Life Update Myself


Staff member
So update for you guys.

Well. Bladder urgency has returned. I suppose the stress levels are getting to me. I started work orientation today but something just isn't right with my Dad and Step Mother unfortunately.

I was evicted from my apartment yesterday - unfortunately I believe that my landlord lied under oath in regards toy housing situation. And early this morning; as luck would have it - my car was repossessed.

As you know my family is targeting myself - trying to hide my childhood abuse and memories and due to the fact that my step family (who are the ones at fault) are involved in Law Enforcement; I suppose I'm at an impasse.

I come on here today to clear my mind. I've been beaten down; but God as my witness - my bladder issues and memories will not be forgotten.

In some respects, I don't think others in the real world understand what it is like to have spasms. The pain and the hurt of how your bladder aches. It's a feeling that doesn't go away; a feeling that makes you want to relax your muscles like I've said in the past because your under constant pressure.

But sure enough; I do believe in Justice. Im a firm believer in the truth. And I know in my heart the truth in my life; and the horrors of what others have done to myself.

This morning was the worst. Knowing my car may have been repossessed as another hiderance in my ability to break free of the supression of my child hood.

I knew something was off yesterday due to my eviction case. Something just wasn't right. I have since filed and done the right thing in reporting what has gone on to myself - so that I have a designated paper trail.

That's one thing I learned a long time ago; always have a paper trail.

Prayers are definitely needed still. My bladder hurts. I don't necessarily know what's going on with work as I'm doing all of my orientation work under another users/employees log on information. I can only hope - maybe one day.

That my bladder justice will prevail.

Blessings In Christ,
Prayers sent. You have a lot to deal with, but I pray the job works out. It could be the stability you need right now. My two cents worth…share what you’re dealing with here, and with trusted friends. Don’t share at work, particularly early on. All the best!
Thank you everyone;

Your prayers mean the world to me. I've been so triggered in regards to how I was treated as a child in regards to bladder issues and my memories and it sends me down the rabbit hole of sorts. My PTSD; the heat; and lack of sleep has caused for a dangerous mix.

I don't want bladder issues. I never asked for them. I wish I didn't have bladder pain, urgency, etc. If I could take my bladder problems and throw them out the window; I would any day of the week.

God bless you all for praying for me and thinking of me during this time. I need to go back to the urologist and see a doctor again. I don't think I can live with continence issues at such a young age with all of these life changes.

Taking a deep breathe.

Blessings in Christ,
@Honeeecombs Hang in there. Housing issues make me angry - I had to kill myself working whilst really ill just to keep paying rent. It really needs reform.

I get when you mean about truth and justice - had a confrontational phone call with the Job Centre (the benefits people) today calling them out on all their bs. I think this last year has really shown me that nobody cares about disabled people - we have to keep fighting.

Hope things improve. Money issues are the worst - thanks for all the support you've given me, it's really helped.
God bless you! I also have bladder spasms and excruciating pain. Nothing seems to help relieve the pain these days. I keep seeing doctors and they just tell me Interstitial Cystitis is very hard to treat. So, I’m right there with you and know just how intense the pain can be and how it ruins my life every single day. Hoping you have some place to go when you have to leave your apartment. Sometimes, life just sucks.
I, also, get painful bladder spasms, almost always at night when they wake me up. My uro prescribed Hyoscyamine - I place one tablet under my tongue and get relief within minutes. I understand it works for some and not for others.
Just wanted to give the NAFC and my fellow continence friends whom I communicate with a fellow update in regards to my life situation.

Well Legal Aid called my significant other. From the sounds of things the eviction that we had to go through may be classified as "illegal". However, to do the ethical thing at this time - we have found a place to go and have been packing our belongings accordingly.

I don't believe it's right, but that's what happens when your in a personal situation such as my own. I just hope we can recover everything we have lost.

I'm still waiting to hear back from my job in regards to set hours; went through orientation and communicated and learned what I will be doing. Haven't started on the job training yet - but I am positive that will start soon.

The new place is closer to my work so transportation should not be any issue - I'll just be getting my steps in more me thinks.

@kathylp: The bladder condition i suffer from shares so many symptoms to Interstitial Cystitis - I just haven't been diagnosed with it. I am diagnosed with OAB Syndrome with symptoms of Urge Incontinence and Nocturnal Enuresis. Thank you for being there; I hope you are happy to hear of our somewhat positive update.

@scififan: Anytime man. Things are hopefully on the rebound for myself and from the sounds of things - are for you as well. We just gotta get hanging in there i suppose.

I watched The Rise of Skywalker the other night with some friends and thought of you - hope you are doing well my friend.

Blessings In Christ,
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to give you all a quick update to those who were concerned in regards to my eviction. We just heard back from a legal aid; and they found two violations so we will see what comes of that.

@Kathylp: I hope your doing well and just wanted to share the reassuring good news.

Anyway, health wise - things seem to be okay. The overactive bladder has always been an issue; but mentally I have been in good spirits since spending time with people and starting a social life again.

My significant other and I are doing our best to keep things positive and moving forward.

Anyway, just wanted to share a quick but positive update.

Thank you for being a friend.

Blessings In Christ,
You sound much more positive. That’s great! Concentrate on the good things in your life. Hard to do at times, I know.
Hey @Kathylp:

I just wanted to share a picture of the new apartment. I'm so thankful that I am not out on the street and found a place to go. My significant other and I are very blessed that they are pet friendly and we are trying to get back on our feet.


Still in the progress of getting settled and nestled in. Thank you for being there for me. I don't know what I would do without some of the people here. Amen.

Blessings In Christ,
Honeecombs: I'm so happy for you!! The new apartment looks just lovely. Enjoy the process of settling in and making it all just the way you want!! What an adventure for the two of you! Wishing you both all the very best. Enjoy!!

Thank you for your support. That means alot. You are so right that when one door closes; another opens - I'm just glad that we are taking the initiative to do so to get back on our feet.

Do I worry about my significant other being in a city due to his recovery. Absolutely. I'm thinking about him right now.

But I know in my heart - this is the right step for me. I finally feel safe. I finally feel home. I do not feel scared or intimidated by my family any more.

It's like having my independence back that I had in college. That's a good door.

Blessings In Christ,
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