Man, that sound like a pain! There are all sorts of strange reactions.
There is one family of antibiotics that make me pass out. The nurses were not impressed when I hit the floor.
There's a drug you can't take with Grapefruit. Grapefruit? How Weird is that?
There's an antibiotic that negates The Pill.
My wife and I both cut our hair short for getting ahead of chemo.
I don't remember which medicine, but you can't get exposed to sunlight. Is that an antibiotic, too?
Bet if they ever get a drug for incontinence, it gives you purple polka-dots the size of - well - grapefruit. (I'll still take it. I look good in purple.)
Here's to side effects.
Mankind's greatest scientific advance was hot running water. Hair doesn't have to be very long before getting it clean is the finest sensation.