Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Staff member
The title says it all! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on the forum whether you have been here for a long time or are new here and still just getting to know everyone.
And happy Thanksgiving not only to our American members but to everyone else, whether it's across the pond or wherever in the world.
I am thankful for the friendship of everyone here and giving thanks isn't something necessarily restricted to within the U.S. borders. But it's for everyone no matter where you live!!
So it's time to be thankful and if you're lucky enough to have a really special dinner and luckier yet to have close family, then enjoy to the fullest!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving Bill! I'm thankful for many things. Today, I'm going to be working around the house - getting everything prepared for a good Thanksgiving meal.

Hope everybody in the community has a safe and warm Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving, 7 weeks out from a prostatectomy Oct 6. Leaking like a broken dishwasher, but thankful I (hopefully) don’t have cancer anymore. Feeling good and planning to have a great day with family. I hope everyone has a terrific day.
happy thanksgiving

hope it's a good one for you all.

since we're all sharing something we're thankfull for, I'm thankfull for you all- not having close family (or indeed any family) I see you all as that family

they say you can choose your friends but can't choose your family, but I think they are wrong about that. this is my family right here
Beautiful thoughts right there @emily91! I do agree there are times when you can choose your family. And you having chosen us as your family makes it all that much more special for everyone here!!!
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Unfortunately, mine is spending time in the ICU with my husband who had surgery on Monday. Not much fun, but at least he’s on the mend.
Happy holidays to all!!!! Hope whatever you’re doing today you are happy. Don’t let incontinence ruin your day. It’s really no big deal. Sending love to everyone
Not only the best Thanksgiving song ever but maybe the only one ever!!! That was fun!!! And thank you for sharing that!!! I'll be doing my own gobble gobble one, gobble gobble two about 6:30 tonight. But I can promise you I won't get dressed up as a turkey or as Donald Trump or Joe Biden!!!
And @Kathylp, I hope your husband continues his recovery from surgery and that he is on his feet again soon!! Best wishes for that!!!😊😊😊
Kole my Service Dog in Training and I went down to the La Crosse Center for the annual Community Thanksgiving dinner we had a nice meal and spent some social distance safe time with the community I hope everyone else had a good Thanksgiving

Hi @DPCARE I'm glad you had a place where you could get a nice dinner and be a part of (Not apart from!) the community. Makes me hungry to look at it as in another 90 minutes I'll be joining long-time friends of my family for our version of Thanksgiving. And I like the placemats they gave at the LaCrosse Center that were decorated by the local schoolchildren. Kids are always so expressive!!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the day and the upcoming weekend!
Looks like Kole was just lying back and taking it all in stride!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all! I spent a week in upper Virginia with my sister so I could go to my Johns Hopkins Brady Urological Institute appointment. Finally I got a diagnosis so that I can start treatment and therapy. I somehow had damaged nerves and muscles and developed neurogenic bladder. I live in SC so I will be going to Charleston to MUSC Urological Clinic. My suggestions from Johns Hopkins are helping me already. I hope everyone will have the happiest of holidays!
Thank You yes the dinner was quite nice and it is a big community affair every year, I Believe they serve close to 5,000 meals they have a large number of volunteers they offer free meal carryout dinners and free delivered meals for those who need it there are no income requirements the meal is offered to anyone in the community at no charge, they do accept donations. There is a large bakery downtown La Crosse that cooks all the turkeys and a local high school has students baking all the pumpkin pies as a school project. It is a wonderful community tradition in La Crosse and a wonderful way for many community members to enjoy a Thanksgiving Meal

billliveshere said:
Hi @DPCARE I'm glad you had a place where you could get a nice dinner and be a part of (Not apart from!) the community. Makes me hungry to look at it as in another 90 minutes I'll be joining long-time friends of my family for our version of Thanksgiving. And I like the placemats they gave at the LaCrosse Center that were decorated by the local schoolchildren. Kids are always so expressive!!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the day and the upcoming weekend!
Looks like Kole was just lying back and taking it all in stride!!!!
Oh Yes Kole was spot on he is a very smart dog thank you

billliveshere said:
Hi @DPCARE I'm glad you had a place where you could get a nice dinner and be a part of (Not apart from!) the community. Makes me hungry to look at it as in another 90 minutes I'll be joining long-time friends of my family for our version of Thanksgiving. And I like the placemats they gave at the LaCrosse Center that were decorated by the local schoolchildren. Kids are always so expressive!!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the day and the upcoming weekend!
Looks like Kole was just lying back and taking it all in stride!!!!
Thank you so much for the wonderful photos. It's sobering to see "I am thankful for shelter and food" written in a child's handwriting. I ran across this quote which also helped to put today into perspective for me:

• Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire...if you did, what would you have to look forward to?

• Be thankful when you don't know something...it gives you the opportunity to learn.

• Be thankful for the difficult times...during those times you grow.

• Be thankful for your limitations...they give you opportunities for improvement.

• Be thankful for each new challenge...which will build your strength and character.

• Be thankful for your mistakes...they will teach you valuable lessons.

• Be thankful when you're tired and weary...because it means you've given your all.

• It's easy to be thankful for the 'good' things. Yet a life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are thankful for the setbacks.

• Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings.
Very nice and apropos thoughts for today, our day of thanks, @cpalmer3930! Although we are thankful for the basics like food and shelter and friends and families, those quotes show us that we also have more than the basic tangible things to be thankful for.
I agree especially with the first one in being thankful you don't already have all that you desire since you still have things to look forward to! And something like that is what keeps us going and striving and achieving.
And mistakes do teach you the most valuable lessons. And being thankful you're tired and weary does mean you've given it all you've got! I feel that way after a day teaching kids about nature at the nature center where I volunteer.
And @DPCARE, it seems like you have a very public-spirited community for you to be thankful for as well! With 5,000 meals (and I get tired fixing just one meal for me!!!) and an army of volunteers who pitch in and give their all to guarantee a meal to all who want and need one is no small accomplishment!!!
With a local bakery cooking the turkeys and high school students baking pumpkin pies as a school project, and schoolchildren who design and make the placemats, those are just some of the pieces that fit into a giant puzzle that gives you a community to really be thankful for!!!😊😊😊😊
A big "well done!!!" for LaCrosse!!!!
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