
Hi again Jonno, By all means DO talk with your doctor about sending you to physical therapy and the sooner you can do it, the better! There is really no need for you to have to settle for being depressed especially when we have outlined that there is so much you can do to help. And let's face it, it's no fun not being able to laugh or even to have a good, big sneeze! So get some pull-ups. I have to admit I don't know the best brands in Britain but just go on line, or even ask your local chemist or medical supply shop. Maybe some British people can chime in here and tell about good pull-ups. The pull ups will give you the protection you need to be able to laugh and sneeze, etc. without worry about wet pants which really suck rocks!
And with the pull-ups they have these days I guarantee you won't feel like Umpa Lumpa walking around! They are just like underwear, even with what feels like the same outer material and they are padded in the crotch area and to the front and in back so you get good coverage. You may even forget you're wearing them they are that discreet. And if you feel you have to "up the ante" a bit you can always go to briefs, or what's known in your neck of the woods as nappies. But if that's what you need to be comfortable then that is okay!
The point is, there is something you can do to have a good lifestyle as you recover from the final effects of surgery and there is plenty of good help. So in this day and age there is no need to feel depressed or worry about laughing and sneezing etc.
I think our motto should be, "Here to Help," and we are!
I read a lot about doctors that go through the motions and don’t seem to care. My surgeon has done literally thousands of robotic prostatectomys. While I was in recovery he gave my wife his cell phone number. He said if I had any issues with catheter to call him. He said “don’t let anyone else touch that catheter”.

A few days later my catheter quit draining. I sent him a text at 11:00 on a Saturday night. He said he would meet me at his office in 20 minutes.

He irrigated the catheter. I was back home by 12:30 am.

Anyone that knows about emergency rooms in the US knows that I would have been there at least 6 hours.

My original urologist retired and my surgeon is now my urologist.

There are some good ones out there !
I had bph surgery and pulled the catheter as instructed the next day. No urine at all so i had to boogie to his office before he left at 2pm on Friday.

Thats wrong. His nurse tried 3 times, finally he came in and did it. Painful and not good followup care
Ow! :( @Doug, I'm sorry but that really hurt to read it! I think I'd be a bit leery if I were told to pull the catheter out. I'd insist on having someone professional do it.
It was the 4th time postop that I did it. Twice after laser bladder stone removal, twice after bph. I have survival of the fittest uro guys!
Hi folks thanks for all the info ive had from you all its been brilliant its amazing what you can glean from people to help with problems ive tried to get an appointment with the doc but with this virus its a nightmare but ive managed it 😁😁 so just have to wait and see what happens but just a massive thank you to everybody for helping.. Jonno
Well,maybe so. She tried 3-4 times with 2 different types of catheters, one with a bend to it! All with just the local gel, 24 hours after the surgery, right over raw tissue! Finally the doc came in and got it. Never went back to him
Hey Doug, I don't blame you one bit not going back to that doctor! I wouldn't either! I still cringe when reading about it! You should get a medal for bravery! From my own experience I had a laparoscopic hernia repair at a hospital about `18 miles from home. When I awoke I was surprised to find they had stuck a catheter in me during surgery but they must have pulled it out before I woke up. They sent me to a post-op room and told me I could go home when I peed. Well I couldn't. Just couldn't go! That went on for hours, well into the evening. I knew a lady I work with at the nature center came to take me home and I was extremely apologetic when I told her what was going on and that my dumb bladder was keeping her waiting there. She said no apology was needed and that she would stay for however long it took. I appreciated that but felt so sorry for doing that to her. And by the way, she still speaks to me! Finally a nurse came in and did a "straight cath." Definitely not something I've had on my bucket list! And to me that was "cringe-worthy" enough!
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