Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Staff member
It's Thanksgiving and although most of our festivities may be curtailed or drastically altered this year it is still a time to be thankful. Although we have been through many hurdles and challenges we still have things that we are blessed with and look back thankful we on the forum got through the year. Despite unprecedented difficulties many friendships were formed here. So I'm thankful to everyone here, doesn't matter where you're from, who has been a friend and a wonderful support. We are a strong community because of everyone's support and friendship. And for those who live in places such as Canada, Mexico, Africa, etc., and across the pond in Britain, I am most thankful for your support and friendship as well. Giving thanks is not just an American thing but it applies to everyone as we all have much to give and have given so much.
And to everyone near and afar, so many thanks to you. And no matter where you are, I hope you have a safe and wonderful day. And may better days be ahead in the (hopefully) not too distant future!
Backatcha, all of you. The group has helped me a lot and for that zi am thankful. Each one of you should puff up your chests from time to time and self acknowledge the good you do on here, and I am sure you do the same in life. Eat up
Well @jrpoorman, the turkey is, much to its chagrin, the star of the show today!!!:D Now who can pass the cranberry sauce????
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

They say that a couple of years before I was born, that Jesus Christ cured ten lepers of their disease, but only one of them ever bothered to thank him. I try to make sure that I am THAT guy, not one of the other nine. I want to thank all of you for the inspiration I have received since joining, and especially the guy who gave me the tip on Zinc Oxide. See you next year! (hopefully cancer free)
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