine. A standard biopsy was done. A few days later i was called to see my doc. He was not alone. He had a counselor with him. I knew why they called me in now. The ulcer was not an ulcer. It was cancer. I left after the appointment and have ignored all calls and emails from them.i didnt want to deal with it. Last week i had a visitor. My doctor came to my house. We talked and even went shooting after. It was awesome. I own over 150 guns. Many relics. Lots of family owned ones too. He convinced me to go get another ct scan and upper egd. (Scope). More blood work and a mri, then a fun pet scan then a bone marrow biopsy. (That sucked total ass) So friday i saw my doc again. I have cancer in my limph nodes, pancreas and liver along with the primary stomach cancer and small intestine. I have felt worse daily for several weeks now. So his news wasnt a complete surprise.
So, im saying this now, before i cant. Thank you all of you beautiful people. I have truly valued your words and kindness. You have all been so nice and some of you(you know who you are) have been life savers. To the point of helping me in mire ways and in kinder ways than my own family. Anyone who knows you or will come to know you are and will be truly blessed.
My eyes are already getting yellow. I have stopped eating solid food. I get fluids from mainly an iv. I have an estimated 2 to 3 weeks left but probably less with blood toxic lefels rising from liver failure and no real nutrition intake. As my liver failes and acid levels increase in blood i will get more confused. Like dementia kinda. This will likely kill me first. Lots of liquids though. Holy cow, lots of diaper changes. Yes guys, i have a nurse at home and yes she is cute. And yes i have had help changing. But its all professional and medical. Lol 😉 Soon, in the next week or so, i will be closing any online accounts. I dont want any left open. But also, i have been given very strong pain meds but havent taken any yet. But i will when it gets bad and i dont want to post anything while drugged up. I will read everything first but cant promise to respond, at least not to all. I wish the very best for all of you. May the Lord bless you.
With all my love,
Steven1980. 1/18/2021

P.S. 2020 sucked. 💩 good luck 2021.

Sending you love across the pond. Your posts have been inspiring and I wish you all the best going forward.
I want you to know that I have been supported by your strength for fighting what you have been through, I have followed your posts for quite a while and I have been so impressed by what a fighter you are having going through what you have. I wish you and your family the best with the utmost appreciation and love. Godspeed Stephen keep the faith and I will always remember you, Richard
I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. May God grant you comfort, strength, and above all, peace in your final days.
@Steven1980 I would like to thank you for your many helpful messages over the past few years. sending you love from across the Atlantic, Phil
Hi Steven,
Thank you for sharing and thank you for your strength, wisdom and encouragement here for myself and everyone else. It is a true pleasure to get to chat with you. Peace and Blessing through this my friend, we will miss you. May the Lord welcome you with open arms in your journey home.
Steven, Jim Poorman said it best.
But I will add this my friend,
you will be missed.
Angels walk you home.
So sorry to hear your health issues. All of us here will keep you I our prayers. Thanks for all your posts and inspiration. God will welcome you with open arms. Peace be with you.
Steven, I admire you for facing this head-on. Death is not a thing we generally look forward to even in our suffering. It is good that you are loved by so many caring people and that you love. My good friend, Philip, went through similar ups and downs for five years before he finished this life in 2019. My heart is heavy for you right now knowing what you're experiencing. We'd rather go out just closing our eyes in sleep and not waking up like my husband Bill did. God speed.
Steven, you have friends all over the world thinking of you. I'm sending you a huge hug from Spain.Wish I had the words to say more. xx
Steven you are truly an amazing man. I admired how you have dealt with this head-on. I hope for your own sake this is quicker with less pain and suffering than expected. God bless. Thank you for everything you have provided on this forum as your comments were always very helpful and inspiring. You are truly an amazing person and you will be greatly missed. May you walk with the angels. Love Jason.
Hi Steven, I cannot tell you how sorry I am to hear this. But you are facing this thing with your head held high and continuing to fight the good fight. You are a part of this group and you have been there for all of us. And now we will be here for you.
God bless you and comfort you always.

God bless you my friend. God is in control and is using you as a witness.

You are starting on a journey that only believers will take.
“ But it is written,
Eyes have not seen nor ears heard or entered into the heart of man the things God has in store for those that love him”
1 Corinthians 2:9.
I will be praying for your peace and comfort .
God Bless
Steven, I'm new to this group. All I can say is damn. Ive fought cancer most of my life, but at least its been one cancer at a time. My hope for you is that whatever time you have left that you will be comfortable and know that many of the people here will be holding you close in their hearts.
Dear Steven,

I have just posted 3 hearts for your post, and 3 hearts for everyone who wrote such beautiful, loving messages to you. You have brought love to us all along, and it soothes my heart to know that you feel loved by us. Thank you for sharing your sad news with us. I hope you feel less alone now. I hope you feel God's love accompanying you on your journey forevermore. May you feel yourself to be a blessing, Amen.
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