

Staff member
Had robotic prostatectomy on 3/3/20
They removed the catheter on 3/13 and the water fall started! No one mentioned that the leakage could be this bad, I expected drips. Instead it more like my bladder doesn’t hold anything, what I put in my mouth runs straight thru. Is this normal or am I a extreme case?
I can only speak from my experience and it wasnt that bad but still a pain. I recc you call doctor re curative measures I have read about such as kegels, whirlpool etc. I got better 10 days post catheter pull only to drip again. Getting better at 5-6 weeks post op
My surgery was 1/6. I expected leaking, but also wasn't prepared for no control when on my feet.I had small improvement at 5-6 weeks and good improvement at 8-9 weeks. At the end of 9 weeks I can get through a day at home with a light shield. I still need a moderate pad when I go to work since I'm up and down on my feet all day. I walked twice a day for an hour each time along with pelvic floor exercises which really helped. Patience is the key but it was much harder than I expected.
Doctors keep that little gift a secret!! Just be patient, do the Kagles,get out an walk! Dont get discouraged and fight the urge to just give up!
I had mine removed on valentines day.I'm the same as you are.Total flooding when standing up.Doing kegels and walking hoping for the best.Using condom catheters during the day and depends at night. Good luck.
I am pretty much in the same boat. Robotic laparoscopic surgery was 2/3, catheter out on 2/12. I have doing all my exercises including walking and kegels and trying very hard to wait at least 2 hours before voiding to stretch out the bladder. Very leaky still when I’m on my feet and I have been more active lately as other than the incontinence I have been feeling great. Just had my 2nd Physical Therapy appt and she has me doing some exercises now with feet elevated about 3 hours before bedtime. These have helped; I am only getting up 1 or 2 times at night now to pee. But during the day when on my feet, only slight improvement and I hope to turn the corner soon. I am heading back to work on 3/16. Hang in there!
6-8 weeks I had my biggest jump in progress, I was down to one pad a day, unless I drank too much caffeine. By week 9 a shielf instead of a pad, 12-14 weeks no pad at all. Hang in there!
My doctor does 200/yr and I think he just assumes all will be ok because most are and he could prbly tell during the surgery if any anatomical problems night be prsent. No instructions except to drink a lot to stretch bladder (which i did initially and will start again) and to not use pain meds
Thank you for the info I was only told to drink a lot of water. Which I limited because it just ran thru without stopping. This is the first I’ve heard of stretching the bladder
After reading some posts last night I remembered I was told to drink a lot to stretch bladder so it could regain neuro pathway memory. I did that intially and was doing well at 3-4 weeks then I backed off and begaan to have problems, partly because I thought less water would mean less leakage at work. I reupped my water yesterday and had good evening and sleep with minimal leakage. So I drink a lot, working on kegels and realized that a full colon or gas will stimilate the adjacent bladder. Will see how next few days go
I take 1 table spoon of Oat Bran (mix in yougart, morning and night, helps the bowels stay empty, it has reaaly worked well for me.
I think that my case is different because as I have a very small bladder due to various factors, practically urine is continuously coming out. There are no guards, nor underpants that last a long time. The only solution is to carry a permanent catheter in the penis that sends the urine to a bag in my leg. How do I change a stent in the kidney every 90 days that catheter is changed at that time. Any case similar to mine?
Has anyone had the experience where your bladder neck sphincter finally wakes up and helps out the lower pelvic muscles to hold your urine? I would imagine that guys that never leak from this kind of surgery have their bladder neck sphincter working right off the bat.
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