
Staff member
Having a MRI tomorrow on my prostate. My PSA number was slightly over 6. Had a biopsy done a few years ago, no cancer found. Hopefully they don't find anything this time. Will update when I find something out. I have no symptoms of cancer.
Praying for you. Just note that prostate cancer doesn’t normally have any signs other than elevated psa until it is way more advanced. Psa with biopsy is the normal detection method as far as I know.
The current procedure for elevated PSA (at least at NYU Langone and Sloane Kettering in NYC ) is an MRI with a 3T machine. If anything suspicious is detected it is followed by a targeted biopsy using an ARTEMIS machine with the MRI as input. This is pretty accurate in my experience.
PSA followed by a non-targeted standard biopsy is old tech as far as I know.
Good luck man,in December 2019 my PSA
Was 14.33 and my biopsy was 4 out of 12 positive,then in June 2020 my biopsy was 12 out of 12 positive .But now after my robotic surgery all is fine
Had MRI done at 10:15 today. My PSA, done in early February was 6.05. Doctor suggested MRI because number was high. All results came back OK. Great news. Thank you all for your thoughts and encouragement.
Hi,I had a MRI also and it's to know if the cancer is going out of your prostate, don't worry, take it one day at a time
Question for you I hope you don’t mind, Your PSA was 6.05 (no cancer) enlarge prostate only? Just trying to understand all the different readings and how PSA count can vary in each situation. Thank you for sharing
Slightly enlarged prostate, but still soft to the touch via digital rectal exam. I am happy all is ok for now. Need to repeat blood tests in August, then go from thete.
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