

Staff member
My Urologist has recommended getting an Interstim.
Has anyone had this procedure, and if so, how did it go?
thanks in advance for your help
they insert a wire from your butt to your bladder that sends out a pulse to calm the bladder down. I am still researching this. I haven't spoken to anyone who has had one installed. The upside is the procedure is supposed to be very easy, and if it is not working, it is easy to remove. I still need more info.
Yes, there is a 3 day test with an external pack,, and they have to check with my insurance company. By your questions it seems you know about this. What can you tell me about it?
Basically, a battery with a wire is connected to the sacral nerves in your tailbone. You and your doctor determine a frequency that works at stimulating the bladder. If insurance covers it, I have heard good things. No MRIs while you have it, if that's a concern.
Thank you very much for your feedback. That is the first objective feedback I have heard and it makes me feel good about pursuing this. I will let everyone know how it goes.
Thanks again.
The urologist I saw several years ago wanted to use InterStim to fix my issues. Not sure about that route for me although I have read feedback from others that have had positive outcomes.
Almost every review I’ve read has had negative results ranging from bad batteries to burning pain under the skin to worse urinary problems to constantly having to be cut open to adjust the pack. I personally will never go that route. There have been some good outcomes but not nearly as many negative results from what I’ve read.
I'm checking into it myself.Ive heard all good about it.I go to see a specialist on it in a couple weeks.
I had the Interstim put in 4 years ago and after some "fine-tuning" to the adjustments I have my 20 year-old bladder back. Have been in dry dock (and pants) ever since. I would highly recommend it!
I tried the Interstim device twice (the second MD insisted on doing it himself to be sure it was done correctly). It did not work for me. :(. The insertion is... very intimate. Suffice to say they observe the anal sphincter reaction to see if they have the wire is in the correct spot. Had it worked for me, it would have been well worth it.
wadebailey said:
I'm checking into it myself.Ive heard all good about it.I go to see a specialist on it in a couple weeks.

You’re the first person I’ve heard say/post this.
No offense, but I'm little worried that the NAFC is promoting this. The last email I got was today, 5/29/19, and while it had the usual email header from the NAFC, and the appearance, clicking on it did not (repeat not) take me to the NAFC website (here). I used another, older "new thread alert" to get here.
InterStim is a Medtronic product. Medtronics is a huge health industry company. If I'm getting email from them with the NAFC "logo" that isn't really leading to this site, that is Spoofing in my view. So where did Medtronics get my email address? From NAFC? If so, we should be told we are being sold.
One of the values of this site is autonnymity. It is a support site, in my view, and we are risking losing trust and members. I get enough Spam and out-right scam email.
I sincerely hope NAFC simply passed on Medtronics' messages (the one i got said it was Number 3 of a 3-part series.) The next problem is: did Medtronic insert a tracking meme in their message? It is a matter of seconds (or maybe a split second) for software to ID you when you visit a site - as that latest Medtronic email caused me to do.
I'm sorry to alarm anyone, and possibly I'm being paranoid, but that last (todays') message from Medtronics/NAFC has the earmarks of just what we are warned about in Internet Safety articles.
I do note that there seems to be our usual conversation, here, with good and bad reviews, from people i have seen here before and believe i have reason to trust.
My Doctors have never mentioned this InterStim (which doesn't mean it doesn't work for some), but i don't see it for me. I've been having improvement, and the only thing that seems to cooralate is the improvement in my Glucose numbers, and possibly my blood pressure numbers. Anyone care to comment on my paranoia? MayMay?
The only reason I had heard of the InterStim device was the urologist who did my cystoscopy told me about it. Glad there are a variety of treatments and devices to help folks now. I like trying new things. Especially if they improve life quality.
Hope everyone has a nice afternoon.
I am the one who started this thread, and I was asking for feedback because my doctor had recommended it. I have had the procedure "Rezume" which did nothing to help at all. I saw my doctor yesterday and asked him what was next, and he recommended Interstim. There is no corporate involvement in my question at all. In fact, I didn't even know who Medtronic was. I hope no one thinks I am a shill, as my question was very serious. Thank you to everyone who has given me feedback, both positive and negative.
Stuart: we are misunderstanding each other. At no point did i mean to imply you are a shill. I am specifically concerned that my email address seems to have escaped from this formum and is now being used for spam (at the least). I hadn't given this thread any worry UNTIL i received an email that perfectly mimiced any other NAFC notice of a new thread or reply to a thread, and when i clicked on it, did not lead back to here, but to a commercial site.
On this site, for this thread, I see by some responders that InterStim worked for them. I see that some responders say it didn't work for them. I see requests for information. I see hesitation by some over such an invasive procedure (many of the current tests and surgical procedures seem to me to be equally invasive). Personally, i have some heavy-duty questions about the procedure and its safety and it's long-term safety and viability. So I'd council anyone to make sure they get a full answer from their doctor - just like they should do normally. This thread is where we get enough information to ask our medical providers intelligent questions.
That all leaves us each to make up our own minds, or wait for more evidence, or whatever. That's as it should be.
So I apologize for making you uncomfortable or exposing you to a charge i never intended. I do thank you for bringing a possible new procedure/fix to our common problem to our attention.
I am on my second Interstim Implant. The surgery to do the implant is really not a big deal. However, it has never worked for me. Was just in to see the Urologist a week ago and a Medtronic rep happened to be there. She reprogrammed my Interstim and I have hopes that it will work at least somewhat. Insurance covered the entire procedure as well as the reprogramming of the device. There are four settings on the device and you have the ability to change it yourself as well as strengthen or weaken the stimulation.
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