Not sure if this is right site....


Staff member
I was told by my ob/gyn that I may need pt for my pelvic floor. I'm not sure if this is the correct site though. Apparently, not to be taken wrong, I can no longer have sex. I guess my pelvic floor simply stops my boyfriend's penis from entering my vagina. It's like suddenly there's a wall there. If I'm on the right site, will pt help and what do they do during the pt?
Yes, you are for sure welcome here. Many of us have a long list of issues. And you have openly want to find ideas and answers. I have dealt with impotence since my younger days. There are many ways to enjoy one and another. And oh yes, Welcome, were glad you here!
You are very welcome here. As a man, that has performance issues, sex is not just physical - any more for me. It takes a load of effort and it is not easy to find ways. My wife hates she cannot make me perform, but she ends happy. I have no idea how to help physically, but there are ways for both people to bond and make the connection needed that may not be the typical path to release if that makes sense?
@Gretchie111 there is a thing called reversed kegals. There should be YouTube videos on it with instructions.
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