Hello from the great indoors

Hey all. Things are ok in DC. I don’t think people here are taking it seriously enough. Our death and infection rates are still rising. People are still gathering in large groups. I’m hunkering down inside as much as possible. A friend of mine brought over toilet paper, paper towels, and wipes. That was great. We went on a short walk (both wearing masks) and sat in the sun for a bit. I cannot walk far due to muscle atrophy in my left leg (the prosthetic is fine oddly enough) so we didn’t go far. Maybe 8 blocks total. He’s the first person I’ve seen besides my aide and random people/neighbors walking by in quite some time. I saw my prosthetist last Wednesday and I’ll see him next Wednesday. That was nice. Got to interact with folks at the hospital and treat myself to a coffee. My incontinence is the same and will probably never change. I got 2 cases of abena l4 and some of the chux pads I like. I moved some of my bills around to be able to afford them.
Hi deraven,
This is so true, we all eventually meet our maker, not always the way we prefer either, but this one part of life for all of us.

Thank you for the vital work you do, especially now.

Bedwetter said:
@laalaauk, Are you able to get Belly Bags there? They changed my life for the WAY BETTER! I just hate leg bags, but the Belly Bag sits low on your hips and is easily disguised under virtually any clothing. Mine are made by RUSCH. Check them out, if available, they could diminish at least one stressor in your life.
hi and yes, I have one but they are not suitable for use with an external catheter which is what I use.
@AlasSouth I hear you. We call them chemists or pharmacy, same thing at the end of the day. Stay safe, we will soon be through this.
AlasSouth, I’m in Salt Lake - wish I was in Alaska; I *adore* Alaska! I moved back here (SLC) to my birthplace to take care of my parents and to ski and snowboard... but soon after I moved here I fell down a cliff and severed some spinal nerves... just two weeks after divorce. My ex-husband and I had planned to move to Alaska. SLC gets wayyyyyyy too hot; I don’t feel comfortable after 70’F - I know some love 90’F - not me. The colder tte better for me.
I colored with crayons, colored pencils, glitter pens, and markers today, in three dollhouse-size (1” x 1/2”) books today for a Mother’s Day present. All of the above are wonders.
Another thing I forgot to point out is that since COVID I’ve been more active on these boards. I used to just lurk; now I contribute. I love all of you: your bravery, your forthrightness, your truths, and your sharing. I feel for all of you!
I just thought I’d share a quick bit of humor mixed with “You never know when something amazing is going to happen, so keep your mind, eyes & ears open”! Every day I try to get out and walk or hike with my Wife and my Siberian Red Husky, both of whom are largely responsible for the fact that I can walk at all!
Today I woke up in a pretty lousy mood because of all times for something like this to happen, I twisted my knee and landing knee first on a boulder (apparently much worse than I thought)! After spending the last 5 weeks with my grapefruit sized knee elevated and packed in ice, as all non-emergency visits are on hold until further notice, or according to my absolutely zero medically trained Orthopedist’s Receptionist, a limb unexpectedly fell off!!! I’d just have to wait like everyone else...
I just happened to run into my Orthopedic NP picking up groceries at the drive through who also happens to be an absolutely WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING! Very next morning I was in getting X-Rays before and after they drained my knee. After more injections of some painkiller they did an MRI only to find what we thought was an extremely swollen Bursa, or Bakers Cyst was a broken knee cap. NOTE to all of you sane folks! If you ever feel you are qualified to burst a Bakers Cyst the size of 1/2 a tennis ball, DON’T DO IT! Please seek proper mental & medical attention immediately... In my BRILLIANCE (& frustration) I did exactly this, and it felt like I stuck an electrically charged IV of acid in my leg, then set it on fire! I’ll get back to you on this later...
So back to why I started this note. This afternoon Grumpy me is driving down a twisty road through the forest with the top and doors off my Jeep, angry I’m not hiking along the River I can see through the forest on this beautifully sunny and breezy 70 degree day. I catch a glimpse of a large bird scooping low towards the river, so fast I couldn’t quite make out what it was (I pride myself on my 35+ years of photography, so I usually know my raptors)! Out of nowhere this stunning Bald Eagle bursts out of a gap in the trees with an enormous Bass in its talons! I can’t believe I’m seeing this until I realize this beautiful Eagle is not gaining altitude, and it’s headed directly at my windshield! Grumpy Tom has left the building!!! and I’m staring directly into the beak of this Eagle as it struggles to pull up! I slam on the brakes to hopefully not kill this wonderful creature and at the last second it dropped the Bass just in time for the Bass to hit my huge steel bumper & winch and blow Bass guts all over my windshield, only to hear the Eagle let out an ear splitting screech inches from my head! It was such a GREAT RUSH I honestly had to pull over for a minute just to suck it in for a moment... I looked around and not a feather in sight, but I’ve got plenty of Bass all over the front of my Jeep to show for it!
Wish you all the best, keep your eyes open for the good stuff!
That is awesome! I bet you were enjoying every second. 🙂 sorry to hear about your knee. Glad you were able to get it looked out after all. Both mine are shot and need replaced, baker cyst’s and torn tendons are terrible and take a good while to heal.
Wish you the very best in all this and with getting the poor splatted fish off your Jeep.
Have a great day today,
OMG!!!! How many people could ever say that happened to them? Bet you wish you were wearing a Go-Pro!
deravin82. That's a tough one. You don't have an easy job in the best of times.
Sprung. An Alaska Airlines jet, more than a few years ago, was departing Yakatat (An incredibly small and isolated place at the top of the Alaska SE Panhandle) when a bald eagle dropped a fish on the windshield. Didn't crack the windshield, as far as i know, but they ran out of wiper fluid. They were required to return to the airport. If i remember right, an incident like that triggers a mandatory FAA exam. I think AK Air had to fly the passengers out on another plane. Since no one was hurt, the jokes got pretty fun. But I've always wondered what the pilot told the passengers as he turned around!
Your Attention, Please. This is the Captain. Please refasten your seat belts. We regret that we are turning around to return to Yakatat. A bald eagle made a strafing run and hit us with a fish. My co-pilot thinks it was a Silver Salmon, but our Head Flight Attendant comes from a fishing family and says it was a Red Salmon. We will be serving salmon for lunch. Enjoy. The one and only Alaska Airlines agent will be on the Tarmac to direct you to the terminal.
@AlasSouth @jrpoorman

The 64 box with the crayon sharpener was the ultimate get for school. Mom usually got the smaller box, but one year I got THE BOX. 😆
Hi AlasSouth, I do remember that very story about the salmon smacking the windshield of that 737. That news made the wire services in the Lower 48. I think they dubbed that plane with the name of "Salmon-47" although it was a 737. Hopefully that eagle was able to find another salmon somewhere to replace the one he had lost!
You brought back that nickname: Salmon-37! It made me laugh, again. Thanks! (Trust the media not to know the difference of a 737 & a 747! He He He)
There's a channel on You-Tube: Mentour Pilot. He flies 737s and I'd love his take on that! He had a show about how to make an announcements to the passengers, and I tried to use that as a guideline (well, with tongue-in-check.) :D
Stay safe!
especially today's media!!!!! I don't think most of the newsies would know a 747 if they tripped over one! And that would take a lot of doing to trip over a 747!!!! I'll need to check that Youtube when I have a few spare moments to hear from that pilot. Of course that "Salmon 37" now has many more offspring what with all of the 800,900 and the late lamented Max models!
Thanks for your reply and I will definitely try to stay safe and you do the same!!!
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