

Staff member
Hi Everybody! I am a 47 years old spaniard struggling with nocturnia. I am dealing with this since my early 30´s. I have read some of the comments and my issue doesn´t seem to be as serios as others as i have a normal life apart from waking up from 2 to 5 five times at night depending on what a i drink. Anyhow, I would aprreciate if anyone could tell me if treatment with medicaments seem to be useful to ease the reduction miction frecuency at nights.
Thank you very much.
First things first. Do you have a lot of urgency during the day? How is your urine flow when you go? Can anyone verify when your sleeping, do you snore or hold your breath for shorts periods throughout the night? Any burning sensation while urinating? Are there any other symptoms that are out of the ordinary?
Thank you for your answer JWT. I can hold little amount of urine in general in comparison with a normal person, as far as the Urologist told me, but i dont have special urgency during the day. It is true that everytime a I stand up after having been seated a few minutes i feel the need. And if a drink, quite rapidly i will feel the need as well.
My urine flow, generally is not much, pretty slow and with drips. At nights it takes me quite a while to make the flow going.
I do not snore or hold my breath for short periods. Burning sensation not quite but i do have strong feeling of urgency even though the amount of urine wont be much and once i have finished, it feels like quite stressed.
I asked about medicaments because i visited two urologists and they both recommended me the same. I tried natural pills but they did nothing.
@Alberto have you had your prostate checked out. Sounds like you have some symptoms of prostate issue. My GP told me that I my have BPH. I have been checked for prostate cancer which the test came back negitive. I would start there if you haven't done so already.
Yes, JWT I had the prostate checked twice and luckily it came out negative.
So it looks your experience with medicamentes do not seem to be good as you say nothing about them.
How are you dealing with this problem if it is similar to mine?
Thak you for your help.
I was on meds but took myself off of them do to being to tired and not able to concentrate at work. I have an appointment with my GP to get a referral to a urologist to see if I can get some answers. I have been researching on the internet on the TURP procedure. I think I might go that route if need be. I will have to see what the urologist says.
Nothing for me to add here. I have made the rounds with various drugs. Nothing good came of it for me. The only thing that was offered that I did not try was nerve stimulation. This was offered for my incontinence with hopes of also helping with nocturia. 10 weeks of of visits with a possibility of showing improvement after the 4th or 5th visit. I declined the offer. I still leak, drip what have you and still wake up at night.
I tried all of the medications. None of them helped me but getting Botox injections in my bladder (which my doctor does) reduces my daytime problems by 90% and my nighttime problems by 70%. I have Nocturia. My primary diagnosis is “Neurogenic Bladder” after I fell down a cliff and severed the nerves from my bladder to my spine.
If you get too much Botox, it can cause urinary retention. That’s the only real side effect. I get it every 3-5 months. I pay an average of $325-$400 for my medication co-pay each time, depending on the going rate for Botox that day. The cost goes up and down all the time. If you have to pay for the whole thing out of cash, it will cost you $2000. I get 200 units of Botox. You can get up to 400. A lot of people get the relief they want from only 100 so then your cost would go down. I have no idea how much it costs in your country, or if you get free healthcare coverage there.
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