Drinking carbonated and caffeinated drinks

@iuwogeo My Gastro has me on 40mg 2 x a day script. I used to buy those as they were cheaper than the 40 mg1 x a day script and I would take 20 2x a day. That worked better for me than one 40 a day. The stomach acid makes me horse a lot with a little sore throat. I like the hot coffee on my throat.
My urologist has strongly suggested that I minimize my caffeine and or carbonated beverages; caffeine more so. I am advised to consume only 8 oz of caffeine a day. His opinion is that the prostate is greatly affected by caffeine and why many men end up with BPH.
@mustangmike I understand the 12+ hour workdays and need for caffeine. Add to that the hour each way to work and days are shot. You might want to try the 5 hour energy towards the mid part of the day. They are only 4 or 5 oz I think. Sometimes that helps me. I wouldn't try it too late in the day as that keeps me awake at night. My schedule is also why my Kegel exercise program isn't on a good schedule. The Reign Energy Drink does seem to go right through me. After that at lunch, if I am out in the field, I will definitely need a second pad before leaving for the day. Also, prilosec for the acid reflux. Been on that stuff for years to control it. Works great. I use a generic brand from my HMO.
All sodas, sugar, alcohol, and coffee causes a great increase in the amount of leakage for me. Makes sense as the kidneys use water to help rid our blood of these impurities and toxins, at least thats my understanding.
@wyr13 I agree: I also take Prilosec once in the morning and once at bedtime, so I don’t get stomach ulcers from the huge amount of Aleve I have to take every day for back pain. You can easily get a prescription for Prilosec from your physician and then it will cost less money than if you buy it over the counter. Mine is close to free in in terms of my prescription co-pay.

I can also vouch for the awesomeness of 5 Hour Energy. I only use the extra-strength versions. They contain 230mg of caffeine and 2000mg of “energy blend.” Don’t waste your money on the generic versions; they may cost slightly less, but they don’t have the same quantity of caffeine, taurine, Niacin, B6, nor B12, etc. Don’t try to savor the taste of them and drink them slowly because they taste disgusting! Just get them in your body as if you were downing a shot of liquor. Be ready with something else to drink right afterward like water or regular soda to get the taste of them out of your mouth. I agree that you shouldn’t take them after about 4:00 p.m. or they might keep you awake too late . They have the same benefits as a full can of Monster or any other energy drink. The primary awesomeness is that they’re only 1.93 fl. oz.!!! so they’re not going to make you pee very much extra. Every convenience store sells them (usually near the register) so you can always get one easily, but they do cost more money there than at the grocery store. At a grocery, you can buy them in bulk in a box of 10-20 of them. They’re usually sold somewhere near the pharmacy. If you don’t see them for sale, ask the pharmacist where you can buy a box of them and the pharmacy staff will gladly point you in the right direction.

I typically keep one in my car, my purse, and my nightstand at all times for when I need to wake up and immediately get going, when I don’t have the time to even make coffee. I don’t drink them every day because I try to save up their power for occasions when I really do need them, like when I have to get up really early or when I have to do something physically demanding and I’m super exhausted. I try to avoid building up a tolerance to them.

Hope this helps!
@Ruhappy Spicy food, caffeine sodas, and sugar don’t cause additional urination for me, but coffee, tea, ice cream, yogurt, soup, and water go right through me. It’s different for everyone and depends on one’s diagnosis. Water and tea are the very worst for me for some reason.
I was strongly and boldly by my urologist to stop drinking as much caffeine as I had been prior to my green light procedure. I was told 12 oz at most, when I was drinking about 64 oz of coffee daily before the procedure. If I did not want to end back up on the operating table, then I needed to change my habits. I never heard anything about carbonated drinks. BPH is part of life, but caffeine exacerbates it.
I haven't had anything but water now for two weeks. This throat and tonsil cancer treatment is kicking my butt. The radiation everyday for the last 3 weeks has made my throat so sore water is the only thing that goes down without burning. That and the liquid diet they have me on. Haven't had to use the feeding tube they put in me yet but I think it won't be long. Another round of chemo on Monday and 4 weeks of radiation to go. I guess that has taken care of my desire for caffeine. When you need it most, you can't have it at all.
Wyr13 really shocked to hear of the health treatment. You are a strong positive person so hopefully you will be back to coffee soon. Get well!!!
hello I am new to this forum. A little about me i am diabetic for about 37 years now, incontinent both B/B. I expect the diabetes has taken it's toll but I love diet cokes and other carbonated sodas and if not a UTI I get the worse symptoms associated with GERD so caffeine and carbonation from sodas do me bad. I guess everyone is different. I have a lot going on especially embarrassing is the fe incontinence just started that beyond leakage. wanted to find some support somewhat. I am listening to your stories and see we all everywhere have something going on. Many hopes and prayers for endurance and strength for everyone.
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