Oxybutinin helps me with UI


Staff member
I've been paralyzed since 1995 and Oxybutinin is the ONLY medication I take to prevent Urinary Incontinence. I take 5mg 3x per 24 hours. It definitely works because even if I accidentally sleep too long and have 500ml+ in my bladder when I wake up, I do NOT leak.

I will occasionally drop down to 2 pills per day just because I don't like to take any kind of drug. I can do this for about 10 days before I start to feel like I need to pee more often, and If I don't go back to 3 pills per day right away, I will leak a little. So I must say that YES I will be using Oxybutinin for the rest of my life or until something better comes along.

As far as side effects, I don't really notice anything other than dry mouth. It's annoying but I'd rather that than leaking.

Hope this can help someone out there!
hi my name is john if thats ok with you i would like to go on your recommendation and ask my doctor for these pills as it sound s like they work but im in the uk and dont know if our stiff upper lip doctors will prescribe them i would gladly put up with a dry mouth if it had the desired effect for me i get a bit embarrassed thinking people can on me even tho i shower twice a day and wont go out at night when my mates ask me to go i always make an excuse but if i can get them tabs i shall go out

thank you for sharing that with thanks
many regards jonno
Hi guys,
They help me too when I’m having issues. Gets rid of the spasms with less side effects that others I used to be on. Thanks for the posts.
@Jonno i hope it helps. don't forget you can always wear an external condom catheter with a leg bag and nobody would ever know you leak.
Oxybutynin helps, sure. It definitely doesn’t keep me dry in the night, and sometimes it actually increases my frequency and urgency. Oxybutynin is a crapshoot. It’s a very old medication - about 100 years old - and is very toxic. TAKE BRAND NEW MYRBETRIQ INSTEAD!

OXYBUTYNIN’S DRY MOUTH IS A DISASTER. DRY MOUTH ISN’T SOLVED BY DRINKING MORE WATER. DRY MOUTH ROTS!!! YOUR TEETH!!!! Gum disease is permanent! Don’t! Do! It! Dental work costs wayyyyyyy more than incontinence supplies and symptom tolerance!

Prior to taking Oxybutynin, I’d only had two cavities in my life. My parents spent $7,000 (in 1983 dollars!) on orthodontics for me. I had immaculate teeth that I’ve always taken really good care of.

After just two years of that toxic, foul medication, now every one of my teeth has had multiple cavities, I’ve had nine crowns, seven root canals, and I just found out on Friday that I have to have two extractions/implants under two of those crowns/root canals because they’ve ALREADY!!! ROTTED!!! AFTER JUST 1.5 YEARS!!!! FROM UNDERNEATH THE GUM LINE! It’s going to cost me $6,800 for this new repair.

Alllllllllllllll because of gum disease!!!!!!! ALL BECAUSE I TOOK STUPID OXYBUTYNIN AND PUT UP WITH DRY MOUTH!!!!


Train yourself so when you read “dry mouth,” it translates in your brain to, “rotten teeth.” Dry mouth isn’t about having a scratchy throat and being thirsty all the time; it translates to PERMANENT. GUM. DISEASE.

Taking Oxybutynin for two years was one of the stupidest, most longterm-consequential, idiotic things I’ve ever done to myself.
@snow it may surprise you however that I’ve been taking Oxybutynin daily for 25 years now and have zero cavities. There may be other factors in your tooth problems that are the root cause and Oxy may have just tipped the scale for you a little. Everyone is different of course. Sorry to hear of the problem you had with it.
DeanLikesToHelp - You're right. I had zero cavities until at the age of 18 I had a severe car accident. Within a year I lost three teeth to cavities. And have had two crowns. But the dentist told me at 65 that if I continued my dental care that I would never have to have false teeth. So it was the assault to my body that caused the tooth problem. But as we know everybody is different.
Two months ago, my dentist told me I’d be able to keep all my teeth and here I am, having yet another surgery in two weeks, the worst of the dental kind: extraction and implants. They started surgery on Friday but pus wouldn’t quit shooting out of my tooth once they drilled into it, so I’m sitting here in throbbing agony, waiting for the infection to calm down over the next two weeks so they can actually do the operation. It’s going to be months before my teeth don’t hurt again - if ever!

In the past three years, I’ve seen three dentists, two endodontists, and my original orthodontist. They all blame Oxybutynin, and exclusively Oxybutynin. They’re not stupid. My endodontists have the newest dental CT machine in the country, and I get a CT every few months. They can tell by the pattern of decay that it’s caused by dry mouth. My teeth are perfectly straight and my overbite is corrected. Nothing is wrong in my mouth except the damage done to it by Oxybutynin.

I brush and floss my teeth after every time I eat. I use three different mouthwashes and three kinds of toothpaste. I rinse with hydrogen peroxide. I sleep with custom-made trays over my teeth with two different prescription fluoride medicines in them. Doesn’t make a bit of difference or improvement. THE DAMAGE IS DONE, BY OXYBUTYNIN.

My doctors (both PCP and urologist!) over-prescribed Oxybutynin to me. I took 15mg 3x/day (triple the daily max dose), for three years. My throat was so dry I could barely speak. I was never not thirsty. It wasn’t worth putting up with it.

By the way, I refuse to call a non-opioid by any “oxy” preface name because of the social stigma. I call it by its other name, Ditropan.

Whatever you call it, beware that evil drug.
I have never taken Oxybutynin, but dry mouth caused me to lose all my teeth. Virtually all my meds list "dry mouth" as a potential side effect. (I have lots of health issues.)

I replaced both upper and lower arches with implanted dentures. That cost me about $50,000 out-of-pocket!

Now I am dealing with osteoporosis, but I can't take the risk that is associated with all the different meds available to treat it. Every one of them can cause the jaw to die if you have had, or will have, dental work done.

I do take "tamsulosin" for urinary urgency/frequency. Then I found out that this makes cataract surgery risky; it's called "floppy iris". The iris can just push out through the incision site.

All meds have potential long-term, future risks.
@snow that's a huge dose you were taking!

Here's my dental background... Cavities in my kids teeth yes. Had fillings and eventually all my kids teeth fell out. I also had too many teeth, so I've had 19 teeth pulled during my younger years. I have NEVER flossed, not even once. I got a Spinal Injury in 1995. Didn't see a dentist or orthodontist between 1195-2001. Went for a cleaning and they took x-rays. No cavities and I was on Ditropan (oxy) for 6yrs at that point. I then went without a dentist/orthodontist visit until 2011. Same deal, x-rays and cleaning. Still NEVER flossed. They barely found any plaque at all. She was amazed at how clean my teeth were and how good my enamel looked. Jokingly she asked me what my trick was. So I told her...

I use steaming hot (not scalding) water to brush/rinse.
I brush ONLY in the morning. No mouthwash. Just hot water.
I rinse with hot water after lunch and dinner usually, not always.
I rinse before bed with hot water, sometimes but rarely use mouthwash.

That's how I do it. It won't work for everyone, but there is such a thing as over-brushing with abrasive toothpastes and stripping the enamel enough to cause problems.

I don't smoke, don't drink, don't use drugs, and don't eat spicy/acidy foods. No coffee either. Those all are not teeth-friendly.

THE TRADE OFF... I am a c6 Quadriplegic and can literally DIE from Autonomic Dysreflexia caused by bladder or bowel discomfort, and even leaking. Therefore I do need this medication. If I didn't take it, I would get Dysreflexia with as little as 50ml of urine in my bladder AND start leaking. Even if I let tht happen and wore diapers, wet/moist skin can cause skin breakdown with can also cause Dysreflexia along with skin sores, infection and eventually sepsis, and then death.

Don't forget there are many dental schools that perform all types of dental procedures for like 1/5 the cost and do an amazing job.

Best of luck to everyone, but I need to use Oxybutynin... and I'm just saying I still salivate, just not as much as normal.
@DeanLikesToHelp If I had your reason for incontinence, I, too, would surely take Oxybutynin, probably even if my teeth fell out and I had to get dentures at a young age.

I think you have really good dental DNA and rock-hard teeth. I do know I have somewhat soft teeth, though not as soft as other family members’ teeth.

I drink coffee/tea/alcohol once a week at most. I don’t do drugs. I don’t eat particularly spicy food.

I’ve tried a dental school and had a horrible, costly-in-the-long-run experience. So I won’t be trying that again, as long as I can afford not to.

I *am* definitely going to start using your hot water trick - Duh, why didn’t my dental professionals think of that? Makes so much sense! Thanks for that tip!

I want to reiterate, every person must make their own medical choices for their own respective conditions (and kind of teeth ;)
@MezaJarJarBinks Sorry to hear about the cost of your implants. And you’re right; all medications do carry side effects. I always wonder if that’s what happened to my teeth, what did Oxybutynin do to my organs and my other bones?

I really worry about how many NSAIDs I’m prescribed. Opioids don’t really affect me mentally or physically, and I’m glad, because otherwise I’d have to wish doctors were actually willing to prescribe them any more - which they’re mostly not. NSAIDs rot imperceivable holes in your intestines until you become severely anemic. But it’s NSAIDs, or I can’t get out of bed because my back hurts so bad. I don’t anticipate living a long life and I’m committed to living as pain-free as possible and off of disability while I can. It’s okay; like a lot of us here, I’m getting used to the idea.
@MezaJarJarBinks Was getting implants one of the most painful experiences of your life? That’s what I’m expecting. Somehow dental pain is one of the worst pains because it’s just so damn demanding! I’d rather have knee surgery! Guess I’ll know firsthand within a couple of weeks!

Do you set off metal detectors with the metal in your mouth? My screws will be titanium.

Having teeth pulled is one of my worst nightmares; always has been. Losing teeth as a kid grossed me out; guess that’s natural. Makes sense we want to like our teeth. My tooth-pulling fear was greatly compounded when I finally agreed to have my wisdom teeth pulled 10 years ago and ended up with severe dry sockets. That was one of the worst sensations I’ve experienced in life, and I’ve survived A LOT of very painful crap.

I expect getting these two rotten teeth pulled and implanted will feel worse than dry sockets, right? I wish opioids helped me at all, because I’d be a lot less scared of recovery. I currently have Percocet for the infection, but it really doesn’t help at all, and I haven’t even had the full procedure done yet! I’M TERRIFIED! I’d basically rather have any surgery again, that I’ve already had before in life, than to have extractions/implants.

Convince me otherwise?

I’m pretty scared I’m not going to be able to walk into the endodontist’s office the day-of because I’ll be so scared. He’s going to have to prescribe me valium to take just to convince myself to walk through that door.

@snow definitely try the hot water, it’s a whole new slippery tooth experience afterwards. I just figured at a young age that if hot water get dried up crusty stuff off the dishes, dried up mud on my ATV, why not apply that to my teeth? I unclog sinks and toilets and showers that way too rather than using chemicals. I wish you the best!
Four out of Five Dentists prefer Crest.

(Sorry, it just seemed like we needed a toothpaste commercial in there somewhere. ) 😂😁🤣
@DeanLikesToHelp And, most of us primarily shower/bathe in hot water, too! Stains come out of clothing better with hot water. Duh! I feel dumb.

Maybe your technique will rescue my entire rotten mouth, lol!!!
MezaJarJarBinks --- All the drugs advertised on TV have such a long list of possible side effects I wonder that they ever sell any of their product. My PA prescribed Omeprazole for my Gerd a few years ago and last fall she told me to stop taking it because of the damage it could do to my stomach. My gastrooenterologist told me to stop taking NSAIDs (after removing intestinal polyps) because of the damage it might be doing to my stomach. I have been taking acetaminophen and using the heating pad and ice packs for the pain in my back. Last year an ER doctor told me to start taking a baby aspirin every day to prevent stroke, and my PA said I didn't need it. The tests on my carotid arteries don't show any danger for stroke. Isn't it just like politics? Who do you trust?

Snow -- Isn't a very warm shower the best thing? I especially like it for the osteoarthritis in my back.

And like DeanLikesToHelp, I've use hot water to rinse my teeth after brushing. As for flossing my dentist and personal friend told me years ago that he never flossed. He used the white plastic toothpicks and kept them handy in every room of his house. Which is my m.o. now too. I tried mouthwash when I was much younger but never got into the habit of using it as it is all too intense and sweet. I've been using an electric toothbrush for the last twenty years and it just died yesterday! I plugged in the spare.

Snow ---Usually dentists or "oral surgeons" numb the jaw before undertaking such drastic procedures but I sure understand the anxiety. One of my daughters had to have a root canal many years ago and she would not allow any anesthetic. She was in such pain during the procedure that the dentist nearly passed out and then refused to go on with the work. She did go back later and have it finished but with a different dentist.

Telling that story reminded me of the time my late husband and I took four of our grandchildren to South Padre Island, Texas. The day before we were heading home I had a bright flash of light in my right eye. I called my ophthalmologist and got an appointment for the day after we drove home. I had a torn retina. So the nurse administered an anesthetic to my eye and I waited to have the surgery. The original doctor had an emergency so a different doctor took his place, but not until the anesthetic had nearly worn off. By the time they got me in the chair it had worn off. He started the laser surgery and it hurt like HELL. I cried out and told them I felt faint. I was sweating like everything. They put a big box fan blowing directly on me and continued. It was quite obvious that the doctor was very concerned but not enough to administer another dose of the anesthetic (it was too close to the time for the clinic to quit for the day). It was torture but like a trooper I tried to stay still but moaning with the pain of the surgery. The surgery was a success however so I realized I didn't have a law claim and after the follow-up I changed the provider. I did learn that this clinic was notorious for trying to wring the most from their practicing doctors.

My 83 year old mother finished radiation treatment for the tumor on her lung, which caused a fracture on her spine, so she had to have it cemented. A case of a bad side effect!

We certainly have to be cautious about who we allow to practice on us! But how do we know who that is?
@MikeD9876 the 5th dentist works for the poison control center and doesn't recommend it because of the fluoride lol.
@Jonno Yes they will if you ask them. It was one of the first tablets they agreed to try me on. You might end up with a generic brand but they still work. I just hated the dry eyes and mouth with them. Everyone is different though and I wish you the best of luck.
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