My thoughts about using diapers have changed drastically over the years. I was a bedwetter until my mid teens. My parents used diapers for me off and on, depending on the family budget and their attitude, that changed from time to time. Also, my dad had been a bedwetter, so there was a genetic link too. I remember the Doc telling me at age 14, that based on my history, I might have bedwetting issues through out my life, and it might get worse when I got older.
When the bedwetting stopped in my late teens, I thought "Yes!! Victory! No more diapers or wet beds!!"
I was dry thru my 20's, but in my mid 30's, I started having bedwetting issues again, but VERY RARELY, like only once or twice a year. Of course, I certainly wasn't going to wear diapers again for something that happened so rarely. I did make sure the bed always had a good water proof mattress cover on it though.
Fast-forward to my late 50's... The once or twice a year bedwetting became 3 or 4 times a year. I still maintained my strategy, of "Just protect the bed." However, now in my 60's, the bedwetting is getting more frequent, 3 or 4 times a month, sometimes twice a week! Now I had to change my plan. First I tried disposable diapers, but that wasn't really practical, since even when I didn't wet, I could only use the diaper a few nights before it would start to fall apart. They get kind of expensive when you're on a budget. So I went to cloth diapers and plastic pants for my bedwetting issues, and they seem to be the logical solution, from a cost point. Also, I've been having some random urge incontinence issues in the daytime, so I use the disposable diapers when I'm having a bad day.
I've been to the doctors a few times, in fact I have a CT Urogram tomorrow. The doctor ordered the CT scan to rule out anything physical, but I believe he also thinks it comes down to genetics and family history. So from absolutely hating diapers as a teen, (As any kid would..) I now recognize and accept that diapers have a role in my life once again, possibly even more, if my daytime control gets worse. However, compared to family and friends, with all their ailments that come with age, and all the people I know who have already passed away, having to wear diapers is REALLY a minor problem!