My Routine towards healing


Staff member
Routine towards healing- keep an open mind and consider it food for thought - RP surgery on February 4th- catheter removed February 17th- I leaked Heavily like most people do- I do kegels 3 times a day 10 seconds each 10 kegels I also fit in full squats 2 to 3 while holding a kegel. I take prosta genix supplement two times a day morning and evening I also take every other day the following, A men’s multivitamin, turmeric, holy basil, And I use CBD oil drops daily- one type every morning and another type at night before bed- last! I’m a believer and spiritual, I do open hand ( Target Specific) healing over my wounds and bladder to stimulate cell and tissue healing. Do I have scientific evidence that this all works no do I expect a miracle of course not, but have I seen improvement yes, I am entering week six post surgery retraining my bladder is definitely a challenge but I can sleep longer at night without any accidents and my use of pads are down to one or two a day as an example my last pad lasted me 30 hours with just dribbling here and there, still more to go and always looking for other things to do to help me along I’ve set my target date for six months out but I do not dwell on it I remind myself that I had cancer and I’m still alive and I enjoy every single day the best I can. My surgeon was impressed at how well my wounds were healing I had six openings on my belly to removed my entire prostate lymph nodes etc. My PSA 3.7 and stage 2 cancer all in less than a year. Like other posts I have read we all heal differently I wish only the best for all of you on this journey ☮️
Also to save money as depends are not cheap, I line them with a regular woman stay free pad cheaper- The advertising for a men’s pad and the packaging and brand is unnecessary and then they charge you more, I get 66 women stay free pads for under seven dollars - a pad is a pad.
you might find as you go along that you will have all kinds of control for hours, (sitting or driving) In my case, sitting driving, or sleeping is great, but if I get up after one or the other, I may have to rush to not have an accident. I am just 5 months post, but you have raised the bar!
Yes, congratulations Puka on setting a high standard. Obviously all of your actions contributed to your positive recovery. Do you think there are one or two things that you did that helped more than others?
I'm back to 2 depends a day. I'm having another epidural Friday in my neck. The last shot sent my blood sugars sky high and I leaked bad. Like 6 pads. I'll see what happens after this next shot on Friday. I'm 72 and just passed 4 month post surgery.
Hello everyone and thank you for your feed back, as far as key things I’ve done? I would say the Prosta Genix supplement worked for me with the leaking? Also being disciplined with kegels, I’m fortunate to be able to have time off to heal at home- so when I have the need to pee I can do it right away and here’s what I’ve been doing even at night if I wake up and I need to pee I’ll start peeing and do a Kegel and stop it hold then release again- I do this every time day/night etc. it’s about retraining our body and bladder. Also fluid intake discipline if I’m going to the grocery store I’m not going to drink a ton of water before I leave, but I’m a realist if I dribble for the rest of my life but still can enjoy my life then that will be my new normal. Enjoy every day all the best to you all☮️
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