My sincere apologies to emily91


Staff member
I publicy apologize not just to emily91 but to anyone else who didn't like my comment to emily91 yesterday. I was having a very bad day and took it out on you. I'm so very sorry

Steve ( nappyman )
I found and read the comment.
I think it's a wonder we dont ALL snap on each other singularly or collectively from time to time.
May I add however, that dealing with and making an effort to learn coping skills is a reason to be here. We all have bowel movements as every living creature does, we all have to cope with the hygiene involved to making our way through society.
Nice job Nappyman! We all have those days, but I’ll share with you a little trick I’ve practiced since the advent of in-retractable electronic communications. As I’ve said here before I’ve sent off more fiery e-mails to hospital, Drs. Suppliers etc. than I ever thought possible. What I’ve learned by experience is once I’ve typed it, read it, re-read it and attempted to fix the spell check errors, I set it aside. Could be for a few hours, some overnight. This way when and if I chose to hit SEND FOREVER!, my anger is focused clearly & precisely where I want it To be!
Hope you’re having a better day!
Glad to hear from you Sprung, last seen. You were regaling us with an anecdote and triumphant exit from the hospital with a pneumonia like situation so good to know you are well!
@Sprung87, that's excellent advice about not immediately sending off a fiery e-mail! And I like your description of the in-retractable electronic communications. That's exactly what they are, sort of like you say something to someone and something slips, the other person looks horrified and you can't take it back. Same thing with electronics. But your method to re-read it and spell-check and then just set is aside for awhile makes a lot of sense. I've done that a time or two myself. And boy, am I glad I did! Because you're right that button might as well say "SEND FOREVER!
Well @Sprung87, experience is always the best teacher! I have been remiss in not noticing you had been out as you're telling Maymay you're feeling better. I hope the pneumonia is fading fast in your rearview mirror! It is a good feeling to be feeling better isn't it! Hmm I've used the word feeling three times in the last three sentences!:D Better quit while I'm ahead!
And @Maymay941, dealing with and learning how to cope is a very valid reason we're here. Hadn't thought of it quite in those terms before, but it's true!
I forgive you, and yes, we all have those moments

I for one lost a very good friend from florida because of some things I said to her (it got pretty heated!), and I've tried since then to control my emotions. I hope that we can be friends and that you are doing better now
the argument was over a cafe.

she basically told me that only kids eat mcdonalds, and now I should be grown out of it.

Itold her.. look, I told you I'm an extremely picky eater, and if I want to eat mcdonalds, I will. their's not really much you can do to stop me (like no law that adults can't eat it)

and she got all nasty
This made me tear up (BTW I'm a cryer) I'm happy y'all made up. I didn't want my little place in the internet to start getting hostile like the rest of it. I really want to meet all you and give a great big hug (BTW I'm a hugger too 😅).
23andpee said:
This made me tear up (BTW I'm a cryer) I'm happy y'all made up. I didn't want my little place in the internet to start getting hostile like the rest of it. I really want to meet all you and give a great big hug (BTW I'm a hugger too 😅).

I'm not much for holding grudges or drama.

and if I'm clean: yeah I like hugs too

not when I'm smelly lol
It's a wonder that I don't get off with having autism and incontinence.I sometimes slip with my wife but she is able to adjust.Thank's
Hi @23andpee and @emily91, Those are my sentiments exactly! That is to meet all of you! Even just communicating through this method has told me that everyone here is special and I have never had an experience like this before, and I mean that in only the most positive way! :D:D:D I feel that I have found a family, something I've been missing for a long time. This has been great for letting go of some of my inhibitions and has been most therapeutic. We've talked about things here that I wouldn't be able to tell a therapist in a million years!:O I know I get long-winded at times, so thank you all so much for putting up with me!!!;) And also for putting up with my emoticons! And Emily, I'm sure you're always eminently huggable whether you think you're presentable or not!
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