What are the kegel excersices for?

@Greg8 I have the same as you. You should get on Mayo Clinic connect. They normally wait for you PSA to go to .2 to be considered a reoccurrence. There are medicine to lower testosterone which helps slow down the cancer. A PSma test can be used to try to find the cancer but ussaully does not work until you reach a higher PSA (.5). They also talk about the different radiations and test Wishing you the best.
The surgeon who removed my prostate said that there are new guidelines that consider PSA 0.1 BCR. Thanks for the reference to the Mayo site.
What did you want to know?

I think that exerting or attempting to stretch the muscle to close my urethra had done something to my right side only sciatic nerve. This caused significant pain during normal exercise such as walking. It felt like my right hip area was being pinched and squeezed.

I ended up doing a set of specific exercises for relieving the nerve. It took about 6 weeks before I was back to normal. The exercise was in add to my normal kedgel sessions.

I am now more cautious of over exerting myself during kedgels.
How many kegels do most people do per day? I have been doing 3 sets of 10 (holding for 10 seconds) and then a set of ten quick ones. I usually do them while standing.
I think we read the same information. Based on that I have been on a search for the third sphincter,with no luck.
I did find information about the point the urethra passes though the pelvic floor muscle, and this acts as the third point. Not sure how acurate it is. It acts more as a pinch point on the urethra.
@TiredofBeingWet oh gosh. i wonder where i got the idea of 3 sphincters. i can't find any reference to a 3rd one, now.
I do 3 sets of 10. lately, sitting down, as i used to always do them laying down, knees bent. since i strained my lumbar and getting up and down is painful,I just do the sitting down ones. I find them very difficult to do standing up.
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