Hooking Up

Very wise words from maymay941,newbie2 and Allan. And I agree 100percent with their words. And I am also very straightforward with my neurogenic bladder and diapers and haven't been rejected because of that either, so I encourage you to be honest with it. It's hard the first times but you'll soon be much more self confident, you'll see. Best regards
Everybody here who has had a partner accept their incontinence is a male. That’s because *females* have empathy and understanding. But for women, the opposite is true: no man, when you’re first dating them, will put up with your incontinence nor you diapers.
Me being a lifelong bedwetter I can understand the stigma of informing a significant other of your bladder or bowel issues. I would hope they can see past that and accept the person as they are.
snow said:
Everybody here who has had a partner accept their incontinence is a male. That’s because *females* have empathy and understanding. But for women, the opposite is true: no man, when you’re first dating them, will put up with your incontinence nor you diapers.
Speaking as a guy who’s single, while good health and attractiveness is important in a partner it’s not the only thing, so many women that have that “perfect” appearance are lunatics, narcisists, or frankly just dumb that the shine wears off before you get to the end of the first date.

I would take a woman with a bladder issue who’s nice, kind, and smart any day and I think many guys would too.
Newbie2this thank you for your words of encouragement.
Every one/every woman, needs words of encouragement.
Artiejr, you are blessed and you know it!
It is so nice to receive compassion and empathy from the majority of posters on here. We all (men and woman) come here to be lifted up when we are down and share critically helpful tips on how others have figured out how to cope with what seems like an impossible situation. We face so much negative in our daily lives it is hopeful to read the (mostly) positive advice in this community.
@Newbie2this - I am quite sure I would have treated it similar - but fortunately I am married. My wife has had her incontinence issues - without that being a problem for me. It has helped me to feel less ashamed when we in periods have been diapered both of us.

@snow I understand your bad experiences and I know it is true for many men’s. But all of us are not that bad in that area. I am no saint, and have my faults as I guess all of us have. I am sure there is a lot of males that are better than your quite harsh description.
Has anyone heard any updates from Emma? I totally respect the fact that this is personal and private and she may not want to share, I get it, just wondering if it turned out OK.
There was only 1 post. No replies. No posts on other topics. It does make it suspicious as to the intent.
Yanked the chain and it all went down the toilet. But it did wake up a sleepy community. If any of you are familiar with old time bath room fixtures you will get the parody.
@Klew11 Yes, I have learned to cope by learning to live alone. That means I have to pay for everything by myself which by working double overtime to afford life. I’m going to have to hire a handyman from time to time because there are things that just need to be done by man hands.
Not sure how this goes in here but perhaps under the heading of take our situation with grace

A man held open the door of a store for a woman to enter.
She snarled you don't have to open the door for me just because I'm a lady!

The man replied
I didn't.
I did it because I am a gentleman.
I love it when a gentleman opens a door for me and my bones made of dust. I never protest and am always most grateful - and tell him so.
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