Interstim reviews


Staff member
Doctors have tried the whole gammit of meds, alternative therapies, etc. Seems like the only option is for me to try the Interstim for my urinary incontinence, and hopefully with my fecal incontinence. I am in Canada. Only two doctors do this in Ontario. I am looking for reviews, blogs, any information to educate myself on peoples personal experiences with this product. I can find all kinds of medical data. Just not personal experiences. Thank you in advance for any input (good or bad, I want to hear it)
Wade. What is your general opinion? Worth the surgery? Any complications for you? I do not know if I will be approved, as limited funding for it here in Ontario (about 120 people per year are only approved). But, I don't want to go through even a minor surgery, if people don't find it benefited at least 75% better than prior to surgery. I of course find more complaints by people vs positive.
I've only had it about a month.At first I thought it was great but then I started wetting myself more than before the surgery.I am emptying my bladder more which is why I had it done.I have a neurogenic bladder so I was retaining urine.I was cathing 4 times a day before the surgery and now I'm down to 2 and my doctor seems to think the leaking will get better as I find the right settings and my body gets used to it.I would say give it a try.If it doesn't work they can always take it out.
My daughter is having one implanted in December. Our fingers are crossed that it will help. I can let you know.
Great experience for me.

I have urinary urgency and frequency problems. I was going every 30 minutes at night. I am now at 2.5 hours and sometimes longer.

However, you must be willing to experiment with the settings from time-to-time. Don't use too much power or you will run down the battery and need to have it replaced. Stay below 4.0. Don't wait to see your doctor to have your channels changed when the ones on your device are no longer working.

Advice: Before you move to a different channel turn down the power on the current one. For some reason if you later go back to an old channel it will seem shocking!

Also beware of imaging devices like MRI's and other electronic devices.

Make sure you understand how to use the remote controller. The one I have is not user friendly. It's easy to turn off your implant without knowing it. They also use battery constantly. So the batteries for the remote need replacing often even if you don't use it.

May your faith in salvation rest with our Lord Jesus.
On my second Interstim implant. Neither has worked for me. The only reason I let myself get talked into doing the second one is it was with a different Urologist and I was hoping the attachment to the nerve would be better. I won’t do another one.
I am on the test interstim implant at this time, I suffer with oab for the last 5 years. My doctors have given me different meds and nothing has worked. I urinate about 17 times a day and night, I am done today with the trial and it did nothing for me except made me stay in my home and do nothing to not disturb the wires. I also had to therapy that they put a needle in your ankle and try to send electical stimulation to your bladder muscle, had 12 treatment and it also did nothing. All I want is to have this thing removed from me at 2pm today. I was hoping this was the cure, but I had to give it a try, my insurance paid for it so no loss to me.
I went to my doctor yesterday afternoon to have my interstim trial setup removed from my body, I was told by my doctor and the Medtronics rep. who was there that it took them 45 minutes to place the wires in my body instead of the usual 10-15 minutes it usually takes and that they never got the preferred signal they look for during installation of the trial setup.

I asked why this was not communicated to me after waking up from the installation by the doctor or the Medtronics rep, I was told they felt I was not fully awake and could understand the problems with the install. But I was I guess ok to go through the tutorial of how to use the adjustment unit. They then tried to tell me that they have a different wire set up that they can implant in me that has a one in three better chance to work for me. I told them both to get lost, I lost any trust I had with my doctor and the company at that point.
I was evaluated for it and was a viable candidate but I ended up deciding against it. I'd honestly rather just wear diapers than have the surgery and have some contraction permanently attached to me. I can't say how well it works, but for me my diapers work good enough. I don't like wearing them during the day (night time I've made peace with it), but I can deal with it. With high quality products and frequent changes, I haven't had a leak in ages. I've gotten quite used to the bulkiness and padding. Summer heat is the only time I really hate wearing them.

All that said, if it's something that interests you, there's no harm in getting evaluated for it and getting all the info...then make a decision for yourself....and it's always removable if you don't like it.

I have heard some stats that were less than encouraging about it though. Like for most people it will significantly reduce the number of accidents and volume voided but not stop the me that would never work as I'd assume I'd still need diapers. So what's the point? Whether I have 10 accidents a day where I lose 8-10 ounces of urine or 2-3 accidents a day where I lose 4-6 ounces, I don't see any way around still wearing a diaper.
My issue is not leakage. It is constantly having to go. If I can reduce having to go to the bathroom every 1/2 hr by 50%, I will be pleased.
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