Leaking, etc., etc., etc.


Staff member
I’m 8 weeks out of prostate removal. I can void on my own, but sometimes it doesn’t help with the leaking. I thought it would. When I move around a lot, the flood gate opens. Do okay at night, get up twice to go. Thanks.
I'm 7 wks post op. You just described my situation perfectly. I've been told keep up with the exercises and waking. Don't expect full recovery for 9_12 months. I'm moving to a smaller pad this week. 1 thing that I think has helped me, is sitting to pee. Feel like I get a more complete void.

As disheartening as it is you are exactly where you should be at this point in your recovery.

Continue to work on your Kegel exercises, meet with your physical therapist and walk.

Progress is measured in small steps of improvement week by week.
8 weeks is still very early. You are likely to see great improvement around the 3-month/4-month recovery period. Everyone is different, but for me at 17 weeks (just over 4 months) it was almost like flipping a switch - I went from 20% improvement to 75% dry. Still working on it - you should expect about a year for near-full recovery. Don't get discouraged!
@Ekimretlaw As @Greensleeves351 says, you are exactly where you should be at 8 weeks post surgery. I will be 13 weeks post surgery this coming Wednesday and the last 3 weeks or so I am seeing some real improvement in control, just as predicted by my urologist and physiotherapist.

Not sudden overnight "it is all good now", but steady week by week improvement. As suggested above, keep meeting with your physical therapist and do your kegels religiously.
Douginoz thankyou. You post gives me great hope and satisfaction. I'm figuring 6 more weeks to get back to where I hope to be. I start back to work this week.
Not all good news. I hope you achieve what others have described. My situation is slower although I am seeing some improvement after 8 months. Like you almost dry at night (up twice) but still using 4 pads a day. Some have said up to two years. Hoping I’ll improve a lot more by then.
I am a year and 3 days since my prostoctomy. When I keep up with walking and kegel exercise I’m much better but some days when I lack exercise I would leak in bed and during day.
I'm 7 weeks out and dealing with the same thing. If I sit or lay down for an hour or more I'm almost dry as long as I hit the bathroom within a minute of standing. Today I went fishing in the boat for a few hours and my depends was completely full when I got back. Bladder was empty. Basically, whenever I do anything standing up I leak like a colander. I'm 54, it's getting better I guess, but very slowly...
Cajun !! Hang in there! We're both the same age and at the same post-op time. So your victories give me strength. I played golf, and restarted the gym this week. Yes pad soaked at the end of each! But out and doing life! Hang in there!!!!
Thanks for the information and support. It helps to talk to other people with the same issues. I know I don’t have it perhaps as rough as others may, but when it’s you, it doesn’t matter, selfish or not. You all have a Happy Thanksgiving!
20 months post op. There hasn’t been any improvement at all.8 to 10 pads a day. I still do kegels, core exercises and the treadmill every day.
Since you’re past 1 year, are you willing or able to look into the Sling procedure or Artificial Sphincter? I’ve only read about them, have no first hand experience with either.
Go back and talk to your Urologist! These are the people with all the answers. It can be depressing, believe me, I get it.
I had the male urethral sling surgery 10 weeks ago. (September 14, 2021 - Prostatectomy (RALRP - Robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy) September 2020)

I recommend the male urethral sling surgery.

I was leaking 17 ounces a day at 12 months. I now am down to 0.25 ounces - typically at night.

The wound recovery is 6 weeks.

I had a longer recovery in that I could not pee at 1 week so I had a catheter the second week.

After the second week of the catheter - starting day 14 / 15 I was self catheterizing 4 to 5 times a day for week 3. I am down to self catheterizing once a day before bedtime. Sometimes the retention amount is only 2 ounces and sometimes 8 ounces.
Thank you thudson1965. This is great information and encouraging. I'm about to talk to my urologist about this although my leakage is slightly less (8-12 oz.)and virtually dry at night .... I'm at ten months post prostatectomy. The self catheterization is a little scary although I imagine that is because I haven't had to do that previously and don't entirely know what is involved or how difficult it is....do you know if the recovery you've described is typical following the sling procedure?
The sling is an alternate to the artificial urinary sphincter (AUS).

90% of men are able to pee at 1 week. Most men do not have to do the self catheterization. My recovery was atypical according to my urologist and 2 guys I talked to before the surgery.

If you have to do self cath, get the red rubber catheters. Since you have recently had a catheter from prostate removal and you will have a catheter from the male urethral sling surgery - it is easy to do.

I knew when I went for the 1 week checkup that I wanted to be able to self cath and not go to the ER if I was not able to pee. At week 2 check up, I was able to pee, but not much at a time.

Below is a link to a forum thread that I started to put information together.
Just an update for an achievement. Went from Depends to pads today, the 3 month mark Jan 6 was a turning point for me, not sure why. 1 or 2 depends a day for the last week not half full. I’m expecting 1 or 2 pads a day, we’ll see. Hope you guys/girls are seeing improvement, the first 3 months were pretty disappointing but this forum helps a bunch.
Good for you. I had my break thru last week. 4month mark went from 7-8 pads a day down to 3-4 depending on exertion. Not counting the 1 pad I use while at gym.
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