Carewell ad hell


Staff member
So i decided to try carewell. Great selection, the call center was very helpful with a product question, and i gor everything on time, but then theres the marketing…im getting ads all over the place, i ordered from my home pc on a private mode browser, not sure what more i could do. Now im getting ads on every device including my work laptop which i do not log into my personal mail accounts. Carewell Ads are for the exact brands and types of diapers i bought. This is disturbing. Ive turned off windows ad ID , ive selected the dont show me this again options, nothing works.

The 2 spam emails about diapers each day are also not welcome but i unsubscribed.

These people need to get it thru their heads that a guy in his mid 30s who orders diapers because of bladder issues isnt gonna want diaper ads. Im well aware of the fact that i need to buy diapers. Hell im wearing one now.

I ordered a new brand that i havnt found elsewhere and im really happy. Id love to make it my go to and get it from CW but these ads have got to go.

I'm getting these ads as well even though I haven't ordered anything from them yet. I'm wondering if contacting them directly, and voicing your/our objections would do any good.
got to read the fine print on these offers one trend that these companies have with their offers if you read in the fine print Often is worded that you agree to share your information for advertising purposes including emails and phone the next thing you know you re receiving mails and phone calls from tele-pests
I will prob call them after i finish work but i also wanted to make sure the community is aware and also find if others are in the same situation. Theres power in numbers
It’s getting scarier very day in this interconnected world! My Wife, who has kept her maiden name as her professional name, so is in no way connected to me other than Facebook posts was getting these pop ups and ads every time I placed an order. You have to DEMAND that they immediately Remove you from all marketing, as this data especially in our little world is at times more profitable than the sale of the products themselves.We ARE still protected under the Privacy Act of 1974 but the ACLU has basically thrown up its hands and in a recent ruling stated something to the order of “If you log onto the internet willfully, you must have ZERO expectations of privacy”.
This is the ACLU’s main purview and it was created solely to protect our privacy, yet is has thrown up its hands and let Big Tech decide how and when they can intercede on our behalf.
Sorry to tell you but its up to us to protect ourselves. I may have shared this with you all but two years ago while recovering from a spine surgery I was forced to do my Christmas shopping online. My Wife knew every gift I bought her before it even arrived, and the Rolex watch I bought my 22 year old secretary…… Just kidding on the Secretary, mine is older & smarter than Me!
Be careful out there!
Any product I search the internet for will instantly bring up ads for them everywhere, and I didn't give the company my email address or anything. It is maddening. I'm already embarrassed having to do the searches but then have to be constantly reminded of my struggle through the ads for Northshore, depends, etc.
Sarah060486 said:
Any product I search the internet for will instantly bring up ads for them everywhere, and I didn't give the company my email address or anything. It is maddening. I'm already embarrassed having to do the searches but then have to be constantly reminded of my struggle through the ads for Northshore, depends, etc.

Ive not seen any sds for northshore or tena or any other diaper sites ive looked at outside of that browser on that device. This is hitting multiple devices including work devices. Clearing cookies usually kills northshore ads but this is differant.
For now, download the TOR browser for truly anonymous browsing on the internet. It uses Duckduckgo as its search engine. Better is that it is extremely difficult for your ISP to know where you are going or what you are viewing online.

Even better would be a US version of GDPR. The crucial aspect of that law is "the right to be forgotten." But big tech is fighting hard against this, so I am not holding my breathe on this one.
i called them and the person had to look into it. Clearly that person wouldn't have this answer, its not a common question. About an hour later i got an email from support and a call from the cust svc rep i spoke to telling me they removed me from all marketing and the only comms i would get now would be for order confirmation which is exactly what i wanted.

I havnt seen any diaper ads since then either.
ChrisM said:
For now, download the TOR browser for truly anonymous browsing on the internet. It uses Duckduckgo as its search engine. Better is that it is extremely difficult for your ISP to know where you are going or what you are viewing online.

Even better would be a US version of GDPR. The crucial aspect of that law is "the right to be forgotten." But big tech is fighting hard against this, so I am not holding my breathe on this one.

Yeah i could use tor but the weird part is im getting it on a work laptop running thru a VPN AND a cloud based web proxy service that amoungst other things, masks my point of egress.
I have all my apps turned of unless I’m using it. When I got my first ad from any company I always unsubscribe and delete it. I have had no further issues.
I keep getting these ads as well and it’s very annoying. I don’t need ads for diapers at all. I wish I could turn off certain ads like that.
I also use a VPN which blocks most of the pop ups, but I do two additional steps:
1) Set your browser to clear history and cookies every time you close it.
2) If you do get an email, before opening it right click your mouse and it gives you a short list of options. Mark message as spam and it auto deletes all messages from this sender from your email account.
Hope this helps…
I use throwaway e-mail addresses for a lot of my online orders, and even my main email address has a fake name. I do not now or ever have used my real name in any site on the internet
the name I use is a miss spelling of my real name.

If you are running things like a fake IRS site and trying to claim i own the iRS ect money and you use my misspelled name, i will run my own scam on you wasting your time. Because i know the IRS would know the real spelling.
I receive countless postings from Northshore on Next Door, and I am sick of them. I am going to contact them to ask them to stop it.
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