Did any Doc say if it was "fungal"? Like athlete's foot, except I've forgotten the proper name. But isn't that supposed to be itching? In any event, warm-&-wet is the ideal environment for bacteria and fungi. Had a case of that once or twice, long before the incontinence. I still have some of a tube of the cream, "Miconazole Nitrate", cream USP 2%. Worked like magic. Don't have the box it came in, so can't tell you if it is OTC or prescription. If you speak English instead of American, that's "Script".
It is frustrating. The medical profession more or less treats this as a minor nuisance. I've never even seen one of those one-page brochures. Only way we get help, it seems, is here. Bless the nurses on here. Has anyone here found reading material, whether those "baby brochures" or a serious write-up, that talks about the "side effects"? The psycology of this isn't a side effect to us, but the Doctors seem to treat it that way. Anyone?
P.S. It was a shower at work shared by at least 4 of us - and i used straight chlorine bleach to scrub the hell out of that stainless-steel shower every time i came back to work for another few months. Maybe i should start a new thread just on this?