

Staff member
I am new to the group. I have a neurogenic bladder and it causes significant life disruptions. It's a comfort to interact with others with similar struggles.
Welcome from another 'neurobladder' person. It's good you signed up here and maybe we can help lessen the struggles some.

Same here, Daisy Grace, except I have both a neurogenic bladder and bowel. This is a great forum with great people to support and advise. Use it and don't be shy! We've all been there in one way or another!
I’ve been dealing with neurogenic bladder, as well as IC & painful bladder spasms since an accident in my 20’s, and 30 years later I can assure you it does get easier. It was a crushing blow when it happened, even more so when I realized it would never heal, and no matter how hard I worked at it, it wasn’t going to change anything.
Instead I those to focus those energies at learning how to adapt, yet still live a “FULL” life. Looking back I think I’ve done exactly that.I still get up and go wherever my knees & back will take me, every single day!
This is a great place to discuss things that might be awkward elsewhere, and judgement is simply not tolerated.
Wish you all the best!
Welcome. You've come to the right place. Looked up Neurogenic Bladder. I may have 1 too. I certainly have the symptoms. I've got Diabetes. Always wondered if that had something to do with my OAB/FI. Have urinary retention too. Have appt. with Spine Clinic in June. Had MRI of Lumbar Spine. Wonder what's up with that. Have had bulging discs in the past. Again, welcome!
Welcome, I too have a neurogenic bladder as a result of a brain tumour. This place is amazing especially when feeling alone etc
Thanks for reaching out. I am already feeling like part of a community! It has been so isolating at times. I was born with a neurogenic bladder. I hasn't been easy, but I am lucky to have a supportive family and friends. They are sympathetic, but can not empathize with me. Now that I am getting older, it's getting worse. I really appreciate your openness and positivity.
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