Last case of Abena L4's... product changes.


Staff member
So after years using Abena I might have to find a new diaper. The case I am on now has no front wings. Don't know if this is a bad lot or if it's something that they changed but I have had a few pre-shower leaks since I got this case and I noticed that there is no extension wings on the front. As someone who lays on my stomach, that is not okay..

Why change what works??
Anyone else notice this??
I don't know if I can afford to go back to dry 24/7's with my budget getting tight due to disability..

Should I reach out to abena or the place I ordered from about this??
Can't hurt to communicate with Abena. Might want to make some side wings from feminine pads at a regular store for the ones you have
Hi folks gd morning or evening wherever you are just a small thing to ask does anyone get sore on their extremities i found urine burns after a while or my tena pads are not doing their job so if yoy know of anything that can ease the soreness would be grateful.
Thanks in anticipation
Strange I use M4s all the time and the only change recently was an improvement of the diaper tapes. No change in the wings?
Hi FLGuy, no front wings at all? :O That just doesn't add up! With no front wings how can the tapes be attached??? I would definitely contact Abena as well as your distributor. It sounds like you just got a bad lot! Years ago there was a popular book called "Never Buy a Car Made on A Monday." That may apply to diapers as well! Somehow I suspect the case you got was probably made on a Monday, too! So please get with them and make sure you find the lot number which should be printed somewhere on the package because they will ask for that and will be able to identify if there was indeed a glitch in the manufacturing process.
Good luck and hopefully they will send you a replacement pack.
@billliveshere : I think FL Guy is talking about the padding that runs up under the standing leak guards and then out onto the front wings a couple of inches. I sometimes use Abena L4's but haven't had to buy any recently to know if there's been a "recent" change. The ones I have still have the padding extending onto the front wings. Obviously if the entire front wing is missing that would almost have to be a manufacturing defect. The only other possibility would be that they greatly lengthened the rear wings so they would reach all the way around to the front panel but I doubt that's what happened.
Hi @Padded53, I think we will need some clarification from FLGuy as to what is going on exactly! It may be entirely possible that for one reason or another the front wings don't have the padding that's as you described it and ultimately the best way to judge would be to compare the wings, padding etc. with what's in the case that was most recently sent out with a case that was sent out a few months ago. So FLGuy if you're reading this and can chime in with what's going on. All the same you may need to see if Abena can send you a replacement.
Here's a picture of the inner front wings on the Abena L4's that I have. The outer shell plastic wings extend out another 6+ inches on each side. I probably got this case 3 or 4 months ago.

Padded53 said:
Here's a picture of the inner front wings on the Abena L4's that I have. The outer shell plastic wings extend out another 6+ inches on each side. I probably got this case 3 or 4 months ago.


Yep, my case the padding on the front ends at the leak guards..
@ThatFLGuy : Probably another "improvement", that is it improves their profit but not necessarily the product!:(
Hey FLGuy, that really doesn't do you much good! By having the padding on front end at the leak guards kind of defeats the purpose of this product. Can you get in touch with the company and ask them what is going on? If you sleep on your stomach that is not going to work well at all. Maybe it is time to go shopping for a different product.
And @Padded53, that sure enough is another so-called "improvement" that only improves the company's bottom line but leaves customers flummoxed as to where the real "improvement" is!
I don't think Abenas are "bad" diapers as they still have much more capacity than most, and at a $1 price point they are a lot of bang for the buck. However, they are certainly not in the same league as the new Super Premium ComfiDry 24/7, Better Dry, or Mega Max diapers. For many two may be all that they need to get through the day. For example, the super premiums last longer than my skin can.
Maybe see if you can contact them.
A few diaper brands ago I had a case that came through that numerous ones leaked. I opened a different bag in the same case, numerous leaks. Was running along fine using that brand and the product itself visually looked the same. At that point in my diaper "career" I was probably sitting 800-900 diaper applications. So I felt it was not user error. Contacted the manufacturer. They asked bunch of questions about printing on the diaper, the bags, the box etc. They Called back 4 or 5 and reported back to me that these were not glued correctly that's why they leaked so badly for me. Sent me a replacement case. Because of the need for diapers I brought in a few packs of a different brand to get by and actually liked them better so I moved to using that brand for a while, before switching again about 6 months or so ago.
I guess my point is it wont hurt to try. Some times in high speed manufacturing a glitch in a marching that doesn't get caught manufactures what could be hundreds or even thousands of poor quality product. Maybe the "fluff" filling machine missed filling a bunch of diapers fully and cases got out the door unknown?
Hi @Tim, that is a great explanation of how these manufacturing glitches can and do happen. If it's a highly automated and mechanized process mistakes can happen. And it's good the company was honest enough to call you back and explain that a bunch weren't glued correctly and they sent a case of replacements. That was really nice of them because it shows they aren't afraid to acknowledge that an error was made at their end. How many other companies would do that?
Hello ThatFLguy, I am new on this forum and I can confirm that they did in fact make changes the M4's abena. I have been using them for many years and before they used to be as absorbent as the drycare 24/7's and now they are very thin and started using the BetterDry brand.
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