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I think I may have mentioned before that I have had a lifelong battle with constipation. My doctor has just told me to ignore warnings about taking too many laxatives and to start taking them more regularly. He thinks that this will also help my bladder. In rather basic terms he said that whatever fluid comes out the back doesn't come out of the front! I guess it makes sense? Have any of you come across this advice? If you have followed it, did it help? I am currently using movicol and bisacodyl. What do you use if anything? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just curious, cheers Phil
I have chronic constipation as well and my urigynecologist, regular gynocologist, GI doc and primary doc have all told me pretty much the same thing. I have tried many different meds, OTC and prescription and do the best I can with my diet and fluids. I also have chronic nausea and multiple food allergies, so i know I dont eat and drink what I should. I haven’t had much relief from it though.
You may find relief using flax seed- ground up of course. Any fiber should be taken with lots of water, as I'm sure you know. I put it in fruit smoothies, baked goods, stuffing , casseroles. If you grind it yourself, pour it slowly into a running blender to be certain every grain is pulverized completely, and start slowly. This stuff, if you can take it, packs a punch, and is very good for you.
@jeffswet great tip. I have seen the seeds for sale, but didn't realise that you grind them up. I will give it a try, thanks, Phil
I take miralax and metamucil. I blend them with fruit. I guess it qualifies as a smoothie. I put it in a smoothie. I go once or twice a day. It is now an easy process, so to speak. Doctor used the word synergistic in describing their usage together. She wasn’t wrong. That part of my life is so much easier now. It started working fully in about three days.
I suggest using Physillium Husk powder and prunes which I re-hydrate before using - keeps me moving regularly - good luck - BJ
Hi Phil and everyone,
I use Miralax, here in the USA, twice a day as I have to keep my stools loose all times. I had suffered fro OIC (Opiate-Induced Constipation) for many years if it were not so gross I could tell you some terrible stories of what I used to have to do on occasions to get some of the bricks, lol, out. I was known as the toilet destroyer as I would block even the most powerful flushing toilet. For all the jokes and toilet humor that I used to deflect from the embarrassment that came along with this affliction, there is a horrific side to the dangers of constant constipation.
As a result, of OIC I came as close to dying as I want to go to, I had a massive bleed out which resulted in me becoming unconscious. I was transported to the hospital with no detectable Blood Pressure and unconscious barely hanging on to life, so my wife informed me later the regular trip to the hospital of 15 mins was made in half that with lights and sirens and going through all red lights. Immediately on arriving at the Hospital a code crimson was called once the ER doctors had me stabilized I was whisked off to surgery where I was fortuitous as they found the cause of the bleed out. Due to the constant rubbing from constipation, my bowl/rectum was worn thin and eventually it resulted in the main artery being worn thin which then burst that resulted in me losing virtually all my blood. Since then it has been and will continue to be on Miralax ensuring that my stool is always loose and I MUST NOT PUSH WHEN ON THE TOILET for fear of bursting another artery the fear of which is with me until the day I meet my maker, my younger brother, my father and my mother.
The moral of my story is to PLEASE, PLEASE take constipation however caused seriously.
@Jgsvch Wow that sounds like a much worse version of myself. I took opioids for years and they did make my usual constipation worse. I have had soreness and bleeding, though nothing like you describe.

Miralax takes several days to work for me, Usually when I'm at the point of needing a laxative I don't have the patience to wait. I use biscodyl sodium suppositories which take at most an hour to do their thing and often just 10 minutes or so.

It is easy to joke about, but like so many medical things important to take seriously.
My PCP told me to really use what is needed, which includes Lactolose (horrible stuff, oily awful orally and rectally) and my oral laxatives daily, mineral oil enemas Lactulose enemas. and if I don't get results in the max of 5 days she said I was ordered to go in, and be admitted. Yes I'm laxative dependent, so what else is new.
I can email her when I need her, and she will have 2 nurses also give me Lactulose enemas, if it isn't to serious
@Squander I found that so far so long as I take a capful of the Miralax in the morning and one just before I go to bed it keeps me going without any pushing and nice and loose. No more "Mr. Destructor of Toilets" due to dumping rock hard bricks and or something so long that it cannot get around the "S" bends of the toilet lol.
As to your comment about joking about this subject matter, I am/was sure guilty of doing so in large part as a means of deflecting away from my own embarrassment.
I wish you all well and ask that you to all keep working seriously to keep yourselves loose at all times! Good Luck.
I read that flax seed contains cyanide, so I Googled it and found that it would probably be difficult to use enough to be harmed by it (my wording). Please do your own research on this before making the decision to use it.
@jeffswet thanks for the update. So far I have tried psyllium husks and prunes. Not much success yet. I have bought some flaxseed, but not taken any yet, thanks Phil
Hi physlink - I see you tried phsyllium husk and prunes - did you take enough? - you need to take at least 1 tablespoonful twice a day with water (6 to 8 ozs) 1 in a.m. 1 in p.m. - the prunes you need to rehydrate by putting them in a pan and pouring boiling water on them until they are totally covered, then let them simmer on a low setting for about 45 minutes - drink the remaining juice - I have been doing this for a long time and it completely got rid of my constipation problems - give it a good chance to work by continuing to try it - it is not a one day wonder although it happened quite quickly for me,
Good luck, bevjay
I also have had good results with psyllium. I suggest you buy it at a bulk food outlet- much cheaper than the drug store and national brands, and it has no sugar or flavoring, so I mix it into a fruit smoothie. Just remember to ALWAYS drink lots of water with it. I am currently on a regime of oatmeal porridge every a.m. and that is working really well for me.
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