@rtmcook I was told the same about cola when I had my major stone when I was 17. I listened for 20 years but now soda is a big problem for me, unfortunately. I traded alcohol for soda - the right thing to do - but now it’s hard to quit that secondary addiction.
I grew up next to a Rocky Mountain canyon (called Little Cottonwood Canyon) canyon with massive cliff faces that contain a huge amount of calcium. Unusually, there was a rash of teenagers at my school that had kidney stones; it’s more typically something elders experience. I’ve had 26 surgeries and many broken bones, and nothing came close to the pain of that kidney stone!!!!! It was so insanely Acute. When I caught it, it looked like a little mace weapon. No wonder it hurt so damn bad! To this day, it is the only thing that made me lose consciousness because of the extent of the pain. I faded in and out for 2-2 days before it passed. I hope I never go through that again. I have had some small pains that were similar and lasted for a couple of days but I never caught anything. It was a near identical pain. It could’ve just been the cancer that was in my reproductive system at the time. I guess time will tell if I’ll have more stones

. I was in a study about that calcium. They literally thought there could be too much calcium in the water. Also weirdly, on my street, there have been two people younger than me that have died of skin cancer and most my age have had it now. I’ve got a 6 inch scar on my right arm from it, but fortunately that’s as far as it went before it was all cut out.
If you know a woman who has both given birth and passed a kidney stone, I guarantee you she will tell you that the kidney stone was the greater pain. That is quite remarkable for something so little.
@Honeeecombs Ugh, the blood in the urine, I had forgotten that part. For me the most painful part was definitely from my bladder to the toilet.
@MarineJohn I’m glad you don’t feel them. One of my besties who also had one, a guy, took 2-3 weeks to pass his and his pain was written all over his face. If you don’t pass it within a certain amount of time, then they will do things like lithotripsy to try to break it up to pass it. Lithotripsy has plenty of side effects, so I hope that is not some thing you have to go through.
@AlasSouth When I first saw my urologist, he was forever doing ultrasounds thinking I had kidney stones though I didn’t. Then he saw/read my lumbar MRI and realized, nope, I’m not incontinent because of any stone(s)!!!