New TV Ads


Staff member
I just saw some tv ads for mens diapers on msnbc in the middle of the Nevada coverage and the ad aired more than once. I liked it cause it is trying to dispell some of the embarrassment that goes with all of this.
If I may say, as real as these parts of incontinence are, so is the hope of life returning to normal after the onset of its symptoms. I have been living with it for a while now, and even though there have been bad days, I think that people see our efforts and successes in dealing with it before they think about the situation as a flaw. People want to see victory in the lives of those around them more than to laugh at them. I don't think we have to live with it out in the open- but neither do I believe we need to be embarrassed, or worse, ashamed. We aren't laughed at when we lose a limb or suffer a head injury... I have come to believe that we may be guilty of imposing the stigma upon ourselves.
maybe im too harsh on myself. i wouldn't fault others for it. certainly om glad the tv ads are airing. the doctor was so disinterested in my issue i felt blamed all over again as if i had a problem i could fix myself. i volunteer in dog rescue and hoise training is the biggest concern when plscing a dog. i used to be a CNA and it is the biggest daily issue for caregivers.
i havent found a diaper product that doesnt leak so i have to launder sheets daily which embarrasses me as a family guest.

just curious, what brands of diaper have you so far used? As you try to find effective medical help, maybe some of us can suggest some of the more highly absorbent diaper and booster brands on the market and where to order them. there ARE products that will stand up against the heaviest flooding, night or day. it really need not resort to wet sheets.

we each take a while to find the best product(s) for us...often a combination of products & techniques.
thank you. my stores dont seem to carry some names Ive seen mentioned on the thread here. i guess its taking me time to realize i have no control this will happen nightly no matter what.i kept thinking it would stop or a doctor would have a simple solution.
ive found Tena the best so far from store brands with a heavy maxi pad attatched to the inner thigh.
dr prescribed ocybutin 5 mg once daily. from reading here it sounds like some folks take 10 mg a few times a day. im thinking to try uping the dose and tellinv the doctor of yhat works. I have been concerned it causes blurry vision as side effect. I am on Obama care so cant afford the drug that starts with M. i have NO desire to get a surgery or botox or self catheterize as a sexual assault survivor i dont deal with doctors or invasive touch. (my ale and female doctors acted so uncomfortable it was embarassing to gave told them).
thank you for suggestions. just being able to TELL someone, you all, and not feel ashamed is a big help for starters.
Though store brands are adequate for some, there are far better quality products available online. I have OAB with flooding issues too and have found several excellent diapers that work exceptionally well day and night. For example, Confidry 24/7 & Foresite AM/PM. Feel free to pm me for more information or discussion if desired.
Maymay941 said:
apologies for lousy typing!


I'd fail at typing, too...(danged neuropathy and numb, fumble fingers) were it not for the
EDIT function. It only stays active on your messages for a few hours after posting, but
time enough to go back for correction. No need for apologies!

By now, as anticipated, you have some ideas for better protection. I can personally endorse
the Comfidry 24/7 (once called Dry 24/7). I have just received some of the Foresite AM/PM,
but have yet to give them a try or 'field test' as I call it. For added 'flood insurance,' I will
often use diaper covers or overpants and / or booster pads, depending on the sitation.
thank you for the ideas of superior brands for disposables. i guess i thought if its a "normal" bodily failure what was on the store as shelves was the option and I was unusualon quantity.i wouldnt have known what online brands to believe from all the advertising claims so the rrsearch done in this group
up has been extremely helpful.
i ordered some Dry 24/7 from Amazon as they sound most effective though at the price i expect them to vaccum th
e house and make me breakfast in bed!
I will try other brands also but it would be nice to have a truly effective product.
any experience with dosage and how long before oxybutin pills work?
ive been prescribed 5mg but seemed useless. My brother an RN said the central nervous system is affected and warned the blurry vision, weal legs and early onset dementia are a real concern.
Not sure the current pricing comparison, but there are some excellent medical supply and incontinence suppliers that are competitive and discrete and have many brands to pick from. I have ordered from Amazon and also XP Medical and Northshore among others. Congrats on the 24/7 decision to get you started. They are a bit crinkly (noisy) but absolutely awesome! Like Andy said, no one product works for everyone and some of us sometimes use multiple products at the same time. These include, but not limited to: barrier cream/ointment, diaper covers, booster pads, mattress protection, onesies, etc. My bed is well protected but I also use a peapod mat on top of my sheet. That way if I leak I can just wash the mat and not have to remake the whole bed. Also great for travel protection too.

As for the meds, they can take weeks to become effective. Many have intolerable side effects but there are many drugs to try. Don't give up yet. I was on oxybutynin and then Trospium and had horrible dry mouth and other issues on both, though oxybutynin was worse. Now I take Tolterodine. All of them have helped to varying degrees but none have stopped the problem. At last visit urologist added low dose Valium twice a day to hopefully decrease the bladder spasticity.
again, your research is so apreciated. i just ordered a peapod mat.i am emboldened to sally forth and not let incontience at night disturb my day.
I agree. If it is indeed primarily a night time issue you are on the right track, or at least you have made same decisions I made. Meds have some scary side effects and potentially some significant long term horrors. All the meds I tried left me with extreme dry mouth and itchy eyes and really did not seem to offer worthwhile benefits. Just seemed the sense of being dehydrated and drinking all day didn't help matters. With my issue primarily at night I decided to simply use protection in the way of Northshore Care Brand or Abena X-Plus (now the classic I believe). Both of these will come as close to being leak free as you are likely to find.

Any daytime issues have been minimal with only a few exceptions, both of which struck on the way into home after 45 minute commute. Of course there are those times when dribbles after urinating happen which I am sure all of the men here can relate. I always have a Tena mens level 3 handy.

Good luck!!
Well I'm dealing with Urge Incontinence OAB for 10 months now.

The only thing I can say about this OAB Madness is,
"It Pisses me off". :)
Like many things in life we have to come to grips with it mentally first and only then can we be able to deal with the problem at hand. I e been INcontinent for about 14 years now and about 4 years ago I decided to stop trying to fix it and just learning to manage it. The “fixes” were all just bandaids and never gave me relief and usually added a new problem to deal with so my path is management. The products for us keep improving and I am very thankful for that!! Part of my management plan includes mental health as well and I can not stress enough how crucial it is to find a way mentally to get through any issue in life!! So however you decide to manage your IC do yourself a favor and find a way to manage your mental health as well!!
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