Hi, I'm new here. I have both stress and urge incontinence. I take oxybutinen for the urge incontinence and 2 months ago I had a transvaginal sling put in (urethra). Prior to the decision for surgery I did physical therapy. My numbers for strength of pelvic floor muscles were pretty high and overall good. Unfortunately since the surgery the incontinence is worse. Just standing up makes me empty my bladder if I don't go to the bathroom at the earliest urge. In a couple weeks I will have a urodynamics test and hopefully will be able to determine exact cause. My urologist said that the options to fix the issue were 1. Physical therapy, 2. Injection, 3. Remove sling and after I heal do another procedure. I'm here to learn about other people's experiences, especially regarding the TVT, injection and the surgery to remove the sling.