Hey all


Staff member
Amputation went perfect. Only problem was they couldn't get me to stop throwing up once i was awake. That lasted until 11pm. Its weird ill give you that. I have little zaps of pain where my leg is....but isnt. Its better than the constsnt pain i had though. I decided to try underwear while i was here. Bad decision. Ended up shipping a case of northshore supremes to the hospital. They had diapers but they were terrible. All in all things are ok. Cant wait to get home to my cat. Next friday.
Hope you continue to improve every day so you can get home where you’ll be more comfortable. The sooner the better.
I really don't know how to reply to what you have been through. I hope you continue to improve, and be as positive as you can be.
So glad you got though it and are on the road to recovery. Been praying for you and the staff caring for you. Just know lots of folks are praying and keeping you close to their hearts while you recover.
Sure kitty will be happy when you are home too.
Have a great evening my friend. Glad you are back🙂
Thank you for the update. I have heard from others that sometimes anaesthetics make stomachs unhappy... Sorry to hear that the hospital had such inadequate supplies. Glad to hear that your "phantom" is behaving itself most of the time. Best of luck with physical therapy, etc. Hope that your cat isn't as annoyed with you as mine used to be when I left them for more than a day.
I am happy that the surgery went will pry for a speedy recovery for you and good choice on the North Shore
I am so glad that it went really well, hope that the pain will remain much less than before. Just be prepared for the phantom pains and feelings to be with you from now on, I have had one finger amputated now for 30 years and I still have to scratch it even though it is not there because it itches so bad sometimes. I had my pinky finger and half my hand amputated a few years ago and that too still hurts and itches etc. Just a heads up. Good Luck I will be thinking and praying for you.
I’m glad to hear it went as well as it did. I’ve been thinking about you and hoping for the best. I know your kitty misses you. Keep healing and keep up you spirits during recovery!
I am very glad all work out well for you. I am sure your kitty misses you. L the best in your future recovery. Keep your spirits strong and always think positively.
I’m very glad that the surgery went well and that your recovery seems to be proceeding as well as can be expected.
Thanks for the update! Glad everything went well. Sorry you had trouble with the after effects of anesthesia. Been there, done that. I always tell them now, so they can adjust the dose or add in drugs...whatever they do...so I don’t get sick. Praying for a full recovery.
Ive been wondering how this all went for you. Im glad your recovering well. Ive had the vomiting after surgery too and since then I always tell the anesthesiologist that I have had vomiting after waking up after surgery and I believe they give me something to help with it, Im not sure what or when they do that.
Thank you for letting us know how you are. You have been through a lot, and I'm glad you are managing everything. Blessings for continued healing, and a sweet reunion with your cat.
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