My issue is gone


Staff member
I can't understand this but after going on cipro for over a week all symptoms
Of oab are gone.
Its been over 10 days now no issues at all.
Prior to getting on cipro
I was dealing with oab and burning in bottom and urethra after urination.
But after coming off all the meds
It seems its gone.
Could i have had prostatitus this whole time and was misdiagnosed?
Yes, it’s possible, or just a UTI. Either way, I’m happy for you that you’re recovering. Make sure you finish the antibiotic as directed. Now if only the rest of us just needed an antibiotic...
Happy for you - Burning generally means infection of some sorts but if you read the lastest Urological journals available online the prostatitis thing is an umbrella term for anything you could have had a UTI was there any sexual dysfunction - that seems to be the one thing prostatitis is famous for. Burning sensation after sex or orgasm/pain in perinum area. UTI seems to stick more to Bladder/Urethra tract - but I'm no expert - Good luck
5 years ago on January 3rd I fell down an escalator. The way I fell I damaged the nerves in my bladder. I now have a paralyzed neurogenic bladder. I also broke my ankle in 4 places. I had 7 surgeries and finally had my right leg amputated below the knee. My incontinence will never get better and there is no cure.
Sorry to hear that.
Why did they need to amputate your leg?
Was it do to poor circulation?
My Aunt had hers amputated for that reasons
Because it never would heal. My last surgery was a fusion that failed. Once that failed and 2 months of exoskeleton treatment that failed there really was no other option. I could have had an 8th surgery to last ditch effort try to save it but I had enough.
Justej, that’s the first time I’ve heard your story. I’m so sorry that happened. That’s the second worst escalator story I’ve ever heard. The first was when I was a little girl with long blonde hair (still long and blonde, actually). Another girl my age at the SLC airport bent over to tie her shoe and her hair went into the top of the elevator and she got scalped in front of her family. So my mom made us avoid escalators in favor of elevators. She still hates escalators. Now I have a new reason. Thanks for sharing your story.
Oh my god snow that is HORRIBLE. I can’t even imagine the trauma that family faced. I was lucky that I was able to get off the escalator when I got to the bottom. I was able to scoot myself off. My leg was at a 90 degree angle. My friend that was with me didn’t realize how bad it was and said “cmon dude let’s go” and I just said “ I can’t. I can’t get up”. We were going to get on the metro to go get my cat a birthday present (don’t judge. Lol) and the station manager had to call 911. The paramedics had to carry me back up. When I got to the hospital the doctor said that it was the worst break he’d ever seen. It’s sad that apparently I could have been compensated by metro but I didn’t know until it was too late. I was just trying to get my life back. Still am.
justej said:
Wow. I wish my incontinence would just disappear. You’re one lucky dude.

@justej I'm with you buddy. Wish my bedwetting would just oneway disappear. When I go a month and a half without peeing the bed I get thoughts of hope that it is finally over... then the wet night comes and remind me that my bedwetting isn't quite yet over.
Happy Memorial Day everyone, for those that have or do serve our countries around the globe. Thank you for your selfless acts of courage and thank you and your families for your service.

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